If you met God what would you say to him?


I am speaking not just of hs failure to maintain a decent, peaceful planet, but also his utter failure to do anything interesting or long lasting in the peroid prior to said planets creation!

Wow, are you a creationist?

There was loads going on before the Earth's creation.
Oh, yes, of course, I pursue only the glory of god and redeeming of humanity through purification of the soul yada-yada-yada.

If you call a bunch of explosions and a few space rocks 'loads' then I can't say I'm impressed.

He can do anything...and he sits and plays with galactic patterns?

Thats not being mysterious, thats just plain laziness.
Oh 20 questions for God? I'll think of ten now and ten later.

!. Why did you make love so difficult? I get that you're a big fan of it, but you made us all so different it's like finding a needle in a haystack. I thought you'd make it like air and water and free.

2.Does it hurt to be God? When my doggy gets sick or injured there is a strange almost pain of dread in the pit of my stomach. Not quite a burning, but something akin to it.an ache and a sadness. And she is just my dog. What do you feel when we are hurt?

3. How free is free will? i think I have an inkling on how it works on this rock. Not to be arrogant. Tell me if i have it figured out right. In my bones I know i do.

4. Sex, is awesome. Thanks for that. What's up with hymens though? It seems rather pointless. I think you're a bit of a masochist. Not in a bad way. You just know how marking upon the memory painful things are so the most important things always hurt.

5. Why can't be we just a leetle smarter? You'd prolly say the brains we have get us into enough trouble and if we were any smarter we'd be more dangerous. But seriously, we're pretty dumb and a little knowledge goes a long way. You don't really want us naked and dumb and sexless in gardens do you?

6 Have YOU ever been in love? What would make god lose his head. Sometimes I wonder if you and lucifer had a thing going and it was all just one big lover's spat replaying its way through time. Most beautiful angel indeed.

7. Why did you make us all empaths? Why don't we feel the pain we cause other people? It seems more efficient than the current way.

8. Karma. why does it take so long? Can't you streamline that stuff.

9.Why are you so quiet? Billions of people wait for even a whisper, and you're as mute as a mountain. What would it really hurt. Sure the whole Jesus thing might give you pause as to our receptiveness.

10. i want to know the limitations of my potential.What was I capable of that I didn't accomplish? what are we all capable of that we don't accomplish?
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Oh, yes, of course, I pursue only the glory of god and redeeming of humanity through purification of the soul yada-yada-yada.

If you call a bunch of explosions and a few space rocks 'loads' then I can't say I'm impressed.

He can do anything...and he sits and plays with galactic patterns?

Thats not being mysterious, thats just plain laziness.

Well a bunch of self-replicating organisms isn't exactly impressive either.

Still my only beef with your post was the timescale, which exists for around 13 billion years, not eight million aeons (which would be eight millon infinities and therefore impossible).
BoredNow, my darling... I adore you! <3
Well a bunch of self-replicating organisms isn't exactly impressive either.

Still my only beef with your post was the timescale, which exists for around 13 billion years, not eight million aeons (which would be eight millon infinities and therefore impossible).

I see you haven't met the multi-verse.

Perhaps we are doomed to disagree on everything?

I should make very good friends with such a person.
I'd ask him if he likes The Sandman by Neil Gaiman.
I see you haven't met the multi-verse.

Perhaps we are doomed to disagree on everything?

I should make very good friends with such a person.

But you cannot use the multiverse as an example because if they are real we do not know if they run on the time constraints as our own or have different ones. And who knows, they could be brilliant and god filled them with so much love that he didn't have enough for our own.

In short, you can only speak for our own universe.
Ran out of love?D:

Are you suggesting God has limits?
Hahah, I'd make a good angry theist I think, asides from being terrible at deluding myself about easy things.

No, but it does make it possible to use a term like '13 million aeons' and still make sense.

You forget, God is an entirely subjective topic.

God is how you view him, I'm certain that every Christian has their own little image of God.

Thus, if I cannot see astounding glory, or even remnants of it, then for me to say God is dissapointing is entirely valid, because my opinion of God and my visualisation of him are one the same.:P
Sounds like you're copping out. C'mon lets argue some more about a subject that neither of us could possibly comprehend.

Still aeon means forever which equates to infinity. As infinity is without beginning or end you cannot quantify it.

Then I'd kick him in the shin.
I was tempted to say something like this too. I know I'd chicken out though.
Seriously though, he needs a good kick.
Sounds like you're copping out. C'mon lets argue some more about a subject that neither of us could possibly comprehend.

Still aeon means forever which equates to infinity. As infinity is without beginning or end you cannot quantify it.

Uh, no?

Aeon is similar to 'age' in one meaning...

(Lemme check with Microsoft word)

Yes, I definately copped out with that one.


Ah, here we are.

Geologically, it is
:a division of geological time comprising two or more eras

If we take 'Era' as being a century, seeing how we tend to define era's and their cultural impact by their century, I don't see how 26 million era's is impossible given the size of the universe and the longelived nature of god!

Or, if we take it as the informal
a period of time that is boringly or dishearteningly long

I could have been using a figure of speech to say 'rather long time' in a vague manner to get my point accross.

Silly git.
Uh, no?

Aeon is similar to 'age' in one meaning...

(Lemme check with Microsoft word)

Yes, I definately copped out with that one.


Ah, here we are.

Geologically, it is
:a division of geological time comprising two or more eras

If we take 'Era' as being a century, seeing how we tend to define era's and their cultural impact by their century, I don't see how 26 million era's is impossible given the size of the universe and the longelived nature of god!

Or, if we take it as the informal
a period of time that is boringly or dishearteningly long

I could have been using a figure of speech to say 'rather long time' in a vague manner to get my point accross.

Silly git.

Geologically, an era is a hell of a lot more than a century. If you're gonna use the definition use it properly.
I am using it properly sir, now do yourself a favour and read all of what I've written, and don't reply to you understand.

Then we switch opinions, and I do the same for you.

This is how we INTP's tango.

Constant challenge of the self and the ability to consider many possibilities:}
I am using it properly sir, now do yourself a favour and read all of what I've written, and don't reply to you understand.

Then we switch opinions, and I do the same for you.

This is how we INTP's tango.

Constant challenge of the self and the ability to consider many possibilities:}

If you use the geological eon, you should use the geological era too.

And I'm not an INTP thankfully. Even if I'm still a Ti dominant type I can easily grow bored of these pointless discussions.

I appreciate the +1's though.
Oh, I know you're not INTP sir, I'm merely inviting you to join the fun, the logic-hearted Posse if you will;)

But alright, enough is enough for today, we ought to continue via pm/comment if needbe, but for now we shut the hell up and let other members have a say.
I was actually enjoying this. Do continue.

Also, I'd take a picture of god if he appeared to me at my house.