If you had to choose between...


Community Member
...500 thousand dollars, living to at least the age of 90 in completely perfect health, having your dream person fall in love with you forever, having the power to be invisible for 30 minutes a day, or having the ability to see 10 minutes into the future, what would you choose?

This is a random pointless question, I know. Bored at work. :m083:
Seeing 10 minutes into the future. You could more or less gain all the others with that ability alone.
Option 1 sounds much more appealing.
Mostly because of the love of my life thing.

Seeing 10 minutes into the future is only useful if you are betting on horses.
The money is a good choice. And seeing into the future would be cool...you could get rich possibly, but how would that affect your sanity if you could see the future? I personally would be afraid of that.

I'd choose invisibility. You could have so much fun!
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Hmm....I want to say 10 minutes into the future, but i am thinking myself into a paradox, so the practical side of me says the money. I'd invest it!
Uh. The 10 minutes into the future one sounds very tempting, but I'm just wondering what I can gain from that. True enough that I might be able to gather enough facts about what might happen to me or to everyone else, but then, maybe not, and I'd just waste my chances.

I'll go with being practical and choose the money.
10 minutes into the future, no doubt.
You can see anything that is directly related to your experiences physically. You're able to understand and 'see' what would happen to you and the world around you, 10 minutes from the time you "activated" it. You can see the events that would come to pass if you continued doing things normally, without looking ahead, for ten minutes. You can "activate" whenever you wish. Your actions determine what the future will bring.

Hope that makes sense.
You can see anything that is directly related to your experiences physically. You're able to understand and 'see' what would happen to you and the world around you, 10 minutes from the time you "activated" it. You can see the events that would come to pass if you continued doing things normally, without looking ahead, for ten minutes. You can "activate" whenever you wish. Your actions determine what the future will bring.

Hope that makes sense.

Ohkay! 10 minutes to the future it is. <3
...having your dream person fall in love with you forever, - wait I already have him , sooo, I'll choose... seeing 10 minutes into the future
500 thousand. Could do a lot with that including help a lot of people. :)
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No fair! How come restraint gets 500 million and I'm only offered 500 thousand?

I'd take the invisibility. Even if 'the love of my life' didn't fall in love with me, with the invisibility...well...you know:m081:
Haha I'm sure you would have a field day!

Will I die on my motorcycle if I get it up to 200mph?

Will I get caught if I spraypaint on this building?

Will my buddy get mad if I punch him in the face? J/K!

Blackjack, Poker, other means of hustling.
No fair! How come restraint gets 500 million and I'm only offered 500 thousand?

I'd take the invisibility. Even if 'the love of my life' didn't fall in love with me, with the invisibility...well...you know:m081:

*oops. my bad* heh *hides 500 million and claims 500 thousand instead . . . i think*
I'd take the money. I thought about seeing ten minutes into the future and that isn't enough to win the mega millions lottery.
I'll take the 500 thousand dollars. I don't want to live to the age of 90. :smile:
I'd take the money. I thought about seeing ten minutes into the future and that isn't enough to win the mega millions lottery.

Give me 1k, a futures trading account, and the ability to see 10 min into the future and I'll have 500k in a few days. Just risk borrowed money. Also 10 min foresight would give you the ability to find the love of your life.. so.. why not?
Will I die on my motorcycle if I get it up to 200mph?

Will I get caught if I spraypaint on this building?

Will my buddy get mad if I punch him in the face? J/K!

Blackjack, Poker, other means of hustling.


Imagine if you were having a meal with a close friend and they started choking really badly on some food or whatever, and then you saw with your power that they'd cough it up after 2 minutes.
It'd be funny to just keep asking them what they're choking on, or tell them they have nice eyes.
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