i enjoy the company of 2 friends and one of them sucks, how do i know if i'm judging too much or wri | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

i enjoy the company of 2 friends and one of them sucks, how do i know if i'm judging too much or wri

wow! thanks again! THIS is the info i was really looking for. thank you for answering so candidly and for reading my posts. also thank you for being so forgiving. i feel AWFUL for what i did, for the harm i put other people in, including myfriend who followed me home and was likely drunk himself, and so much so for what it would do to my father to have lost his dad and then to lose me.

what value does this friendship hold...he's like a brother. He's also a drifter n we've talked bout how nobody else knows who we were in other cities. Same people inside, of course, but only we witnessed each other's lives and for some reason that holds meaning, like when siblings talk bout how only each other know what life was like. He's a musician, too, owns his own companies n stuff that he's still building and growing. Most importantly, I think it's cuz we're of those people that left Hell Paso then got sucked back in but brought back "the new way." Imagine if Pilgrims had landed, lived here a while, then returned to Europe and had been touched by the way the Indians lived...that's mostly what we share. Having been in the same places by total coincidence, then ending up here again by total coincidence, plus an increased physical attraction towards each other, I guess we share a mindset that El Pasoans do not have, this town is very, very old fashioned and behind the times. Also, we had the same "creator." My exboyfriend is his ex best friend, picture lestat with the little girl vampire n Brad Pitt. My ex shunned us both, blocked us out completely, for no connected reasons, then soon enough many of our former friends shunned us in the same way. When I was in Seattle i played with other DJs in a crew, my ex included and my friend, we were called "Prophets of the Apocalypse," because oddly enough others of us there were extremely prophetic. I know, it sounds all corny and hokey, but they told Justin that he and I would end up together, which i recently found out. I know his family, he knows mine...to someone who's been a drifter having any connection to anything seems so important.

There aren't many female musicians here, the other female DJ is hooked on heroin so i like her but not thanks. I don';t hang out with male DJs cuz they want to get all intimate n i'm not interested in any of em. I've dated white collar, blue collar, military, but again, none of em have the balance of the double life. When my friend n I get along, it's awesome! It's like being home, with my kindred spirit. Like it's been this way for lifetimes. His cock is a perfect fit (sorry so crass, but the sex is unbeatable!). I've been chasing him for about 10 years, sometimes more bluntly than other times, n sometimes he's chased me.

The reason i'm so obsessive over this is that INFJs have a hard time getting out of bad relationships. I'm on some personal quest to see what IS a bad relationship vs. a good one. My folks been together for 35 years. I've seen them go through hell together. Some of my friends had parents who remarried and perhaps had less drama, but they are not bonded the way I see my parents are bonded cuz they lived through the good and the bad together. Most of myfamily is still married, mostly 20 yr or longer marriages. As their child, I see a huge value in that they know who they are and have always been together, it's the only thing that kept me sane for many years. I'm very confused as to what holds more value in life - - the few interpersonal connections or living a life of sheer happiness even if it means letting some friendships go.
Hey dj-elsa.

If you are truly interested in learning more about how infj's observe relationships, I'd suggest you check out the members blogs section. As infj's enjoy reading and studying their world through theoretical learning, reading through our members blogs may help you feel less alone on your quest.

Start your own blog. It will help us get to know you, and it will help you get better aquainted with yourself in the process... often times, it gives you a mirror to look back on, and a way to chart your personal growth and to recognize patterns of behavour that you can make easy reference to when going back over your older posts. I know I keep on making reference to the blog section, but it really is a useful way to self analyse.

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Who takes sleeping pills before they work...

There are salmon abounding from this story, not sure where though. :m150:
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Hey dj-elsa.
. As infj's enjoy reading and studying their world through theoretical learning, reading through our members blogs may help you feel less alone on your quest.


that's a great idea! i'm gonna do that

Who takes sleeping pills before they work...

There are salmon abounding from this story, not sure where though. :m150:

lol i didn't take sleeping pills before work, i had taken meds for my hives the night before cuz like a true nerd everything gives me hives. it was a new prescription from the veteran's hospital, and it was wayyy stronger that i ever knew allergy medicine could work, and the effects lasted for about two days since i don't usually take anything, i guess. one of my coworker teachers, she owed me a favor, she even took my students for half an hour so i could take a nap cuz everyone at my job knows i have a hard time when i'm prescribed meds such as those, and really go out of my way to help them otherwise

what do you mean by salmons? i'm really curious
So he followed you home to make
sure you got home alright and yet
you want to know if we'd stop
being friends with him?

I answered that she should make a break from this person simply because they seem to have a chaotic and dysfunctional relationship. It's obvious most of the responsibility falls in her lap and many of you gave the encouraging responses I didn't have time to but I still think after a fiasco like that she needs to take a break from the friendship and do some reflecting. None of us knows what really went down that night since the details are even foggy for the person experiencing it so I have to assume both were at fault and this was simply the culmination of a long series of unknown events.
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thank you! i felt, also, that lots of it fell on my lap, though i do take ful responsibility for alowing myself to end up there. i have to give credit for him following me home to make sure i was ok...though two people on the road instead of one...it all could've been so much nicer...

i realy don't remember cuz trulythose hives pills were very, very strong. even today i dont quite remember though we agreed to talk about it over lunch some time in the next two weeks
yes, that was quite thoughtful of him, and he put my cell phone and dvd in my windshield wipers since i guess i dropped them on my way out

i should really learn how to not let stuff hurt my feelings so bad