I am the only one who gets bored of posts over 8 lines long?


Community Member
The more time I'm on this site the bigger and bigger the posts I'm seeing

Although some topics are interesting I get quite bored of reading through messages that are more than 8 (its actually 5 but I don't want to be frowned upon) lines long!

You should also have a poll for the most consistently long poster of comments Im sure it will be hotly contested!

Feel free to throw out some names Im sure Ill be near the bottom!
No I tend to get bored like that most days...though I do have days when i will read everything.
I get an almost sexual satisfaction when I see a massive post by a member who's posts I like reading. So no, the bigger the better.
There's a fairly easy solution to the problem - don't read those posts and then you won't feel bored. However, you are not alone. The majority of people online don't read long posts. I read/write long posts if it's an interesting topic and sometimes find the short ones repetitious unless they are clever and succinct.
There's a fairly easy solution to the problem - don't read those posts and then you won't feel bored. However, you are not alone. The majority of people online don't read long posts. I read/write long posts if it's an interesting topic and sometimes find the short ones repetitious unless they are clever and succinct.

I cant read the post! I just zone out and look for something funny! haven't said that I will read some when they grab my attention, only so many I dont fit in storys I can read! :-)
The more time I'm on this site the bigger and bigger the posts I'm seeing

Although some topics are interesting I get quite bored of reading through messages that are more than 8 (its actually 5 but I don't want to be frowned upon) lines long!

You should also have a poll for the most consistently long poster of comments Im sure it will be hotly contested!

Feel free to throw out some names Im sure Ill be near the bottom!

I guess it depends on the topic. If it's a long post about a pinguin who can't swim I won't read it. But if it's about a pinguin who can't swim because it has human legs....then that's a completely different story.

I think you get my point :D
I'm embarrassed to say I'm a violater of typing more than 8 sentences. If I have a lot to say on a topic I'll say them and move on.

Now if another person wrote more than 8 sentences and I'm interested I'll read all of it. If not I'll skip or more likely skim what the person has to say and move on from there.
Embarassed? Well, I'm not.

I do what I like, and if you don't like more the eight sentences, you present a solution.

Perhaps I will consider it. Likely not, but, hey, worth a try....
I have no attention span. Unless it's someone that's entertaining I'll just glance over most long posts. Especially in the INFP forum they seem to have an affinity for posting walls of text with no paragraph breaks or indents.
Ehh. I skim super long posts, especially if they are written by someone whose posts I have a history of finding dull or unenlightening.

Probably not a good thing that people are in solidarity of lazily skimming posts. But it goes with the territory of our communication style rapidly evolving as more people use the internet for information and conversation.

Our brains are lazy and dulled with too much hyper-lateral thinking.

Our minds have gotten used to working at warp speeds to keep up with the information flashing at us in thirty second advertisement intervals or chaotic mess on webpages. I don't need yerr long winded rants slowin me down!
It helps to print out longer posts. Physically holding something to read can be a bit different than trying to read a very long post. I sometimes get lost when I read long items online for the reason that I just mentioned.
It helps to print out longer posts. Physically holding something to read can be a bit different than trying to read a very long post. I sometimes get lost when I read long items online for the reason that I just mentioned.

well...................................I just couldn't be arsed!

I do skim but if I skim I don't usually post. Feel like I dont know what Im talking about
What the fuck is the point of being on a forum if you don't actually READ the posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To spew your own opinion and emotional issues. And damn be to all others who do the same.
It's like watching two babies laugh at each other sometimes.