How would you like to be seen by others?


The Romantic Scientist
I've always wanted to be seen as a calm, stable and non-disturbed individual. I would like to have all the answers to everyone else's problems with the ability to have a calming effect when others are in chaos. I would like be seen as the type of person who is able to have other people's trust without even me asking.


Well, at least that's how ideally I would like to be seen by others, but anyways, what about you? How would you like to be seen?
I'd like to be that approachable person who is wise but also fun. I want to be someone people feel that they can trust and be accepted by, if not understood. I want to be seen as a friend, and capable.
I've always wanted to be seen as a calm, stable and non-disturbed individual. I would like to have all the answers to everyone else's problems with the ability to have a calming effect when others are in chaos. I would like be seen as the type of person who is able to have other people's trust without even me asking.


Well, at least that's how ideally I would like to be seen by others, but anyways, what about you? How would you like to be seen?

This; too. Well, if I'm being seen as fun and sociable, more the better, but I want to stay in peace so let people come to me instead..
I would like to be seen as kind and approachable. I would like to be percieved as intelligent and Spiritual also. I want to be a what you see is what you get kind of person.
I'm with Sandra :)
As a fair, friendly and trust-worthy world dictator :)
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In the visible light spectrum. Between 400-700 nm or 2-3 eV.

+1 Sandra's response.
I like to be seen exactly as I am. Otherwise it's way too much effort.
Yeah, I feel most of my grief in life comes from people thinking I am (or that I am thinking) something I'm not.
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I'd like to be seen as someone whose every whim ought to be pampered.

Build me a Tessla coil now!
I've always wanted to be seen as a calm, stable and non-disturbed individual. I would like to have all the answers to everyone else's problems with the ability to have a calming effect when others are in chaos. I would like be seen as the type of person who is able to have other people's trust without even me asking.
This^^^^ Exactly how I'd like to be seen by others. The only thing I would add is compassionate. Oh yeah, and sexy :)
I would like to be seen as my truest Self.

Which is what people see.

So no wish needed for me - such seeing is granted to each and every one of us every day - both as observer and the observed.

So no wish needed for me - such seeing is granted to each and every one of us every day - both as observer and the observed.


Mind my asking, how is this granted to us?