How Long Will Christians Stand By While Islamists Kill Their Brothers? PAX | INFJ Forum

How Long Will Christians Stand By While Islamists Kill Their Brothers? PAX

just me

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
ISIS claims they will kill Christians until the world has been Islamized. They take videos of the killings and put them on the web. Does anyone ELSE see the sheep taking arms?
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Should we be? I know a few who'll have no hesitation in defending their faith and family.
I don't think holding Christians alone responsible for this is a good idea. Probably better to fight this ideologically by educating those closest to the issue about the need for peace, regardless of religious beliefs. The world needs to collectively wage war against discrimination, so that people are not comfortable or complacent with the killing of people based on enforced religious beliefs especially to further terrorist agendas. But I don't think holding Christians responsible without the aid of other major religious groups who do not believe in the destruction of people because they don't follow one religion is fair or realistic. Religious belief is a choice. Once people are taught to feel they don't have the choice, but must conform or risk losing their lives as result, then that's the true basis of terrorism. If we were socialized as nations to view ourselves as citizens of the world, then we would as a group demand greater accountability from everyone. If more nations who enforce the belief that only one religion should be followed (meaning it is not a choice) would realize the inherent danger in forcing these kinds of beliefs on others, then this would make discrimination less tolerable around the world. Not that this is the only way for Christians to have an impact, but I think messages of peace, which include showing understanding of other beliefs, although not necessarily agreeing with them, can diminish the need or desire to eradicate people simply because they don't share those beliefs.
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They should open their homes to their brothers who want a safe place away from the crazy people, I think there are enough Christians in the world for that. Finding out that all of your victims were evacuated to a much more caring and comfortable environment would be kind of a let down from trying to rain 'righteous' fury on unbelieving infidels. Using force to stop ISIS will be temporary at best. Impart the ideals, to the best you can, that keep you from acting like they do. The space aliens have been doing this sort of thing to us for a while.
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ISIS is the creation of the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia

It is there to foment discord in the middle east and provoke more violence

The aim of the people behind these countries is to create tensions between christians and muslims to provoke world war 3

Israel kills far more innocent people than ISIS yet the mainstream news says nothing about that in the US because it is controlled by the zionists:



Here's an interview with an ex US intelligence agency operative who explains how ISIS is the creation of the US, saudi arabia and Israel


‘God Told Me to Do It': The Dangers of America’s Lunatic Right

April 18, 2015 By 21wire

Peter Sterry
21st Century Wire

These are truly insane times.

Aside from the odd grumblings about being a “Christian nation”, here in Britain we are mostly divorced from strong religious themes in our politics. Not so in the US, and I’m not talking about Prayer in Schools here either.

Something big is brewing in America, and it’s not all good. It’s not just the usual war hawk talk from the rank and file Rambo crowd like John McCain, Lindsey Graham and new baby hawks like Senator Tom Cotton. We understand them and their desire to act on behalf of the military industrial complex to sell more Apaches, planes, bombs, boats and missiles. Men such as these can be found everywhere throughout history. They love and want war, and always will.

That’s not it though. There is something else. There exists a rather ugly anti-Arab, or more specifically – anti-Islam wave which is being pushed along, gradually building up into a Zeitgeist in US right-wing political and ‘Christian’ discourse. Presently, this is threatening to go mainstream in America. This is partly due to 15 years of the West’s war against Arabs, and a classically conditioned Pavlovian western anxiety surrounding Muslims. This is not just traditional bigotry, or even racism. It is both disturbing – and frightening, not unlike similar Nazi rhetoric which ushered in Germany’s modern dark age. The same patterns are now being mirrored in certain side-shows within the US political circus.


This is exactly how Hitler gathered steam in the early days of the Third Reich – by employing an overtly jingoistic, and even genocidal, racist party line – in order to invigorate his hard core supporters whom he knew would form the phalanx of his foot soldiers later on. In this kind of jagged political environment, facts do not matter at all, but FEAR is everything. If a politician or a street agitator can instil fear into the crowd, then he, or she, knows that power is well within their grasp.

To super charge the political narrative, and rally the remaining foot soldiers who don’t necessarily understand politics too well but are still eager to follow, a leader must evoke fundamentalist religious, mythological, or occult-based belief systems. To make this ideological jump, no goosestep is required. Here, fellow travelers Adolph Hitler, Rudolf Hess and Heinrich Himmler were able to quietly coordinate a masterful mix, establishing a popular and potent cocktail of reactionary politics and derivative occult and mythological lore and corresponding symbology.

The soil for this kind of convergence has never been more fertile in the US as it is today. Since the early 1980’s, when the Republican Party discovered how important the Evangelical and Christian Zionist right-wing movements were in providing a strong political base, ‘End of Times’ mythology has steadily propagated throughout the United States. With that, a collection of bizarre, yet well-organized movements and sub-movements have evolved, and in each instance, these have provided universal backing to US wars and interventions in the Middle East and elsewhere, seeing these as ‘Holy Wars’ – in a Clash of Civilisations – rather than geopolitical maneuvers. As writer Daniel Spaulding explains, “The United States has long been the home of a wide assortment of bizarre and eccentric sects and cults, most being harmless, or at least lacking the ability to do any serious harm outside of their immediate proximity without large-scale followings nor serious political access. But there are always exceptions, and one of the more prominent and influential ones is the highly politicised and well-funded Dispensationalist movement, a vocal and well-represented faction among fundamentalist Protestants. Not only do Dispensationalists have a large scale following, but they also manage to wield considerable influence in Washington, especially on US foreign policy.”

SEE ALSO: The Holy Business: End-Times Buffoonery in a Modern World

Within this contrived ‘End Times’ meets the Crusader, or Samuel P. Huntington’s ‘Clash of Civilisations’ dialectic, Arabs and Muslims are almost universally characterized as terrorists and generalised as a universal threat which “must be dealt with”. Given enough time, these same preachers will be eventually craft a similar ‘End Times’ narrative around Russia, or China (some already have).

Throughout the usual paranoid rhetoric (from the usual suspects) on this subject, no specific mention is made as to how exactly the millions of Arabs and ‘potential’ radical Islamic terrorists – should be “dealt with”. So say the hawks and the zealots. The only thing missing from this 21st century remix of Nuremberg’s Greatest Hits is talk of a “final solution” – even though this is what is clearly being inferred by certain politicians and American talk radio hosts who relentlessly pander to their highly lucrative, but helplessly terrified audiences. Some right-wing American pundits have even come out openly advocating a nuclear final solution to this ‘problem’.

To a lesser degree, and only on paper (so far anyway), Minnesota’s Michele Bachmann represents a mixture of these. Ever since her exit from politics last year, Tea Party favorite Bachmann has since been flirting with media regarding a possible 2016 Presidential run, although many believe she is already a spent force. Now she is urging more pastors around the country to speak from their pulpits about the coming “end of times”, which Bachmann insists is just around the corner. She believes that America’s ‘Christian believers’ are now in competition with Muslims, who themselves are already speedily preparing their own ‘end times’ pathway, in what she describes as, “the coming of their twelfth imam.”

Daniel Spaulding adds, “Indeed, the late American intellectual Gore Vidal whimsically observed that the practical result of this Dispensationalist theology was a “military buildup that can never, ever cease until we have done battle for the Lord”.

Not by coincidence, the Dispensationalist theological narrative also happens to feed directly into the State of Israel’s own geopolitical and territorial expansion goals and objectives. As a mantra for geographical and cultural expansion, modern Zionism is not so different from the “Glory of Rome”, 19th century America’s ‘Manifest Destiny’, Britain’s Empire on which “the sun never sets”, or Nazi Germany’s Lebensraum” (living space). Israel desires and is actively pursuing its own Lebensraum too, which is called the Greater Israel Project (see their map here). This is where the American Christian and evangelical right-wing, along with the Israeli Zionist lobby crossover with America’s Republican and Tea Party wings, and the glue which keeps it all together is money - lots and lots of money – for anyone willing to get up in public and sell this bizarre, albeit antiquated, pre-Medieval doctrine of the ‘Tribe of Israel’, the ‘Israelites‘ or ‘God’s chosen people’. According to this new doctrine, any threat to go off script, in other words, any threat to the Jewish State of Israel – is a threat to ‘destiny’ as prescribed by the End Times religious movement. You could go even further into depth and dig into the Anti-Christ and Jesus returning etc, but we’ll hit pause there. Some Islamic branches are also pushing a similar End Times narrative (including ISIS). Notice also how this plugs directly into the current fictional narrative (invented by the very same parties) that “Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map”. And there you have it – a potent religious justification for a preemptive military strike against Iran, as the centre piece for World War III.

Preachers and snake oil salesmen are one thing, but heads of state are another. When God speaks to political leaders these days, it seems that all God wants to talk about is war. On this count, both the US President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair claimed that, ‘God told me to bomb and occupy Iraq.’ We should all understand the dangers of mixing religion with geopolitics by now.

Even though US President Barack Obama is on the way out with only a year and half to go in office before he retires to a predictable life of opening libraries, foundations, speeches and travel around the globe brokering peace deals – Bachmann and her fellow ‘Christian Soldiers’ (onward!) are convinced that Obama is reciting the Koran in the Oval Office and secretly organising ISIS training seminars over the border in Mexico. The big question is: what will they do when Obama finally leaves office? Will they blame him for all of America and the world’s ills for the next 8 years (exactly as the Democrats have done for the last 6 years, same show, different channel)?

Her recent remarks only reinforce what we already suspected: that Obama is the least of worries….

THE POLITICS OF FEAR: Michelle Bachmann and lucrative cult of ‘End Times’ mythology.

Michele Bachmann Says Jesus’ Second Coming is ‘Imminent;’ Obama’s Nuclear Negotiations With Iran Are ‘Pro Islamic Jihad’

Samual Smith

Christian Post

Former congresswoman and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann has accused President Barack Obama of being “pro the goals of Islamic jihad,” which she explains includes welcoming the “hidden imam” to bring on the apocalypse.
In appearing on the “Understanding the End Times” radio program with Jan Markell last weekend, the 59-year-old Minnesotan bashed the president’s foreign policy goals as being aligned with the goals of Islamic extremists, who she argues have the ultimate goal of bringing about the end of the world and paving the way for the Islamic Messiah.
“Our president, who is as consistent in his foreign policy world view, which is to be anti-Israel and pro, and I’ll say it in my own words, pro the goals of Islamic jihad, because that is what we are seeing,” Bachmann asserted. “These are the goals of Islamic jihad.”
She explained that in February, Obama tried to justify the potential nuclear agreement with Iran by saying that Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said it was against Islam to obtain a nuclear weapon.
Bachmann decried that “myth” and stated that Obama is either “ignorant of Islamic scripture” or he is trying to perpetuate a lie to the American public.
“Not only is there any such fatwa, he said that the supreme leader issued a fatwa, issuing a religious opinion, that it said that it was against Islam to obtain a nuclear weapon. Only there has ever been this fatwa found, nobody has ever seen it or heard it. It has never been published,” Bachmann said. “But, it reveals that our president is as ignorant of Islamic scripture as he is at Islamic history. Or, he is trying to intentionally lie to the American people. We don’t know which it is.”
Bachmann also called out the fact that Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani labeled Iran’s diplomacy with the United States as an “active jihad” in early March.
“Our negotiations with the world powers are a source of national pride,” Rouhani said in March. “Yesterday. your brave generals stood against the enemy on the battlefield and defended their country. Today, your diplomatic generals are defending [our nation] in the field of diplomacy — this, too, is jihad.”
Bachmann goes on to further explain Iran’s Shia Muslim goals by stating that they foresee and eventual world were only Islam reigns.
“Islam is a flame because they see to that their scripture is being fulfilled. If you are a Shia, you believe that we are going to see the hidden imam soon come back and we will have an apocalypse and we will have an all-out war and then peace will come with only Islam reigning,” she said. “If you are Sunni Islam, you also believe that it is the end of the age. As Christians, we know that the word of God is true. Let’s preach the true living word of God from every pulpit so that believers can know what God’s time clock is.”…

Continue this story at Christian Post

READ MORE RELIGIOUS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Religion Files
muir, you forgot the banks.

There are many people that would only watch so much of this killing of Christians. Look the other way while they kill more and more. Listen to their abominations on the internet and TV. They would not do these things here and live. They would be found on the beaches with their victims. Then the hunting would begin. What Obama has done with Iran isn't stupid; he does have an agenda with Russia and Iran. People are already beginning to stop his and their moves across the world. He was so obvious. How's your Arab Spring going, muir? How are things in Libya? How is Morsi doing? Sending your armies to Rome by the boatload?

The daughters of those that kill with the sword the innocent ones, shall be cut open and laid barren. They stand tall and proud over their own desires, and cast their seeds in the wind. They shall be pulled up by their roots, so their seeds shall not destroy that which is good. So it shall be.
The daughters of those that kill with the sword the innocent ones, shall be cut open and laid barren. They stand tall and proud over their own desires, and cast their seeds in the wind. They shall be pulled up by their roots, so their seeds shall not destroy that which is good. So it shall be.

muir, you forgot the banks.['/QUOTE]

The 'banks' are just one of the ways they use to control society

If you control the money supply you have got the game pretty much wrapped up

If you know your US history you will know how they created the federal reserve which is neither federal (its a cartel of private banks) nor a reserve (it has no money on reserve it creates money out of thin air) and you will know that in the same year that they got the federal reserve bill past in congress while everyone was out on recess that they also created the IRS (in 1913)

This is because if you control the amount of credit people can have and the amount they are taxed you can control them economically

Hows your economy doing these days? Are people doing well?

As Mayer amschell rothschild said if you control the money supply of a country it doesn't matter who makes its laws, because once you control the money you can take control of the political system through bribery and intimidation

There are many people that would only watch so much of this killing of Christians. Look the other way while they kill more and more.

Just me you are being manipulated

ISIS is staging all these events to provoke people into being sucked into conflict in the middle east

You hear about it and want to go and kick some ass but what you are not realising is that YOUR government is funding, arming and supplying ISIS and the israeli government is flying air sorties for them in syria and treating ISIS fighters in israeli hospitals

if you want to stop ISIS you need to stop your own government! This is what you need to wise upto

Listen to their abominations on the internet and TV. They would not do these things here and live. They would be found on the beaches with their victims. Then the hunting would begin.

It's all staged to make you lose your mind and stop thinking clearly and its working!

ISIS are taking their orders from the CIA and Mossad whose plan is to turn the entire middle east into a war zone with iran and syria being decimated and then brought under the economic and military control of the rothschild banking cabal (the brains) and the military industrial complex (the muscle)

What Obama has done with Iran isn't stupid; he does have an agenda with Russia and Iran. People are already beginning to stop his and their moves across the world. He was so obvious.

Obama is surrounded by wallstreet advisors and was from the beginning of his term. He is not indpendent. He is controlled and if he does anything the cabal does not want he will end up dead. he's their guy

If they want war with Iran they'll get war with Iran and that coudl suck in china and russia and you could end up getting a nuke in your back garden...sound clever?

How's your Arab Spring going, muir?

It's not my arab spring although i did predict it on this forum before it happened

It's very possible that the bankign cabal have orchestrated the arab spring to enable the takeover of countries like libya

How are things in Libya?

Libya has been destroyed by zionist intervention. They wanted to stop gaddafi from creating a pan african bank that was going to trade in oil and gold and circumvent the rothschild banking system
How is Morsi doing?

I am not a supporter of morsi, i think the muslim brotherhood have their roots in the grand lodge of cairo but he was an elected leader so he's been deposed by a military coup that seems to be supporting saudi arabia/US in the war against yemen

Sending your armies to Rome by the boatload?

Those are refugees fleeing from the carnage caused by the meddling zionists

The daughters of those that kill with the sword the innocent ones, shall be cut open and laid barren. They stand tall and proud over their own desires, and cast their seeds in the wind. They shall be pulled up by their roots, so their seeds shall not destroy that which is good. So it shall be.

The ones killing people with swords are the israel/US allies the saudis who chop off peoples heads all the time

Here is one of the british royal family doing the sword dance with the saudis:

Don't let them hoodwink you into more war through their lies and staged theatre designed to provoke an irrational emotional response from you
[MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION]
I have no desire for a religious war between Christianity and Islam or another military intervention. If you believe something needs to be done, then please go there yourself and do something about it, but do not drag others into this.

I also believe that advocating war and bloodshed is not what the bible is trying to teach, as such I doubt many Christians will choose to fight in another persons country. As far as I remember, Christians are encouraged to defend their lands but not to invade others. Even though we've continuously held religious wars in the past.

Our foreign policies since ww2 and in some cases before that, all the way till now are to blame for the situation in the world as it is today.
If you truly want things to change. Ensure a change of foreign policies and ensure your government truly represents its people and lives up to the values claims to hold, regardless of what country your from, or how big or how small it is.
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Am I supposed to believe that The Invisible Friend of Islam is stronger than The Invisible Friend of Christianity?

That America failed to reduce Saudi Arabia to a glassworks on September 12th continues to annoy me. Certainly isn't a "PC" view, but it is how I feel.

Religion has nothing to do with anything--it's all politics masquerading as something else.
I was visiting with a cousin who lives in the UK if Feb, she was clearly disturbed by the idea that the millions of British Muslims were a potential threat. This woman is Irish born and is well aware of the animosity that the British felt toward the Irish when the IRA was bombing innocents in England in the 60s and 70s.

It really seems that the ISIS strategy is to draw American and European troops onto Arabic and Muslim soil. That they are really interested in showing their own populations that they are the only alternative to our military domination.

If you can't ride on a bus that 90% Muslim then you are truly lost.
Well for as long as Obama is in office no real war will be allowed. Beyond that let me just say this is just one more reason why religion should probably be looked on as a mental sickness.
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Am I supposed to believe that The Invisible Friend of Islam is stronger than The Invisible Friend of Christianity?

That America failed to reduce Saudi Arabia to a glassworks on September 12th continues to annoy me. Certainly isn't a "PC" view, but it is how I feel.

Religion has nothing to do with anything--it's all politics masquerading as something else.

Unfortunately might does not make right. Kill one cockroach just to find a thousand waiting to take its place.
Isis...the little dog barks. Perhaps they feel relevant when they cut a persons head of or burn them alive. I for one am all about an eye for an eye. Id like to see these people captured and watch them get their heads cut off...with spoons. Or watch them being burnt to death with a bic lighter. Oh and it has nothing to do with religion for me. Its just the idea that a person feels as if its ok to take someones life because of the imaginary god you or they believe in.
But thats just me. Probably a character flaw or something.
I have spoken the words that were boiling inside my heart. To think I want to go over there is wrong. To understand I would stop someone from committing the atrocities being committed is correct. I don't ask mountains to fall into the sea; I ask those murderers in the name of Islam to understand their seed will pay for their atrocities. The only thing that can stop that now is by their own hands. Let the sands blow and the mountains shake.

Just look at what things like this lead to:
The exact same rhetoric that was used before is used again and again….it’s the people who are too ignorant of their own history to see themselves repeating it over and over and over...


Why is this video still so disgustingly relevant today?!
(Except we are the one’s on the wrong side of history now)
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Let me see: we have people in the US joining ISIS. People are being arrested....70 in Minnesota teaching it.....for this. It is here and now, so just look the other way with your socialist, liberal views. Don't worry because you don't believe in a God of any kind(I mentality). People are already going over there to fight this.

We have a President that is making nuclear accords with a country that calls us the Big Satan and vows to destroy Israel. He failed to make any deals with them at all so far, except to allow Russia's sale of the S-300 to Iran. He sends 300 paratroopers to Ukraine to help train the Ukranians. Love that number. The war is already on our shores. Our government and media are just adept with hiding things.
Let me see: we have people in the US joining ISIS. People are being arrested....70 in Minnesota teaching it.....for this. It is here and now, so just look the other way with your socialist, liberal views. Don't worry because you don't believe in a God of any kind(I mentality). People are already going over there to fight this.

We have a President that is making nuclear accords with a country that calls us the Big Satan and vows to destroy Israel. He failed to make any deals with them at all so far, except to allow Russia's sale of the S-300 to Iran. He sends 300 paratroopers to Ukraine to help train the Ukranians. Love that number. The war is already on our shores. Our government and media are just adept with hiding things.

I dunno man, you seem to be very strong in your personal convictions about things very few people in the world would agree with. In fact I would highly recommend looking at some alternative or foreign news media...
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