How important is impressing the person you like?


Do you think it is important to impress them? If yes, how? If not, why not?

How do you feel when someone tries to impress you? Do you think it's cute, thoughtful, or unnecessary, too much, etc.?

If you do like to be impressed, what should someone do to impress you?
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Do you think it is important to impress them? If yes, how? If not, why not?

Well, I no longer think it is important. At some point in my life impressing others somewhat mattered, but I think I grew out of it.

Meeting other people's expectations held me back from developing my potential as a person, and it prevented me from meeting those who would accept and appreciate me for who I truly am, or sincerely support me in my quests. So I learned how disregard them and shake them off.

How do you feel when someone tries to impress you? Do you think it's cute, thoughtful, or unnecessary, too much, etc.?

I don't like it. If someone is not being authentic, I know it, and it turns me off. I give people the benefit of doubt, because with time, they will be able to act themselves around me and I get to know them better that way.

If you do like to be impressed, what should someone do to impress you
as a guy i can get uncomfortable if a girl tries to impress me. reason being if i was interested it wouldn't have gotten to that point, and its probably time for me to start thinking of ways to let her know this.

on the flip side i think its my job as a guy to impress girls, dunno why just seems to be the way things are done. being stubborn i tried taking a stand against this idea when i was younger, didn't work and the girl i wanted walked.

there are different dynamics to every relationship so i'm not saying all are or should involve a guy doing backflips on the dance floor, its just how i've always seen it.
Impressing, if done at all, should be for special occasions or a rare spontaneous event. And when I say should, I really mean that's the kind of relationship I'd like to get into. And by impressing, I'm simply referring to treating someone to a special occasion or doing something special like making a love song.

I wouldn't like being 'impressed' by someone I hadn't gotten close to already, and would be more worried about expectations of reciprocity than pleased by the gesture. And even then, I wouldn't put being impressed high on my list. I'd much rather just be surprised by simpler things like affection.
I enjoy it when someone tries to impress me. However, I am usually clueless unless I really make an effort to understand that is what he is trying to do. For some reason, it doesn't compute that someone else would be doing something just for me because I don't operate that way. Men in general are adorable because they think so differently which makes knowing them challenging.
Do you think it is important to impress them? If yes, how? If not, why not?
No. If you impress them now, they'll start loving someone that isn't you.
It might work shortterm though.

How do you feel when someone tries to impress you? Do you think it's cute, thoughtful, or unnecessary, too much, etc.?
Never noticed such a thing.

If you do like to be impressed, what should someone do to impress you?
I really don't know. I'm not that consistent.
I don't intentionally try to impress people. If I'm around someone I "like" I generally withdraw and get somewhat quiet. It's probably because I get unreasonably nervous. I can generally "impress" without trying, and when I do try, it's pretty pathetic.

I also feel extremely uncomfortable when people try and impress me. It seems so...fake? If I'm impressed, they usually aren't trying to be impressing. Maybe I'm just strange.