Hope vs intuition about the future. | INFJ Forum

Hope vs intuition about the future.


Community Member
May 26, 2012
Assuming your Ni is well developed, and quite reliable, on a rare occasion, do you ever take for granted, the possibility that you are running on hope for something, and not intuition?
I worry about that all the time.
Why should hope for the future be cause for concern?
Assuming your Ni is well developed, and quite reliable, on a rare occasion, do you ever take for granted, the possibility that you are running on hope for something, and not intuition?

On rare occasions, oftentimes in strange or foreign places, I'll feel an unsettling shake in confidence for my intuition.
Why should hope for the future be cause for concern?

To clarify, she is asking whether or not we sometimes mistake intuition for wishful thinking.

Due to upbringing and environment, I often doubt my intuitions (even though they are rarely wrong) and I indulge in a lot more wishful thinking.
Hope? I'm not sure. I hope things turn out well, but where that point is or how one gets there is a colder matter for me.
I do not think intuition is all about things we do not have. Though reasoning may be out of the picture for bystanders, I actually think our intuition is from reasoning of a different sort than others; thought it might be subconsciously reasoned moreso than consciously.

I think hope is altogether different. Yes, we have tendencies to "run on hope for something". I take it you are talking about "something" as not being material things so much. We hope for things we do not have. I think there is much room for intuition and hope in our minds consecutively. How many times have we hoped for something we almost knew would not likely happen? Can we hope for something so much we confuse this hope for intuition? Though it might be possible, I don't think so. Hope has a positive aspect to it we need in our lives, I think.

What I have noticed is hoping for something for others and having a bad feeling about it all the while. Is my mind telling me it is more hopeless than I wish it to be? That is the line I think we cross sometimes. That would be when I let myself run on hope instead of listening to my intuition. I do think positive thoughts by their nature beget positive things, so maybe we are actually trying to fix something in our own way. Just some thoughts to ponder...
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When I think about the people in the world and all the difficulties out there nowadays, it can become depressing. Wiki showed a pic of a man looking for a job under the word "anxiety" that tore me up a bit. I understand the woes and feel the pains, and they seem to be everywhere. I hope for the best and for things to get better, but I have become depressed. Isn't it more healthy for me to try and look at the positive side of everything(if I can find it) than to wrest with my feelings of hopelessness for mankind? How can positive things come to fruition if I dwell in agony over what is happening to the world around me? I would rather hope things will indeed get better, and better they might.
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my intuition comes across as knowing
hoping isn't anything like that, so no i can't say i would ever confuse the two.
Intuition is based on a set of variables. In the INFJ case especially, it's those intuitive leaps that you learn over the years, can be trusted because of your track record. It can be a thing of faith. Most of the work is done subsciously, so it can be very difficult to evaluate, especially for a sensor. But over time, you come to realize, it doesn't need to be broken apart and analyzed for validity. It just is. The answer will come later. Hope though, is laced with fiction. But it is a powerful force, with regard to the laws of attraction, so it can seem preminatory at times. To my sensor brother with an IQ of 185, when mine is only 135, if you believe in that sort of crap, I think it's full of stupidly massive holes, geared only for some aspects of academia, but you get my meaning, he's on the ball. He seems to think "intuition" is too contaminated with hope, or fear etc., to be reliable to someone as he. He blows raspberries at it, actually. We run our lives separately, and mine being navigated by intuition. He revolves his around facts. When we hang out, although he doesn't realize it, as he can't read body language to save himself, is that I have to bend over backwards to try to be compatible with him. Shift my entire focus to the land of the sensor. It's exhausting. I let slip, one of my intuitive foresights to him the other day. He was appreciative and thought it was sweet that I was hoping for the best for him. It wasn't hope. It was my intuitive summation. It came to fruition. No surprise. And yet, with a brain like his, thinking it was hope, maybe I'm missing something? I don't usually doubt myself, but his brain is a remarkable force.
If one doesnt include human error in the equation, they are more susceptible to it. The future never comes like tomorrow never comes, but this current moment is malleable and one can observe how it transforms into certain things even if one has never experienced those things. Predicting the future can be like transforming the moment through suggestion.