high school experiences, please | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

high school experiences, please

For those who have been bullied. Have you tried anything to stop that? Told anyone? Did they react? It is awful when you have to go every day somewhere where someone gives you bad time...It is frustrating that is so much of this kind of violence.
I went to one of these schools where most people were the diligent variety in school. Presumably they had kept themselves out of trouble as well. Apparently, quite a few of them were diligent in sports, too

I was one of those nerds who didn't go the extra mile to get the best grades. I focused on what I liked. I spent most of the time appreciating the character of my teachers, reading up on interesting subjects, having regular people to sit with at lunch, bantering about my interests, etc.

My buddy friendships that carried over from middle school were being diluted by having different classes and different people to spend time with. I also spent much of the time alone otherwise, despite having a regular social group outside of school.

What I learned:
• To appreciate the teachers whose personalities I have acquired.
• To value the sad emotions experienced, because they would play a large role in all future interactions.
• To value those ordinary friendships, sometimes not very much thought about, who provided relief from the struggles of high school life.
• How they wanted me to use my writing skills was and is different from how I want to use them.

The crux of it all:

What brought me the most joy about high school was a quiet, almost reclusive, schoolmate with whom I would sit in a back corner of the school library, where there were two or three seats available. We would just sit there and do our work or read or take a nap between classes. Sometimes we would chat. But it was always pleasant. I even saw him in the cafeteria at times. I don't even remember his name. Nor did he do anything spectacular.
For those who have been bullied. Have you tried anything to stop that? Told anyone? Did they react? It is awful when you have to go every day somewhere where someone gives you bad time...It is frustrating that is so much of this kind of violence.

yes, of course, I tried to stop it, its hardly a pleasant experience... At the beginning I tried just being friendly myself, naively thinking that I might get that in return. No chance. Then I tried telling the teacher (there was only one in the primary school), but I was just shoo'ed away as she was too busy small-talking with other teachers on breaks and I was being told that the complaining ones are never her favorite. B****. :) Then, of course, I'd bring my feelings home. When looking back, I once came back home and tried to self-harm, before even knowing what was I doing (was maybe 7 yo max), but I was told that I was just being stupid and should just get over it... so very early I realized that nobody was there to help me, ever. Nobody cared. I was frequently fighting back, but I'd never win. Nor physically (they were mostly boys), nor verbally. No, I'm lying, I did win physically a few times, I think that was the only reason why I survived it at all, some were afraid to get beaten by a girl after those :D And verbally I couldnt defend myself as I was never a quick thinker, so the words were coming to me way too late about what should I have said back:) But oh, well, Like Anna (?) said - it partially shaped me the way I am today, I think I am a better person than they were/are and having experienced it - I would never be like them.
Highschool felt like a waste of time for me. I knew more than most of my teachers, and didn't learn that much in school, I learned far more in the public library where I would just learn about the stuff I liked and was curious about without all the bullshit in between. My Sophomore year they switched me from Academic/Honor classes to AP because I was so horrible bored (and lazy) that I started skipping class and wouldn't bother to do any of the coursework and yet I always Aced my tests. lol. AP was a lot better because we were actually having debates and discussion, but it was also filled with a lot of top grade cheaters and phonies. To give an example of the differences between 2 of the same subject classes at different levels:

in Academic/Honor classes they were fucking PLAY ACTING! Seriously... they were doing pizza parties, play acting, and show and tell type crap. I felt embarrassed for the teacher/students...

in AP we were having moral discussions on plays etc, like Henrik Ibsen's "Enemy of the People" and if Dr. Stockmanns actions were moral or not. I took the lone position in class that Stockmann was an idealist moron, who was willing to make his family and town suffer so that he can egocentrically be right. That he was a total "liberal" in comparison to the liberals of our current political system. That was not a popular opinion, but my teacher did give me high grades for it, and told me in private it was the most unique opinion in the class, whereas everyone else was parroting each others bullshit *SQUAK* Stockmann is a moral guy! *SQUAAAAK*

My American history teacher Mr. Nilander was actually a cool guy, he noticed that I refused to participate in the duldrums of the class and had me skipped ahead from Honors to AP almost midway through the year. I was much more involved in that level, because we werent bringing in hard tac, and civil war musket balls for show and tell... we dissecting issues like why the US dropped Atomic bombs on Japan and was it justified or not.

As for my social life, well... I was on good standing with everybody but only had maybe 3 or 4 people I would consider "friends". But Everyone knew me, and I knew everyone and I could blend into any group.

I played football (team captain) Freshman, Sophomore and Junior year. I got a job my senior year and quit the team. My coach told me I was going to get strung out on drugs if I quit hahahah.

I didnt date and I didnt want to. I crushed on a lot of girls but I was just way too awkward to do anything about it. I got my 1st girlfriend officially when I was a Senior, and we broke up after a month. I really got into writing and art at this time. I was the lead editor for "Path" our schools poetry magazine that released 2 issues per year. It was there that I learned how different I really am when it comes to perception than most people. I was writing poetry about the intricacies of life and death and coming to grips with my mortality... most of our submissions were about crushes, or favorite music and ice cream. I kid you not.

Overall I would say I was quite well liked, although there were some rough edges I wish I could have ironed out. If I knew then what I know now, I would have owned/ran that school.
I was more of a loner throughout my freshman year of high school. I aced all my classes with ease and many didn't like me because of it, especially since I barely said a word to anyone. I was pretty bored in most of my classes, save for honors English, p.e, and choir. I also dated a guy for 7 months, who got arrested for being a pedophile.

Sophomore year was better and worse. My breakup caused me insecurity that made it difficult for me to talk or sing, and I was fat. On the bright side I made 3 friends, and got involved with scholastic bowl, National Honor Society, and Key Club. I also was in Two AP classes, which were very discussion based. I especially liked AP Human Geography because we got to learn about the cultural landscape of the world...very fascinating.

Junior year was when I really started coming into my own. I was in mostly AP classes, save for math, and feeling challenged and learning loads. Most of my classmates at this point were seniors, so I felt more comfortable.

Senior year, was a balancing act of it's own. I was in 5 AP classes, Key Club, Tri-M honor society, National Honor Society, 2 Choirs, Spanish club and Honor Society, co-captain of Scholastic Bowl, and volunteering. In other words, I was a busy, busy woman. I also started talking more.It was a rather anticlimactic year, and I already felt like a college student. I still have a handful of friends left from there, surprisingly.

I have to say though, as a whole, I won't lament if I forget about high school. Lol.
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High school teaches you how to learn,
college (in my experience) teaches you how to think.

If you already thirst for knowledge, the former is mostly useless.

The social arena of my high school was, in my eyes, the playground for a hedonistic culture to express itself. I wanted no part of that or the emotional volatility of my peers, freely disassociating so I could focus more on my studies.
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High school teaches you how to learn,
college (in my experience) teaches you how to think.

If you already thirst for knowledge, the former is mostly useless.

Maybe that was a big part of the problem looking back at it.
I wanted to think, but they still wanted me to just parrot back info they fed me. Nothing more.
Those that thought and questioned were problems they didn't know how to deal with.
Maybe that was a big part of the problem looking back at it.
I wanted to think, but they still wanted me to just parrot back info they fed me. Nothing more.
Those that thought and questioned were problems they didn't know how to deal with.

Id also give up a lot to have been taught HOW to think instead of WHAT to think :)
For those who have been bullied. Have you tried anything to stop that? Told anyone? Did they react? It is awful when you have to go every day somewhere where someone gives you bad time...It is frustrating that is so much of this kind of violence.

Yes and no. I tried being nice, as another member said, but that just made the problem worse to be honest with you.

I never told an authority figure because what were the going to do? Have a chat with the bullies? That would really just make the situation worse in high school...you'd get picked on even more after that.

I did tell a male friend of mine about the guys touching me in the corridors etc, and so that ended as this friend walked me to and from my locker at lunch times from that day on to make sure I wasn't alone :)
On the instances I was bullied, I often took my Father's advice and ignored them the best I could.
If I didn't react to them, I was no fun for them. They then became bored with me and moved on.

Also found one didn't know how to react to being laughed at. I didn't laugh on purpose. I just didn't know what to say in return, so I laughed at him.
The bully, (Mr Football jock) ended up turning red faced and ran out of the gymnasium in tearful shame while being laughed at by the whole class because he couldn't figure out why I wasn't reacting in fear to his taunts.
I remembered yesterday this thread. I use public transportation. I was in bus. There were few students from high school. They were all boys. They acted as teeneagers:) You know, showing of, talking loud etc, it is always funny to watch interactions like that, there is always sense of thinking that they invented the world and all in it (love, fun...):D But one of them was obviously bullier: almost every word he said was teasing others: way they are dressed, wanting to eat ice cream, meeting the girl...He talked in very mocking way...And in half and hour nobody told him: Come on, shut up, I like my Tshirt...They were all aproximatly same size and strenght. He could not feared them because of anything physical. But, his attitude was...I wanted to tell them that they actually can tell him to shut up. And then I thought of all people that mocked something in me from time to time in past. I always thought that they were right and feel ashamed of my way of of clothing, way of celebrating, whatever. I would say that the greatest damage in many bulling is the fact that victim takes what is said to her/him as truth.
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When I was a Junior in High School I decided to run for student council president. I had only been in that school for a year but had gone to elementary and middle school with many of my schoolmates. I did it because I was tired of being ignored. The campaign centered around two events, one was an essay submitted to the school paper detailing why you are running and the other was the delivery of a speech to an assembly of the student body.

I had never been on the student counsel before, I wrote an essay exclaiming my dissatisfaction with the apathy that ran rampant in our school and in myself, wrote something about "thrusting the rapier of indecision deep into my breast". I was gratified when my home room teacher read it aloud to my home room but was convinced that only those students who were supporting the other candidates would read it themselves.

I determined that only a dramatic performance at the assembly would give me a chance at victory. I went third (i think) and noticed that the candidates were reading their speeches, which were the essays they had written, and after a few sentences the student body began chatting to each other so by the end of their speeches they were almost forgotten in the din.

I got up and delivered a real firebrand of a speech that started with the Monty Python rant about right thinking people being sick and tired of being told that ordinary decent people are fed up with being told that they are sick and tired. The kids were hooting and shouting, the teachers began looking very stern and walked in front of the bleachers trying to stare down what they thought was going to turn into a riot. I was called a demagogue for years after my election and there were no more all school assemblies for the purpose of electing a student body president for a decade.
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I got up and delivered a real firebrand of a speech that started with the Monty Python rant about right thinking people being sick and tired of being told that ordinary decent people are fed up with being told that they are sick and tired. The kids were hooting and shouting, the teachers began looking very stern and walked in front of the bleachers trying to stare down what they thought was going to turn into a riot. I was called a demagogue for years after my election and there were no more all school assemblies for the purpose of electing a student body president for a decade.

Lol! That's awesome!
I went to two high schools and at both I was a 4.0 GPA student. The first was an extremely ghetto school with nearly 70% of the students failing or dropping out by their senior year. As a freshmen I was elected as president of the Engineer Club and positions in both DECA and FBLA. Most of my friends where from my middle school and from the football team since I had played with them for years in little league. I tried out and made the football team and was set to start but quit before the season started.

I for the most part had a very large social circle and many friends but still stuck to my own. Was never bullied or anything like that despite being a very chubby little kid. I was a late bloomer so I was only above average in height and still had plenty of baby fat. People liked me though so despite it being a ghetto school, I didn’t have a bad experience and most of the negatives I heard down the grape vine or when I showed up and they were searching people before they went into the school, or once my friend was shot in the face with a shotgun.

I moved after my freshman year and started going to a very wealthy, predominantly white and very educated high school. Despite not knowing a single person, my social circle grew pretty quickly and I was back to just doing my own thing. I was affiliated in quite a few honors clubs and programs. I had a couple pieces of art win awards and I had other academic awards. I avoided social things though like dances but I went to every football game just because I love football.

Near the end of my sophomore year, my older brother passed away and he was a senior so the next two years, I was constantly reminded of that. For the most part, my last two years of high school, I spent in college and working. I always had a job and nearly all of my non art classes where college credit classes. So by my senior year I was pretty much set as far as college goes and was accepted into any college I applied too so I wasn’t stressing much about that. I also finally hit my big growth stage and went from a pudgy 5’9” sophomore to about 6’3” by the end of my senior year and I am now 6’6”.

I didn’t date in high school but got asked out a couple of times but being a late bloomer and all that made me rather awkward when it came to girls so I just politely turned them down. Overall I enjoyed high school but in four years I have for the most part forgotten about it. I don’t do anything with any of my high school friends anymore as I relate a lot more to my college friends and on top of that my college life was a lot more exciting.
1)What kind of high school did you go to?
-Well I just came out from high school. I went to a public high school.

2)What did you learn there?
- i learned nothing new that was academic. all the stuff the school taught in school was easy because i had already learned them a long time ago from primary school in my country and by doing a lot of research. i rarely did my homework or pay attention because school was so boring. all i wanted to do was skip school and go on an adventure outside my town. What I did learn is how mean, dumb and hypocritical people were. I took alot of honors classes, and i was a little scared because i thought that everyone was smarter than me. Within five days of every class, i learned that honor classes were the new on level classes and most of the people there cheated and/or plagarized everything. I also learned that everyone look exactly same, no one wants to be their own individual.One time I counted 23 girls wearing uggs, black leggings and black north face jackets, 15 girls wearing a grey romper and gladiator sandals and 13 boys wearing black and white checker shirt, black skinny jeans and black converse, i thought that was interesting. Most people boasted about being smart or book smart, some were actually book smart, the others were idiots. but book smart isn't really going to help anyone in college. I mean people in my world history class knew that the mayan civilazation was located in yucatan pennisula, but the couldn't critical think why did the mayans do certain things certain ways. i absoultely hated high school. i was an outsider, a loner and had a few friends, but that is way better than having a lot of "friends" who talks behind your back. even though i maintained a low profile,i still got bullied. i was seen as some what eccentric by a lot of people. despite all the bullying and the cheaters, i really don't hold a grudge on them. i have been bullied since kindergarden, so i believe that karma is going to get them back and i wouldn't have revenge on them. it is natural for human beings to wish for bad things to happen to people who do bad things to them, i wished for revenge on all the bullys,but then i realized that i'll be just like them if i wish bad things would happen to them, i realized that i was unfortunate in high school, hoping for everyday to be a good day. but i do strongly believe in karma

3)What do you wish you had learned there?
- since i entered into high school, i knew that it was a
waste of time. if i was living in the 60's i would drop out school like the teen hippies and go and explore the world. but our economic sucks right now, so i had to go high school so i wouldn't struggle in the real world. i just wish i had learned how to dodge all the security guards to get out of school. i have been successful at least seven times, the other times i got caught. at least i wasn't doing anything wrong. despite the skipping school, never doing my homework and never paying attention, i got good grades from doing well on tests, quizzes, essays,exams and projects
P.S sorry if i have a lot of grammatical errors. i'm a foreigner, so i'm having a tough time with english.
your high school experience is quite similar to mine. i hated the honors and AP classes. i hated when some people think that they are so smart just because they know a simple answer to question, but they had no critical thinking skills. debates were impossible in my classes. i was always debating with a brick wall, everyone always agree to everything i said, they didn't even back me up with their thoughts or facts, all they would say is "yeah she right, i agree with Esti". All i wanted to do is flick them off. High School was a waste of my time. School was a wast of my time. those 14 years of my life i'm not getting back. I just started college, it's better than high school but i still feel like it's unnecessary too.
P.S. sorry about my grammatical errors, i'm not use to english, so i make a lot of mistakes
I am an 18 year old in high school and am taking what is called a victory lap: staying for another semester/year/years to get more credits or to improve old marks. Why? Because I HATE da system!!!

...in reality, it's hard to be motivated anymore because schooling oneself only seems to (probably) benefit me in the long run. I got straight As and easily from school because I appeared too smart for my own good when I was young, and those As and became As with Bs mixed in, then mixed with Cs, then mixed with Ds... I took a victory lap because I did not attend the second semester of grade 12. I could have finished a semester early, but I fucked up and now I will be behind some of my hard-working peers. "da system" just seems way too xSxJ-ish if that makes sense. I think you'll know what I mean... It lacks that "slowly searching for the underlying truth of like, everything."

I have more to say about the moral issues and how it has lead to my failure this far.

Since coming back I am the top of my class in English and Law, my only two in-class credits. So there's something to feel good about.

Socially, school is a good place to make certain kinds of friends, and to experiment with social situations and maybe I'll test out that Ni even more now that I better understand the enneagram and socionics perspective of my inner-thoughts.

This write up does sound very T-ish of me. But my "intelligence" as my guardians saw it is probably my intuition shining since that is with me since childhood. I look spaced always but inside I have many feeeeeeelings. For better or worse, being at this forum on a boring night will bring me inner-worldly peace and the feeling that I belong here.

There are some nice things about being INFJ. I mean, it's my personality preference after all! I've only really just begun noticing my Se; another word for being in-the-zone. :)

So I'll post back here, everyone post funny high school stories to get the inspirational juices flowin within ya cranial neurological systems........electrochemicallllllll stimulaaaaaaation.

Wat u feel iz not *entireley* reeeeeel O.O (sic)

Yeah I'll finish school don't worry.
I was seriously depressed/anxious for the first two years, then stoned or asleep for the last 3… also anxious.
I'd say that I probably learned absolutely nothing.