Help Pierce understand his cognitive processes results!


Obviously INTJ of some sort... although my thought patterns seem to be diverging from what you would typically see in INTJs. I was thinking INtJ

So I did this test and I got:

Te > Fi > Ni > Ti > Ne > Si > Fe > Se

It says my lead process is Ni and my supporting process is Te.

Uhhh I DUNNO.... that's me?? Te might explain why I'm such an aggressive person... not necessarily aggressive towards people, but aggressive towards my goal. What's that Fi fucker doing in there? So I'm INxJ?
That looks like a clear INTJ set to me, but your functions are acting in a reversekind of way, maybe you might be under some stress in which you have to engage in your seconday and tertiary functins(Te,Fi) to feel better. that's just a guess though.
These results are INTJ. You have worked alot on your Te, as you see alot of use in it. Because your Fe is so low, you are not an INxJ. As raccoon said. I think you have experienced strain over a long period of time, making you lean REALLY hard on your Fi.
Um.. I don't understand. My Fi doesn't really belong there, I'm just using it alot now because I'm under some sort of strain?

Does this imply anything about what I'm good at and not good at?

So I have to develop Si to help me study better right?
Developing Si would be useful to anyone. Developing any function is usuful to anyone. Also, next time put up the numerical values for these functions, not just the order (that gives more insight too).

Your results make perfect sense to me actually. Te, followed by Fi is rare for one, I have a hard time believing it's placement actually. Nevertheless, someone with this kind of order is going to be really rough around the edges. This fits you. You are highly direct, and upfront. You say what you think, and feel without much regard to what is important to the other person. This combination is strong. It allows you to see what you need, and then have the power to put it into motion, and roll it along without anything getting in your way. Unbidaled Te and Fi though can be overbearing and mean to others if it is not kept in check. They are both very much "me" functions, and about what is most important to you. If someone doesn't agree. It is very easy for you to say they are wrong. Or rationalize a way for them to be wrong.

The only thing I am unsure of is why you have formed strong Fi. It is also possible, that you WANT to have strong Fi, and as such aren't answering the questions to who you really are, not who you want to be. I am not trying to put you down, but it is a surprizingly tricky thing to do. It is common for TJ's to misconstrue their emotional nature if it puts strain on them.
These tests can be affected by your current state, I believe. Because I just tested ESFJ, and that's impossible.
Archetypal MBTI is based upon lead and supporting only. If the lead introverts, the supporting extraverts and vice-versa.

Your function lead is Te -> Ni in both tests, indicating that you're testing ENTJ. The Keirseyian in me says that I/E is most mutable (easiest to override), and that NTJ is probably correct. You are more sociable than many INTJs that I have met, which means that your preference for I/E might be weak as opposed to your preference for thinking in general, which appears to be strong.

But this is just Ni talking. ;)
Here's the Fi section of one of the tests. Each line is accompanied by two tick boxes. 1 tick for somewhat like me, two for very like me, zero ticks for not like me. Here's my answers:

1. feel gut reaction

** feel strongly that something is good or bad
** recognize what you want, what motivates you, or how you feel inside
** detect if someone’s behavior is authentic or phony

2. trust personal beliefs
__ follow absolute ideals, a specific belief system, or empowering identity
_* loyally stick with your “group” (whatever that may be)
** stay always true to what you want for yourself or others

3. make existential choice
** evaluate how a belief applies to you personally
_* choose how you want to feel inside and change how you feel when needed
** continually examine if choices match inner values system and intent

4. create inner harmony
_* identify and defend what someone truly needs
__ patiently abide people how you can for their unique happiness
_* evaluate the most important stuff that is unsaid and unseen

5. sustain human balance
** continually weigh the situational worth or importance of everything
_* patiently keep balancing the core issues of peace and conflict in life's situations
_* sustain a life of faith in a universal spirit of compassion and community

I do get pretty riled up about certain things....... I can be very driven if I set an objective. If somebody or something violates my sense of principle (which is quite vast and interesting I might add!) then I can get pretty riled up too. Like if somebody tries to manipulate me, or someone in a position of power treats me unfairly, I will be pretty pissed... I'm also DEEPLY upset by certain suffering that I see other people have to go through. In principle, it just isn't fair that anybody would have to starve, JUST FOR STARTERS... it's just very wrong in principle. ANY serious illness is extremely unfair as well... these violations of my principle of how I think the world SHOULD be drives me pretty hard to change it as much as I can. I also try to be very responsible with any power that I have. In a way I even feel obligated to use my talents to help others. I think this is all Fi?

And my weak Se is why when I went skydiving, I didn't really feel much of an emotional reaction?
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Your simply an INTJ with a strong Fi, just like many INFJ's here have developed their Ti, you are simply in the process of developing your tertiary function, which would explain your borderline T scores, remember INTJ's usually lead with intuition and their last function is sensing, on the other hand an INTJ's T and F are much closer because they use thinking and feeling as their second and third function respectively, so in theory INFJ's and INTJ's will tend to have much more borderline T/F scores and N/S will tend to be more farther apart, however this is just common theory and it should be noted that there's a lot of variation in type, the complexity of human personality can't be defined in 16 types, so naturally you would see people of the same type with different cogitive functions, this does not mean your a different type, it just means that your unique as a person even between people of your same type.
have you thought maybe you are an extrovert? I sometimes get that impression from you. or else you could be an INFJ with a developed Ti.
Developing Si would be useful to anyone. Developing any function is usuful to anyone. Also, next time put up the numerical values for these functions, not just the order (that gives more insight too).

Your results make perfect sense to me actually. Te, followed by Fi is rare for one, I have a hard time believing it's placement actually. Nevertheless, someone with this kind of order is going to be really rough around the edges. This fits you. You are highly direct, and upfront. You say what you think, and feel without much regard to what is important to the other person. This combination is strong. It allows you to see what you need, and then have the power to put it into motion, and roll it along without anything getting in your way. Unbidaled Te and Fi though can be overbearing and mean to others if it is not kept in check. They are both very much "me" functions, and about what is most important to you. If someone doesn't agree. It is very easy for you to say they are wrong. Or rationalize a way for them to be wrong.

The only thing I am unsure of is why you have formed strong Fi. It is also possible, that you WANT to have strong Fi, and as such aren't answering the questions to who you really are, not who you want to be. I am not trying to put you down, but it is a surprizingly tricky thing to do. It is common for TJ's to misconstrue their emotional nature if it puts strain on them.

Am I using Fe when I am sensitive to others' feelings or is that some combination of Ni and Te?

Er, what function causes me to love others?

What's happening when I go into a hypersensitive mood? Is that Fi too?
Am I using Fe when I am sensitive to others' feelings or is that some combination of Ni and Te?

Er, what function causes me to love others?

What's happening when I go into a hypersensitive mood? Is that Fi too?

Fe tends to be in charge of being sensitive to others feelings. However, Fi can do this as well, if you are applying what you sense they are feeling to yourself. It would mostly emerge as Fe as the combination of Te and Fi, your top two functions. As such, you personally, remain a central theme to when you pick up and feel what others are feeling. This is what I would attribute you to feeling hyper sensitive to things about. Since you have both very strong Te and Fi, it is quite easy for you to combine them and make it appear as an Fe type reaction. This also makes it possible for this to simply "trip" and it becomes turned on against your will. Thus you entering modes where your emotions just don't make sense. You want to will them away, but are unable to. It is very easy for Te and Fi to fight.

There is no single function in charge of loving others. That can be anything. Love, really can not be determined in terms of MBTI.
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Ah so Fi is what triggers this "I don't care" response to so many things.
From the looks of it, you're an ESFJ

Sorry man...
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Ah so Fi is what triggers this "I don't care" response to so many things.

I don't think so. Fi cares a lot! It cares for the whole world but it is kept inside. You don't see it at the outside like Fe. Fi cares for people, feels people inside. It wouldn't say "you look disturbed what is wrong", but it would feel there is something wrong with the person just because you start to feel the problem yourself.

Your description of what you think Fi is, doesn't fit with what I think. When you answered those Fi questions, did you FEEL the answers? I mean do you FEEL what is good or wrong or do you KNOW this. There is a big difference. Fi is al about the feeling. The feeling of what it is you are, what is important and what is not, what feels real and what doens't.

It is only what I think Fi is, I can be wrong though!
Did the whole thing again using Morgain's advice of really feel my answers strongly. I think I did the test better this time and gave more accurate answers and was less biased. I like this test because it uses a 5 point scale instead of a 3 point scale so I can give more accurate answers.

extraverted Sensing (Se) ************** (14.6)
introverted Sensing (Si) **************************** (28.8)
useextraverted Intuiting (Ne) ********************** (22.7)
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ********************************** (34.7)
extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************************************* (49)
introverted Thinking (Ti) ********************************* (33.7)
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ************* (13.5)
introverted Feeling (Fi) ****************************************** (42.6)

Te > Fi > Ni = Ti > Si > Ne > Se = Fe

I did the test with just the 3 point scale too, just because:

Te > Fi > Ti > Ni > Ne > Si > Fe = Se
Despite how atypical your results appear, you're an INTJ.

Here are your results in order of preference.

(Te) *************************************************(49)
(Fi) ******************************************(42.6)
(Ni) **********************************(34.7)
(Ti) *********************************(33.7)
(Si) ****************************(28.8)
(Ne) **********************(22.7)
(Se) **************(14.6)
(Fe) *************(13.5)

INTJs tend to get lower Ni scores on that test than they actually have due to the wording of the questions that rate it being more focused on the 'mystical' side of Ni which tends to resonate more with the NFJs than the subconscious pattern recognition and intuitive ability to arrive at the answer that the logical and realistic NTJs resonate with.

Your Ni is likely higher than either of these tests would imply. Here is what your results would look like if you had rated it as such, and the INTJ scores in bold. (Bear with me, I'm making a point).

(Ni) **********************************(34.7)
(Te) *************************************************(49)
(Fi) ******************************************(42.6)

(Ti) *********************************(33.7)
(Si) ****************************(28.8)
(Ne) **********************(22.7)
(Se) **************(14.6)
(Fe) *************(13.5)

The reason you're not an ENTJ is that your Se is far too low to be a tertiary function. It's clearly your inferior function, like all the rest of us INxJs. You have a highly developed Fi, which is clearly your tertiary function. However, this test also tends to inflate Fi scores due to wording - across the board with all types. The wording in some of the Fi questions is very basic and could really apply to anyone who has emotions.

Now, here's the key to typing you as INTJ - your Ti score. INTJs almost always have a Ti score that is near the midpoint of their Ni and Te, as it is a shadow function of these two working in tandem to produce it. Your Ti is your strongest non-INTJ function.

But, keep in mind that aside from some score inflation or reduction due to user vs test perspectives, this is a much more accurate map of your mind than the generic 'type'. Everyone is a unique individual, and this is your cognitive 'fingerprint' unique to you. No one is going to fit any of the archetypes 100%.

I hope this helps.
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Sooooo what's my most likely set? Looks like Te > Ni > Fi > Ti ...