Hello Everyone!


Community Member
Hi everyone, I am new to this board but not to MBTI or psychology. I just wanted to say what's up and to also say that I am jealous of you INFJs. I have not met many but you are all awesome people and I am jealous, I always wanted to be introverted, but I guess I will have to be stuck with being an ENFP for now.

Anyway, I will refrain from posting random things as ENFPs can do, such as a monkey peeing??????? Or a monkey being suffocated by band-aids(wow)????? Surely these would be inappropriate for the content of my post, and a show of poor taste in general.

Ok maybe just one:m162: I think it's a monkey humping a curtain, he's so cute isn't he?

So anyway, I hope it's ok I post here, I am an NF, I may not be an INFJ but I figured a wanna be INFJ would be good enough. Anyway, thanks for listening and if there is anything you want to know please feel free to ask.
Hello :) Are you really a goatman? Half man/ half goat? Or you just like goats a lot? I like goats. They like grass. I like grass too. Nice to meet you anyway.
Hello :) Are you really a goatman? Half man/ half goat? Or you just like goats a lot? I like goats. They like grass. I like grass too. Nice to meet you anyway.

Lol, I should have explained, it's actually a reference to a car I have, 1969 Pontiac GTO with a 455 Pontiac motor (7.5 liters). No goat lover here, but you know, I have nothing against the animal either, I would say I am indifferent about Goats.
I don't like goats. They scared me when I was little... but I like animals so that sort of conflicts. Whenever I meet a goat I'm forced to be outwardly kind to it because it's an animal, but inwardly hate it because it's a goat.

Welcome to the forum!!!
I'm sure you enjoy being ENFP though, right?
Hello :) Are you really a goatman? Half man/ half goat? Or you just like goats a lot? I like goats. They like grass. I like grass too. Nice to meet you anyway.
I like nice green green grass too! :-D

Welcome ;)
I don't like goats. They scared me when I was little... but I like animals so that sort of conflicts. Whenever I meet a goat I'm forced to be outwardly kind to it because it's an animal, but inwardly hate it because it's a goat.

Welcome to the forum!!!
I'm sure you enjoy being ENFP though, right?

Lol, that sounds like a horrible internal conflict.

Yeah I like my ENFPness (wait, that didn't sound right) but you know I just kind of always wanted to be introverted. Sometimes I find the scatteredness/disorganization of extroversion frustrating.

Thanks for the welcome, good to be here in great company.
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I'm baffled someone actually wants to be more introverted. Intriguing!

Damn. I'm actually going through a "I wish I were extroverted!" phase right now. I am spending a lot of time with a lot of extroverts and it's tiring but I like these people and want to be able to put myself out there more.

I'm baffled someone actually wants to be more introverted. Intriguing!

Damn. I'm actually going through a "I wish I were extroverted!" phase right now. I am spending a lot of time with a lot of extroverts and it's tiring but I like these people and want to be able to put myself out there more.

Haha, my two best friends are introverts, and one of them even scored INFJ one time taking a test. When I am among introverts we all feel like extroverts, isn't it funny?
I wish too to be more outgoing and socially active but it's so tiresome and seems to be only rarely rewarding.
Sorry if it seems like an off-topic but I would like to hear your opinion about it as well.
I'm baffled someone actually wants to be more introverted. Intriguing!

Damn. I'm actually going through a "I wish I were extroverted!" phase right now. I am spending a lot of time with a lot of extroverts and it's tiring but I like these people and want to be able to put myself out there more.


Hi, I guess it's the grass is always greener. I know I am probably a bit weird for wanting to be introverted, but I truly think introverts have a higher potential in life, I find healthy introverts more balanced in life. Be happy you got lucky enough to be one!

Yeah, I am sorry if we are tiring, I think extroverts can even tire each other out too sometimes, that's our biggest problem. We have such a need for the interaction that we can be overbearing in a certain way, I try my best to curb that but it can be very difficult.

When I am among introverts we all feel like extroverts, isn't it funny?

I thought about this. I was wondering if suddenly 75% of the world became introverted, could they actually become extroverted? I mean, is it just the fact it is a minority that makes it introverted? Of course I am sure there is more too it than that, but I think there is a certain truth in this statement. The less people you have to relate to, the less extroverted you will become. Maybe this is why ENs tend to be very introverted as well, because Ns are such a minority.

"Society has always been hard on introverts. Many people still think that introverts have a social disorder."

I hate that mindset. The real rampant social disorder is group closed mindedness. It seems people just can't accept what is different, and that is just ridiculous. I try and prevent this attitude whenever I see it but it is hard changing people's stereotypes, or ingrained beliefs.

What about the fact many schools force participation. That can be ridiculous. Of course, I find introverts tend to be superior at written exams, so maybe this participation thing is actually throwing us Es a bone. Ideally, one should be able to take a test verbally, or written, whichever makes them more comfortable.

In the end, despite how much control we seem to have over ourselves, it seems very difficult to change whether one prefers E or I. No matter how much I want to be an introvert, I still seem to be an extrovert, but hey, I'll let you know tomorrow, maybe a good nights sleep can change all that.

I guess the lesson is we just need to appreciate each other and ourselves for our strengths and help each other with our weaknesses.
how about...:mpoke: let's change types!!! i be an ENFP you be an INFJ... tada!!!!! fantastic!!!

welcome bwahahahaha:m045:
people do think i have a disorder for needing so much time alone! either that or they take it personally and accuse me of not caring enough to make time for them. (with the result that i care slightly less for them...)
how about...:mpoke: let's change types!!! i be an ENFP you be an INFJ... tada!!!!! fantastic!!!

welcome bwahahahaha:m045:

Done! Sweet! :m036: Wait, how do we do this again?

"people do think i have a disorder for needing so much time alone! either that or they take it personally and accuse me of not caring enough to make time for them. (with the result that i care slightly less for them...)"

That is ridiculous. Then they have a disorder for needing to be with other people. We are all sick!

The only thing I wonder sometimes with my really introverted friends is whether I did something to upset them. It is hard to tell, because you aren't necessarily going to say anything, so I am usually a bit paranoid about it to make sure I haven't been overbearing. Though as you pointed out, in the process I probably become overbearing, damn.
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What about the fact many schools force participation. That can be ridiculous.

When I was in school, I used to hate "group projects." I always wanted to work on my own--still do. Just give me a hard problem to work on, shut the door and leave me alone, and I'm happy.

I also hated that my parents used to force me to go out and be more "sociable" (i.e., normal) by playing team sports with kids in the neighborhood. I'm fairly athletic, but I hate team sports. I always excelled in individual activities. What I really wanted to do, was shut myself in my room and read.

people do think i have a disorder for needing so much time alone! either that or they take it personally and accuse me of not caring enough to make time for them. (with the result that i care slightly less for them...)

I have an introverted friend, recently remarried, whose wife thinks "people can change," and that he'll get over his "introversion problem." Ha!
I also hated that my parents used to force me to go out and be more "sociable" (i.e., normal) by playing team sports with kids in the neighborhood. I'm fairly athletic, but I hate team sports. I always excelled in individual activities. What I really wanted to do, was shut myself in my room and read.

Yeah parents can really push what they their kids to be on their children, which can make things worse. Parents really need to accept their kids for what they want to be.

It's ironic by forcing the kid to do something he/she doesn't want to do, you make them "less normal" than he/she would be if you just accepted them for who they are. This frequently happens when people try to over control things I have noticed.

"I have an introverted friend, recently remarried, whose wife thinks "people can change," and that he'll get over his "introversion problem." Ha!"

HAHAHA, sorry not to laugh, but that is just ridiculous. People never cease to amaze me with their self-centered closed mindedness. "People can change to be like me" I wonder if she would be willing to make changes in herself?

If that's true, then maybe she can get over her closed minded problem.
Hello and welcome!!

lol, I think being an ENFP is pretty cool..

As an introvert, life can be very hard..we are simply just outnumbered, in Miami it's worst since the culture sees introversion as a bad quality, so the ratio here is more like 1 in every 10 being introverted. People think I have some kind of weird disease or something and simply don't like me because of it. Some perceive me as cold, others as weak(due to my quiet, passive voice and I pretty much act as a pacifist avoiding all sorts of conflict), shy, etc etc... I'm glad someone likes to be like us for once though xD.
hey there remember me? :)

I hope that after a couple of days things have been getting more familiar and comfortable for u on this site...

I am interested in how yr self exploration has been going so far and if u have tried any of my suggestions that I made in PM :smile:

hey there remember me? :)

I hope that after a couple of days things have been getting more familiar and comfortable for u on this site...

I am interested in how yr self exploration has been going so far and if u have tried any of my suggestions that I made in PM :smile:


Thanks for the PM, I had PM'd you back, you didn't receive it? Damn, I'll see if I can resend.