[INFJ] Having a hard time with INTJ


I need help and I don't know where else to go. :(

My INTJ which I'm sorta in a relationship with is ignoring me while he is playing a game, but I told him that I needed to talk about my troubles at home which have been giving me a really hard time and has been making me stressful and moody.

I feel really hurts that he's ignoring me.

I don't know how to handle things.
Point out that he has a moral obligation to offer support. Also be clear that you are looking for solutions and not to have problems for the sake of simply having problems. I suspect however you will need to consider how those sentences are a single idea and intrinsically must belong together.
Thanks, I'll try that but I don't think it will go anywhere, this is making me want to stay away from him cause he's done it more than once.

I don't feel like he values the relationship and only welcomes it when I'm happy and in a good mood.
Not to be the captain obvious here....but have you tried talking to him while he wasn't doing anything like playing the game?
I just consider this an emergency case that I hoped he could stop his game to talk..
if it's a major emergency then it might be something you need to deal with by yourself, so you don't blame him later secretly if he doesn't give you the right advise or attention, and then blame yourself furthermore because of the outburst you end up having with him , and while you are in you safe place to think, then perhaps don't you think you need to rethink your relationship to see what are you getting out of it, and how much your putting in is it worth it and where could it go with such attitude's,

of no concern to your issue, unless your just being dramatic and just feel the need to test if he love's you , or need some personal attention or you just to overwhelmed from the problem you need to talk about, and for any case if your overwhelmed then your going about it the wrong way clean you mind then take a pause and get some loving from him especial if that's the main reason why your with him , and if so do what you know you need, then go take a shower alone and finish out your thoughts , so you don't have to be destructive and lose out on what he does do good for you,
and so you don't have to question the who relationship through because you had to use a little manipulation to get what you want or needed, i don't want to say more because i will write a novel , and i could be wrong about everything and even if i am i'm sure you will find what you want from this if ti ever has any relevance for you , big hug and lots of love
I just consider this an emergency case that I hoped he could stop his game to talk..

Did you actually say that you wanted him to stop and talk to you about something because it was very important to you, or did you just expect him to automatically assume that he ought to do that? Based on what experience I have with INTJs if you don't outright ask or make known what you are specifically expecting from him, he is likely not going to realize what it is that you are needing from him.
Yes with [MENTION=3240]Jill Hives[/MENTION] up above;

be very clear. I don't think you need to go [MENTION=3473]InvisibleJim[/MENTION] 's route of pointing out the moral obligation (there's a high chance he will be resentful of it later, if not confused because 'you apparently have an unrealistic standard of how a boyfriend should act / be') though.

Have you talked about this with him before? Repeat incidents (with no visible improvement) tend to drive INTJs away faster than anything..... in which case, see below.

but say it like;
"Hey, I know you're playing a game and I'm sorry to disturb you, but I have an emergency problem that I cannot keep inside anymore and I, at the very least need your advice, if not a listening ear. Can you please stop your game for about [insert a number of time] and listen to me?"
If he doesn't want to, see below.

It might help if you wrote it down first, and just give him the letter-- or the condensed detail within.

Now, if those things didn't succeed, it really is possible that he, a) is too engrossed or, b) isn't too interested, or c) has completely zero idea, amongst other more complex possibilities. The message you got ain't probably pretty, but.... don't let that bother you for now.
Work for your problem FIRST.

I'm sorry it had to happen, and I hope things will be better.
*rolls eyes* That doesn't convey that 'emergency feeling'. You arent going to catch a fish without bait. If you approached me with that I would think it was a nonsense.
*rolls eyes* That doesn't convey that 'emergency feeling'. You arent going to catch a fish without bait. If you approached me with that I would think it was a nonsense.

True, but which is worse, being ignored because it was a nonsense, or being repulsed away because "you're being overreacting atm!"
I guess it's not for me to answer that, isn't it. :|
True, but which is worse, being ignored because it was a nonsense, or being repulsed away because "you're being overreacting atm!"
I guess it's not for me to answer that, isn't it. :|

The action should be proportional to the severity of the situation.

I'm being burnt alive = Flailing arms/panic/rolling about
I'm need to go to hospital now = Direct instruction reminding that they are required to take action
Real family emergency, e.g. family needs to go to hospital now or are killing each other with knives = Direct instruction to address this
Yet another 'family emergency' = Deal with it in the course of normal everyday conversation/choose not to get involved/worried about 'family emergencies'
Splinter = Pluck it out
No news = No emotion or action
Orgasm = Orgasm face.

I'm sure you get it. ;)

Another brutal honesty is that with past relationships where my girlfriend/fiance had troubles at home is that this is simply not a situation that you can help with at all because you are the bad person even to voice an opinion or get involved. Frankly its up to those individuals to resolve; if it can't be resolved then it is up to them to either suffer the situation or take action to stop it occurring.
The action should be proportional to the severity of the situation.

I'm being burnt alive = Flailing arms/panic/rolling about
I'm need to go to hospital now = Direct instruction reminding that they are required to take action
Real family emergency, e.g. family needs to go to hospital now or are killing each other with knives = Direct instruction to address this
Yet another 'family emergency' = Deal with it in the course of normal everyday conversation/choose not to get involved/worried about 'family emergencies'
Splinter = Pluck it out
No news = No emotion or action
Orgasm = Orgasm face.

I'm sure you get it. ;)

Another brutal honesty is that with past relationships where my girlfriend/fiance had troubles at home is that this is simply not a situation that you can help with at all because you are the bad person even to voice an opinion or get involved. Frankly its up to those individuals to resolve; if it can't be resolved then it is up to them to either suffer the situation or take action to stop it occurring.
That is true, but the blind factor is what the thread starter's boyfriend consider as proportional. But well, I'm sure the OP know her partner best to make the decision; best of luck. :)

And I don't think 'advice' here is an advice to directly resolve the problem..but that's just me.
Anyway! I'm being nitpicky.
And I don't think 'advice' here is an advice to directly resolve the problem..but that's just me.

One thing that will immediately stop me being involved in a problem is if the only outcome is negative

Voice opinion: Negative, your opinion isn't appreciated where family is involved/relationship damage issues
Don't voice opinion: Deal with the perpetual family 'emergency' problems machine every other day despite it being not your problem; enjoy a heap of stress courtesy of said problem.
Ignore the problem: Negative anyway because you aren't showing the correct 'attention'; well at least you don't have to worry about it.

My advice if you want people to get involved is to show what they can do, to give them a course to move towards; I fear that this is actually a catch 22 situation.
I just want to reiterate what [MENTION=3473]InvisibleJim[/MENTION] said. When talking to said INTJ, you need to be direct and logical about the situation. He might not realise how bad things are. If you tell him that you're having a hard time and need some emotional support, you're end up getting a muted response. However if you say to him that you need some advice for your current predicament and you could use his input, it's likely you'll receive a positive reaction.

I don't think he's being cold or uncaring to you, he probably just has a hard time when it comes to emotion heavy topics. I know I do.
I would also say that there isn't any idea given about how often this situation occurs. I would get tired of hearing about the emergency troubles at home on a regular basis. No idea how often the partner has brought up this topic or if there is resolution to be found. I find that when faced with someone who doesn't want to hear any type of rational problem solving advice that I tend to go ahead and consider the matter closed. I refuse on some level, to play the whinning game after awhile. Continuous unresolveable problems become pity parties and I don't like to attend those kind of parties.

Also, I noted that the OP stated that they were "sorta" in a relationship. Me thinks that if you are involved with an INTJ and you are only "sorta" sure you are a couple that the INTJ doesn't think you are.
i wonder if he's actually playing a game, or just trying to assert personal space. THIS INTJ doesn't like games at all though i don't always express when i'm not getting enough personal space the correct way and just try to get away as best i can instead of creating potential stress or hurt.

it's possible that your SO just isn't empathizing your situation fully. INFJ + INTJ can be a recipe for conflict too as your world is so emotional and ours isn't. talking about feelings just isn't our thing, and as a joke, i came up with this sarcastic reply to potential feelings nags...
"how am i feeling? i'm feeling very annoyed that you have to keep asking me how i'm feeling every 30 seconds to the point i can't hear myself think to even know. that answer your question?"

talking about feelings, even HAVING THEM just isn't part of the INTJ way.

going back and re-reading your post a 2nd time, it could be too that he's trying to avoid the situation entirely. i absolutely dread such conversations, and would try to dodge them myself, not as a game, but because it's just so far out of my understanding. i never know what to say and am very likely to say the wrong thing because emotions are just silly abstractions that get in the way more often than not and there's NEVER a LOGICAL solution to emotions. hugs? OK, now THOSE make sense.

you're just talking a foreign language to your guy. it's quite possible it makes him anxious and feel like he's on the spot. if ANYONE has a gift for blurting the exact opposite of the right thing in an emotional context, it's an INTJ. i wear my TWO "brutal honesty" backhanded compliments with pride as at least i'm consistent there, if totally incapable of telling people what they want to hear.

it's frustrating to WANT to help someone, but knowing you just don't have the tools to do it and are likely to make things worse for trying.

Did you actually say that you wanted him to stop and talk to you about something because it was very important to you, or did you just expect him to automatically assume that he ought to do that? Based on what experience I have with INTJs if you don't outright ask or make known what you are specifically expecting from him, he is likely not going to realize what it is that you are needing from him.
TRUE TRUE TRUE so very very TRUE! oh it drives me nuts when people expect you to have the same grasp of emotions as they do. for the most part, INTJs, at least this one, are very independent and used to handling their problems on their own, or annoying everyone around them by complaining and not liking their emotion based solutions anyways. from our perspective, a lot of human nature amounts to "what is all the fuss about?" we just don't get it. if it isn't logical, ignore it until it goes away.

being problem solvers, i'd expect a truly involved in their relationship INTJ to WANT to help as best they can when an elusive emotional issue is brought into focus. i liked the poster who mentioned DUTY. that is a word that should resonate with any INTJ who still lives up to the deep commitment trait that many of us share. in the context of "it's your job to offer your shoulder", i think even an INTJ could get that, maybe not an INTP or an aspergers case, but "it's your duty to go comfort her" makes total sense to me.

OH... by "playing a game" you might have been literal. in that case, yeah INTJs really don't like being interrupted, and when you chose such times instead of free ones, it can drive a wedge for sure. nothing does that better than trying to live up to someone's unrealistic expectations of you to behave just like everyone else. it's times like that that we get labelled as "selfish". i can see where i get that label a little better in this thread as when i'm not pre-occupied, i like to go out of my way to help even strangers, as long as they're nice. if you're also in an agitated mood, that could be part of the reason he's avoiding the situation too.

the best bet is to appeal to INTJ logic, like the "duty" comment. that is a concrete word that can be applied to relationships much better than flowery emotional terms that mean little to us.

i'm feeling some guilt by association here.
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I need help and I don't know where else to go. :(

My INTJ which I'm sorta in a relationship with is ignoring me while he is playing a game, but I told him that I needed to talk about my troubles at home which have been giving me a really hard time and has been making me stressful and moody.

I feel really hurts that he's ignoring me.

I don't know how to handle things.

I've been in a relationship with an INTJ for a long time, and they do have this tendency to hermit away. It's very important for them because it's usually when they develop skills. I've read about lots of other INFJs having the same problem. What you need to focus on right now is yourself, stay active, keep dates with friends, go to the art museum, or on the town. Stuff to keep you interested in the outside world- the worst thing you could do is hyper-focus on the relationship, because you'll just come off as needy (no offense, I've been in the same position) and irritating. If you want him to spend time with you, plan on doing something fun that he can't resist. But word to the wise, don't fight it, it's natural- this is the time when INTJs are busy creating new ideas. Don't let it hurt your self esteem, it's natural for wanting alone time.

Good luck!
yes, INTJs need down time. dealing with people exhausts us, and right now, A BUNCH OF YOU INFJs are wearing me down group style with no ability to reach through the screen and knock out the instigators because they can't handle INTJ bluntness and militant devotion to truths, including ones that don't flatter annoying human beings.

eventually, i think i'll just wave buh bye to this forum as i'm starting to believe everyone that says stay away from INFJs. y'all really do seem to like starting arguments. even at full sarcasm mode, it took me a full month to have words at INTJ and i've only been here 1 day and would like to stomp 3-4 instigators for their insolence. i couldn't tolerate such behavior in a woman. i'd have to call her a cab and tell her don't look back.

so the rumors of INFJ avoidance of drama must just be that.

it sounded soooooooooooo good in theory
I'm an INTJ female.
I used to "ignore" my bf's before, but that didn't mean I don't care about them.
I don't like crybabies and their meaningless talk, but when they got sick...I devoted my time for them.
I always remember every important little things in the relationship, I remember all the details.
But I just don't like to expose all my love, I act when I need to act.

Anyway, all you have to do is say straight to the point if you are really want to talk about something emergency.
But, if you always have something emergency EVERYDAY, I understand why he ignores you.
yes, INTJs need down time. dealing with people exhausts us, and right now, A BUNCH OF YOU INFJs are wearing me down group style with no ability to reach through the screen and knock out the instigators because they can't handle INTJ bluntness and militant devotion to truths, including ones that don't flatter annoying human beings.

eventually, i think i'll just wave buh bye to this forum as i'm starting to believe everyone that says stay away from INFJs. y'all really do seem to like starting arguments. even at full sarcasm mode, it took me a full month to have words at INTJ and i've only been here 1 day and would like to stomp 3-4 instigators for their insolence. i couldn't tolerate such behavior in a woman. i'd have to call her a cab and tell her don't look back.

so the rumors of INFJ avoidance of drama must just be that.

it sounded soooooooooooo good in theory

Haha I can feel you.
I'm being hated by my "friends".
I help my friend with his own forum from scratch.
Basically only me and 2 guys who "build" the forum --1 is the founder and 1 is the coder--
After about 2 months or so, I think that they're somewhat bored with the forum or maybe depressed because the forum hasn't grow yet.
So, I devoted my times to attract the Bots come to the forum by writing many provocative threads everyday.
I'm fully aware that my writing are kind of insulting some members (ex : tips about how to lose weight, some members are fat), but I believe i wrote something useful because the Bots come to the forum more intense and many other Bots come too.

It's kind of sucks that I got all the hatreds when what I do is trying to make the forum popular.
And when I "whine" to my friend, he said that I don't have empathy and so annoying.
WTF??? Hello, I try to make your forum get ranked on search engine, I "sacrificing" my self and I got all the hates.
I really want him to defend me from other's hatreds, or at least he cheer me up for what I feel, but I just got the blame AGAIN.

But whatever who cares, I don't think I did anything wrong though.
And I just want to finish what I've started, I don't need acknowledgement.
I understand why people love to blame others, especially the INTJs. Hahaha :m187: