happy sad happy sad happy sad????


Permanent Fixture
did you feel EXTREMELY SAD/ JUST SAD (angry):m169: yesterday then

you feel EXTREMELY HAPPY/JUST HAPPY:m161: today

then tomorrow YOU KNOW you'll fee:m067:l sad (angry)

do you experience this pattern thing!?!?! it's been like my emotions SINCE.......LAST YEAR

i have PMS but i know this isn't PMS...... it's not like i have it:m077: everyday .. then i'll run out of blood and i'm dead!!!!!!!..then i wouldn't be able to type these things.... unless i had a blood donor......

anyways that was off-topic...but what i'm trying to explain is that do INFJs really have this rollercoaster emotional pattern?.....


I think INFJ's are rather emotional people to begin with, but without some triggering event, for most part, I think we're pretty stable.

This sort of 'emotional rollercoaster' you're describing is rather troublesome; especially since you've said that this is a rather recent affliction. I'd advise you to speak to a doctor or a psychiatrist. There's a possibility you may have Bipolar II disorder. I'm no doctor, but I do know that it's not normal for your moods to cycle from one extreme to another with that sort of frequency, even if you're not hormonally balanced just yet.

Do a check up, just in case.
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I think INFJ's are rather emotional people to begin with, but without some triggering event, for most part, I think we're pretty stable.

This sort of 'emotional rollercoaster' you're describing is rather troublesome; especially since you've said that this is a rather recent affliction. I'd advise you to speak to a doctor or a psychiatrist. There's a possibility you may have Bipolar II disorder. I'm no doctor, but I do know that it's not normal for your moods to cycle from one extreme to another with that sort of frequency, even if you're not hormonally balanced just yet.

Do a check up, just in case.

really!?!? omg..... i'm afraid.. i think i'm really not normal
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... i thought it was :mwaa: normal.... noooooooo i'm abnormal :m077:

really!!?!?!? OMG OMG OMG........ AHHHHHHHHHH I THINK I'M CRAZY...

like... yesterday and a while ago.. i was really depressed because of.. i don't know what reason!!?!?!?.... maybe because i was making up something that might happen that i don't want to happen and i was worried it would happen
and a while ago......i was really sad

i didn't even want to post monkeys!!!!!

and now.... i feel like posting it again......

i don't wanna be crazy.....:m142:
i'm crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It seems normal enough. Some days are good, some are bad. goodbadgoodbadgooodbad.
i don't wanna be crazy.....:m142:
i'm crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmm, I know you're rather young and I know you don't mean it the way you do, but I rather resent the word 'crazy' when you're referring to someone with Bipolar or a mood disorder. It unnecessarily adds to the already disproportional stigma associated with mood disorders. It's an affliction, yes, but its neither dehabilitating nor does it promote a loss of consciousness with reality. All mood disorders are completely treatable, and you've probably interacted with a lot of them and didn't even know it.

But I digress. Like I said, I'm no doctor, so I'm not aptly equipped to diagnose you from a few lines of a post, but if this is something that is interefering with your life, I would strongly advise you to see someone about this.

In a previous post, you mentioned some trouble with your father. Authoritarian parenting is often a cause behind anxiety and mood disruptions later in life. It might help you to just talk the issues out with a trained therapist.
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Hmm. That sounds pretty bi-polar. It is an INFJ pattern; a lot of INFJ and more 'emotional' creatures have mood disorders. I may as well have one too, as I don't ever feel particularly happy nor sad nor angry. I usually just float around with the same emotion, having it occasionally spike if something happens that requires me to act differently. Although, I do display emotions and quite inappropriate times....I laugh when dogs die....
did you feel EXTREMELY SAD/ JUST SAD (angry):m169: yesterday then

you feel EXTREMELY HAPPY/JUST HAPPY:m161: today

then tomorrow YOU KNOW you'll fee:m067:l sad (angry)

do you experience this pattern thing!?!?! it's been like my emotions SINCE.......LAST YEAR

i have PMS but i know this isn't PMS...... it's not like i have it:m077: everyday .. then i'll run out of blood and i'm dead!!!!!!!..then i wouldn't be able to type these things.... unless i had a blood donor......

anyways that was off-topic...but what i'm trying to explain is that do INFJs really have this rollercoaster emotional pattern?.....


Yeah Soulseeker, I'm like that everyday. and you're not crazy you are a really sweet girl....well here in the forum at least LOL. Anyways, just don't lose control of those emotions and remember to count to 10 when things get heated up. It doesn't work for me but hey, everybody is different :D
Oh hell yes! Through out my life, I've found I fluctuate between slightly down to mildly optimistic very regularly.

But recently it's just been crazy- walking on air one day, then crashing and burning the next. Crying a river then courageously hopeful. This is the extreme though and I don't experience it to this degree very often.
hmm...do you ever notice the ambience beneath the fluctuating emotions you experience?

if yes, you can always tap into it and ground yourself by acknowledging what you feel while not being completely immersed in it.

if no, then watching your breath come and go for as long as necessary during these times can often centre you.

hope that helps soulseeker, it certainly does for me :)
really!?!? omg..... i'm afraid.. i think i'm really not normal
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... i thought it was :mwaa: normal.... noooooooo i'm abnormal :m077:

really!!?!?!? OMG OMG OMG........ AHHHHHHHHHH I THINK I'M CRAZY...

like... yesterday and a while ago.. i was really depressed because of.. i don't know what reason!!?!?!?.... maybe because i was making up something that might happen that i don't want to happen and i was worried it would happen
and a while ago......i was really sad

i didn't even want to post monkeys!!!!!

and now.... i feel like posting it again......

i don't wanna be crazy.....:m142:
i'm crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Calm down silly. Being normal isn't a virtue, and not being normal doesn't make you crazy. And anyways, the kind of emotional rollercoaster you described can result from lots of things, like stress or lack of sleep (I know I have a tendency for emotional instability when I'm stressed).
I have had a very common pattern of ups and downs. It's almost sinusoidal. It's usually not as fast to change as that, though; although, lately it has been more frequent. However, I do notice changes that are weekly, or sometimes by the month. The longer it takes for my mood to change, the more severe that mood is; in other words, if I'm happy for a month, then sometimes afterward I'll crash into a depression that lasts...too long.
These changes seem awfully violent to me. Like TheDaringHatTrick mentioned above, you might want to check yourself to see if you don't suffer from a possible mood disorder. There are certain weeks or times in my life when I'm like this, however. One day happy, next day sad, third angry, fourth denial, fifth random emotion, rinse and repeat for a week, a month, perhaps a year. So it might not be an emotional disorder. Maybe there's something in your life that you're not able to cope with? Ugh, but that can also mean an emotional disorder too...

I'm really not one to say these mood swings are violent, though XD I get them too, but I know why my mood swings so much. Anywho, good luck on your search for answers
I'm a lot like GO in this respect. I don't think I have bipolar disorder, but I do have highs and lows. They can last for a few hours, a few days, sometimes even a few weeks.

And like Morpheus said, who cares if it's normal? It doesn't mean you're unhealthy. You're an INFJ, so you're already gloriously different! :D
happy, sad happy sad happy sad????

Hmm, I know you're rather young and I know you don't mean it the way you do, but I rather resent the word 'crazy' when you're referring to someone with Bipolar or a mood disorder. It unnecessarily adds to the already disproportional stigma associated with mood disorders. It's an affliction, yes, but its neither dehabilitating nor does it promote a loss of consciousness with reality. All mood disorders are completely treatable, and you've probably interacted with a lot of them and didn't even know it.

But I digress. Like I said, I'm no doctor, so I'm not aptly equipped to diagnose you from a few lines of a post, but if this is something that is interefering with your life, I would strongly advise you to see someone about this.

In a previous post, you mentioned some trouble with your father. Authoritarian parenting is often a cause behind anxiety and mood disruptions later in life. It might help you to just talk the issues out with a trained therapist.

Thank you, TDHT, and it's excellent advice. I'm not a doctor either, but I've dealt with bipolar disorder since my early teens and I would say what you're describing, Soulseeker, raises some red flags, at least for me.

Whether or not you have bipolar disorder is something to be determined by a doctor, but it is a disorder that's usually easily controlled by medication and once the *symptoms* are controlled, you're left with only the good parts of bipolar. Yes, there's an up side to the disorder, like a strong link to creativity and many of us are quite energetic and accomplished people. We tend to be overrepresented in the arts: music, dance, writing, sculpture, painting, acting.

The usual age of onset is late teens to early twenties. My onset was rather early, probably because that's a pattern in my family. Good luck to you. I hope you seek help; it can only get better. The early stages of the disorder can be quite intense and distressful, not to mention disruptive. And, remember, you're not crazy and you're not alone. You might be interested in this site: http://www.mentaljokes.com/famous_manic.html
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cool... i think it's some kinda :m096: INFJ thing too.. it's like we're all sort of the same!!!!! whoa!!!! that's cool!!!!! i can imagine what could happen if we all live in the same house... bwahahaha

thanks for the site!!! maybe most of them are INFJs too!!!!!

i find it kinda funny though... there are time when i'm super super super aggressive, and voice out whatever i want to say not :m167: thinking of the consequences, and then when i'm really really mad, my friend suddenly laughs at me because of my super :m030: aggressive tone of voice.. then i laugh after...:m187: GOSH!!!!guess we're really PASSIONATE people
I like being described as passionate over crazy :D
I like being described as passionate over crazy :D

me :mlove2:too!!!!!!

if people ask me to describe myself in one word, i always describe myself as :m073:passionate.
did you feel EXTREMELY SAD/ JUST SAD (angry):m169: yesterday then

you feel EXTREMELY HAPPY/JUST HAPPY:m161: today

then tomorrow YOU KNOW you'll fee:m067:l sad (angry)

do you experience this pattern thing!?!?! it's been like my emotions SINCE.......LAST YEAR

i have PMS but i know this isn't PMS...... it's not like i have it:m077: everyday .. then i'll run out of blood and i'm dead!!!!!!!..then i wouldn't be able to type these things.... unless i had a blood donor......

anyways that was off-topic...but what i'm trying to explain is that do INFJs really have this rollercoaster emotional pattern?.....


I have mixed feelings some times, like sad and happy together, angry and entertained/funny, I think when i have different things going on in my life these feelings arise, but there is always hope, or hoplessness/happiness
where I find strength. it's kind of weird.
I kind of get that, but on a less regular basis. It's more every couple of months I feel depressed then immediately after than time I feel really happy and optimistic, then I level out again. There's a kind of ahedonia-esque feel during the slide into the depression XD probably just me, but I think maybe as INFJs are really emotional they just let emotions get the better of them too often.