Gay Panic


Capitalist pig
Homosexual panic is a term, first coined by psychiatrist Edward J. Kempf in 1920, describing an acute, brief reactive psychosis involving delusions and hallucinations accusing a person of various homosexual activities.[1][2] Despite the psychotic nature of the disorder, Kempf called it "acute homosexual panic". The disorder is also known in Kempf's honour as "Kempf's disease".

The condition most often occurs in people who suffer schizoid personality disorders[citation needed] who have insulated themselves from physical intimacy. Breakdowns often occur in situations that involve enforced intimacy with the same sex, such as dormitories or military barracks. It was most common during the mass mobilization of World War II when barracks typically provided little privacy with communal showers and often without doors or even cubicles around toilets.[3]

This, seems rational. Right? The above formentioned correlates with that I'm talking about here, which is Gay Panic, a legal defense people often use who decide to beat someone in the head with a baseball bat after a homosexual person makes an unwelcome advance- not with force, just simply an offer of sex. Perhaps this isn't the only situation which this occurs but it seems like in most cases it's just an easy way out.

Here's the most recent example I can gather, in July of this year

Last Friday, a jury in Cook County, IL acquitted Joseph Biedermann, 30, of first-degree murder in the death of his Hoffman Estates neighbor, Terrance Michael Hauser, 38, in the early morning hours of March 5th, 2008. Biedermann stabbed Hauser 61 times, claiming that Hauser had made an unwanted sexual advances and that he had merely been defending himself.
The full article is located here:

Read more about "Gay Panic" here:

So what do you guys think about this sort of defense? I found it...interesting, to say the least.
*kills slant*

You motherf---- gay cocroach... oops, it's a girl. Oh.

*digs a hole and swears some more*

Well, sorry, judges, gay panic. :m050:

- Yeah, let the guy alone.

Thanks! I mean, she wasn't very nice anyway... you know.

*just before the happy merry christmassssss end, he looks at the camera, kind of.. evilish-sh-sh*
p.s. i want oscars now!
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If I could tell you about all the times I had acute heterosexual panic and killed a woman when they made unwanted sexual advance on me.

Luckily I have been able to control my gay panic when I make advances upon myself...:m092:
Why do all of my topics end up being funny.

I can never get a thread as pumped up as Duty and Satya does.

Except for that one paedophilia thread I made....

oh, and how can we forget the infamous thread split that pretty much kicked off my career
"Everybody's a little bit racist"
I wish I could find the statistic, there really isn't a need for one...but essentially everyone has had a homosexual thoughts before. With a large amount of social pressure against homosexuality, it becomes an especially delicate subject, because unlike social distinctions based on ethnicity or race, this is something that could be completely invisible until brought up in conversation, or some overt gesture. At this point, both parties have been made vulnerable because one has exposed him/herself while the other is seeing that uncomfortable thought right before their eyes. It is really a matter of social change, and this defense is certainly unproductive because merely furthers the persecution of homosexuals and builds up an unnecessary divide.
The amount of homosexual thoughts I have had are pretty astounding. It always comes up when I watch Harry Potter.....
The amount of homosexual thoughts I have had are pretty astounding. It always comes up when I watch Harry Potter.....
Wait, what? :mtap: i feel disturbed already by this thread.. Harry Potter is honorable classic, no matter what its author says.

Seriously, though, my mom does this with everyone. If someone has so much as a northern accent then they're gay, automatically. It's so annoying.

Also, all gay people are child molesters. I just thought I'd let you guys know.
you can't deny that voltermort seems a bit offf.

he's queeeerrrrbaby---;;
you can't deny that voltermort seems a bit offf.

he's queeeerrrrbaby---;;
Won't be able to sleep very well this week... I don't even know what you are saying, but it sounds disturbing enough already.

If you mean the final, where Voldemort is revealed as an abandoned baby, that's the whole moral of the story. It's a way of the author to fight back the English tradition of neglectful raising of children. (which accidentally coincides with the English culture conquering the world; not necessariliy a reason for righteousness)
No I'm just making unbacked up assumptions about the characters, I find it amusing to think that Voldemort is homosexual with Potter...I mean, why else do they have such an 'odd' relationship amognst each other? Har har har. But we're getting off topic and I made this topic damnit!


Continue serious discussion about the topic at hand.
Interesting would be an undestatement. I don't understand it. This is no defense, this is pure rage. And it's so deeply rooted and I wonder how could people have so much hatred and fear buried within them. This kind of thing doesn't just happen, there are serious reasons for such a thing. Generations of fear, shame, misguided beliefs. I get that with panic attacks you're not thinking clearly (well, obviously, 61 stabs, crazy) but how do people get into such a state is beyond me. And this guy was acquitted. :doh: 21st century.
the definition of murder is unjustifiable homicide. I can not see how attributing one's actions to a psychic reflex acquits them of murder.
Interesting would be an undestatement. I don't understand it. This is no defense, this is pure rage. And it's so deeply rooted and I wonder how could people have so much hatred and fear buried within them. This kind of thing doesn't just happen, there are serious reasons for such a thing. Generations of fear, shame, misguided beliefs. I get that with panic attacks you're not thinking clearly (well, obviously, 61 stabs, crazy) but how do people get into such a state is beyond me. And this guy was acquitted. :doh: 21st century.

I second that! :doh:
I haven't read any replies.
That is taught hatred...period.
I am under strong impression that we are
taught to hate each other's differences.
I refuse to differentiate and have my
Children become a victim to that game.
Posted via Mobile Device
Also, all gay people are child molesters. I just thought I'd let you guys know.

Yes! I wantz teh childrenz! Give me teh childrenz!
