Gay News Blog


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
This will be a blog for GLBT news. I'll do my best to keep it updated. Feel free to discuss any of the stories that are posted or even contribute your own.

Politician fuming about "gay" elephant

WARSAW (Reuters) - A Polish politician has criticized his local zoo for acquiring a "gay" elephant named Ninio who prefers male companions and will probably not procreate, local media reported Friday. "We didn't pay 37 million zlotys ($11 million) for the largest elephant house in Europe to have a gay elephant live there," Michal Grzes, a conservative councilor in the city of Poznan in western Poland, was quoted as saying.

"We were supposed to have a herd, but as Ninio prefers male friends over females how will he produce offspring?" said Grzes, who is from the right-wing opposition Law and Justice party.
The head of the Poznan zoo said 10-year-old Ninio may be too young to decide whether he prefers males or females as elephants only reach sexual maturity at 14.
(Reporting by Chris Borowski; editing by Andrew Roche)

UN Covertly Spreading Homosexuality According to Uganda Ethics Minister

KAMPALA, Uganda (AFP)--Ugandan Ethics Minister James Nsaba Buturo said Friday some U.N. member states were engaged in a covert campaign to spread homosexuality around the world.
"At the United Nations there are attempts by some nations to impose homosexuality on the rest of us," he told reporters. "We have learned that they want to smuggle in provisions on homosexuality."
He said he was particularly concerned about an ongoing U.N. conference on population.
"We got to learn from our sources that there are interests that want to use that conference to bring in issues that will protect homosexuals," he said.
Buturo spoke Thursday to Uganda's U.N. ambassador and reminded him of the country's position that homosexuality is "unnatural, abnormal, illegal, dangerous, and dirty."
Buturo also hit back Friday against a Ugandan gay rights groups, who recently made a public call for equal rights.
"We deserve equal rights and protection under the law and constitution. We don't deserve to be demonized and falsely accused in the name of ignorance of who and what we are," Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex Ugandans had said in a statement Wednesday.
Buturo responded by insisting that the constitution affords no rights to sexual minorities.
"It is not true," he said. "They have been making claims that they are protected as a minority group. If we accept that homosexuals are a minority group then robbers are going to come to us to say that we too are a minority group'."
The minister said that Uganda would pass a law that further criminalizes homosexuality. "Our current laws are weak," he said.
Buturo has previously said that homosexuality threatens the future of civilization because homosexual sex does not produce children, and called for the criminalization of miniskirts because they can cause traffic accidents by distracting male drivers.

Six Gay Men Shot to Death By Tribe Members

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Six gay men were shot dead by members of their tribe in two separate incidents in the past 10 days, an official with Iraq's Interior ministry said. In the most recent attack, two men were killed Thursday in Sadr City area of Baghdad after they were disowned by relatives, the official said.

The shootings came after a tribal meeting was held and the members decided to go after the victims.

On March 26, four additional men were fatally shot in the same city, the official said, adding that the victims had also been disowned by their relatives.
The official declined to be identified because he is not authorized to speak to the media.
Witnesses told CNN that a Sadr City cafe, which was a popular gathering spot for gays, was also set on fire.
The constitution affords no rights to sexual minorities? Wow. Gives me a headache just trying to approach what's wrong about that statement.

The issue with the elephant makes sense though. I mean if I invested a crap ton of money into developing a herd and found out it wasn't gonna happen I'd be pissed too, but I'd just get another elephant and quit bitching...
Well, I hope we get some more positives news feeds soon. I will pass on a few things that I come across as well if you want me to.
Buturo responded by insisting that the constitution affords no rights to sexual minorities.
"It is not true," he said. "They have been making claims that they are protected as a minority group. If we accept that homosexuals are a minority group then robbers are going to come to us to say that we too are a minority group'."

robbers?!? who the hell are these people that come up with this stuff?
you'd think they'd move onto polygamists first, at least thats what they did in the US
Technically he did say that all sins are equal.

Of course, there are a few other verses from Leviticus that I would have loved to have read. He doesn't seem to care too much about those particular rules.
What do rabbits have to do with Easter?

And his girlfriend is obviously busy with her Aunt Flo' so I don't think he cares one way or the other.
What bothers me most here is that this is a debate in the Colorado State Senate, a body of the State, and this man brings in a Bible and quotes from it and then continually uses the word 'sin' which is a "transgression of divine law".

Why is this State Senator even allowed to refer to something which transgresses divine law, when this is about a human rights law being debated?

Where is the separation of Church and State here?
For some people there is no separation of church and state and they also think our government was formed on Christian principals. If they ever did look into the religious beliefs of those who did make the constitution they would probably deny their findings and justify it as suits them best. Some people can make anything fit into their own little world by just ignoring the bits they don't like.

Gays can marry in Vermont! I had to post one bit of good news.
Alright, I'll post some good news.

Students in Washington D. C. Counter Westboro Baptist Church Protest

GW students and D.C. residents joined forces Monday morning to stand against the Westboro Baptist Church, a group notorious for its vehement anti-gay protests. Westboro members were in the District this week, conducting protests around the city and at George Mason University in Virginia. When the Church announced it would be demonstrating outside the White House Monday, two GW students decided to oppose the group.
Students Colin MacDonald and Ian Goldin, who organized the counter protest, estimated that their demonstration drew between 80 and 100 people at its peak, many of whom were GW students. The protest was organized entirely through Facebook over the past week.
Organizing the counter-protest was an easy task, MacDonald said in an interview.
"We said, 'Hey look, the Westboro Baptist Church is coming to town, and this is their hateful message, and we want to show that here in D.C., we're not okay with that,' " he said, adding that he and Goldin reached out to a number of gay and lesbian groups across D.C. "Basically it's sort of a universal thing to not really agree with what they say because just about any group can find something that causes them to be hated by the Westboro Baptist Church."
By the time they arrived at the White House Monday, Westboro members had already marched at various embassies in D.C, as well as at George Mason.
Shirley Phelps-Roper, daughter of Westboro founder Fred Phelps, said Westboro members targeted George Mason because students there had elected a gay man as their homecoming queen earlier this year.
Despite their small numbers - only five participants marched up and down Pennsylvania Avenue - church members were impossible to miss. Each carried at least one sign, although some carried up to four, with messages like, "Pray for more dead soldiers."
Phelps-Roper said her church had come to the White House to protest President Obama, who she referred to as "the Anti-Christ." The group's main message states that they believe problems in the United States is a result of what they call America's "deliberate rebellious indifference to the standards of God."
Counter-protestors met Westboro with signs reading, "God doesn't hate" and "Troops are heroes." MacDonald and others also led the group in cheers such as "Two, four, six, eight, how do you know your kids are straight?"
Counter-protestors also worked with another GW student, Kellan Baker, who was encouraging people to donate to a gay and lesbian support group as a protest to the Westboro message. Baker held up a sign throughout the counter-protest showing a running amount of money that had been donated as a result of Westboro's presence in the District.
Initially, MacDonald said that he and Goldin had simply planned to come and observe Westboro's protest. Only after Goldin suggested the idea did they begin to organize the event and contact other groups to spread the word. Even with such little time to organize, MacDonald said that he thought his event was successful.
"I feel like we made our point," MacDonald said. "To a lot of people, this is the nation's Capital. To us, it's home, and it's not okay to have to face that here."
He added, "I think we got the point across to a lot more people than their group did."

I have to admit that I have prejudices in this area.

I quite like gay men, Don't like gay men porn.
I can't stand that women are homosexual, love lesbian porn.