Four Temperaments: Catalyst, Theorist, Stabilizer, and Improviser | INFJ Forum

Four Temperaments: Catalyst, Theorist, Stabilizer, and Improviser


Sep 5, 2009
Here are the descriptions of each? Which one are you?

How do you see this temperament playing out in your life everyday?

The Improviser™ Temperament - (a.k.a. Artisan/SP/Orange)

Adapted from Linda V. Berens, Understanding Yourself and Others
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i'm very NF! there is a monthly award in my workplace for dedication to ongoing improvement and i'm the first person to have won it two months in a row. i'm always keeping in mind about how to improve relationships between people (without meddling).
i'm very NF! there is a monthly award in my workplace for dedication to ongoing improvement and i'm the first person to have won it two months in a row. i'm always keeping in mind about how to improve relationships between people (without meddling).

Nice :)
Still torn between NF and NT... it's more like I operate like an NF but strive to be an NT. Go figure.
Still torn between NF and NT... it's more like I operate like an NF but strive to be an NT. Go figure.

I sorta feel on the border between NF/NT. hmm . . .
I would have to be between NT and SJ. SJ is very culturally dependant while NT is more personality driven.
I used to identify with NF, and somewhat with NT, but now I'm seeing a whole lot of SP-elements in my behavior.

Screw it, I'm making a new category. Sign me up for Drama Queen. Errr, King!

ETA: for the record, I see the Theorist perspective to be the one that'll lead to the most accurate judgments, but aside from wanting to get to underlying principles about weightier things in life, I can't really identify with it.
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Last night I was reflecting on how I've been a Catalyst for people throughout my entire life. With my engineering training- though- I have also acted in the capacity of the Theorist.

"...helping individuals realize their potential"... is in accord with my life purpose - so it looks like Catalyst is for me!


[MENTION=1814]invisible[/MENTION] Congratulations on getting recognition for your gift! :high5:
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Something else I thought I should add: many people who aren't wedded to personality theories who hear about this will identify with all of them instinctively, but usually there will be one that is most important.

There's an MBTI coach who uses this theory as well, and she says your temperament is the one that has motivations you can't live without. But I call sheninanigans on grounds that I think everyone has days when they just don't care much about what they usually do care about.
Want to have a rationale for everything. Are skeptical. Think in terms of differences, delineating categories, definitions, structures, and functions. Hunger for precision, especially in thought and language.

Come on KazeKraven...see the light my fellow Thinker/Rational.....
I'll give you skeptical.

And I only hunger for precision when someone is misunderstood. If I nitpick otherwise, it's usually because someone has pissed me off and I want to get the better of them. But, it's a fun game to play when bored.
I was trying to say that you are an NT because you claim otherwise in your earlier post. Who doesn't love to nitpick just for fun? Oh yea, Feelers....
Thus proving, with my response, that I am more NT than I admitted.

Very clever.
On occasion, i've been typed ISFJ. Thing is, i relate quite a bit to the needs and valeus of the SJ. I am curious about whether SJ vs. NF seems a better fit.
I think it is because SJ has a bit of rigidity to it that is appealing to Ni that you feel a connection. Learning to understand Ni takes into account lots of historical data that is filtered by the individual. As such you build a network of understanding that is somewhat based on tradition. Tradition in the sense that your Ni is using historical data and thus relies on known/observed behavior of others. Conversely if you suscribe more closely to a Helper type as well, the preservation and protection are built into your personality as well.
I would tend to be the other way around (what with aspirational Fe and all).

Feeler in the making? What is that a partial Feeler? Semi-Feeler? Mini-Feeler? *jokes although M looks so imposing*
I think it is because SJ has a bit of rigidity to it that is appealing to Ni that you feel a connection. Learning to understand Ni takes into account lots of historical data that is filtered by the individual. As such you build a network of understanding that is somewhat based on tradition. Tradition in the sense that your Ni is using historical data and thus relies on known/observed behavior of others. Conversely if you suscribe more closely to a Helper type as well, the preservation and protection are built into your personality as well.

Hmm . . . interesting. Makes sense.
I think one reason why I like these temperament sorters (and their descriptions) is that there isn't one negative thing in them. You can freely choose without the bias usually associated with "oh, that type is 'bad' compared to X type."

I had to explore the answers for myself, before I knew about MBTI or Kiersey all that well; I realized I *wasn't* an SJ the higher I got into the executive assistant field. The entire Talent paragraph for the SJ was so not me, it wasn't funny:
They are usually talented at logistics and at maintaining useful traditions. They masterfully get the right things in the right place, at the right time, in the right quantity, in the right quality, to the right people, and not to the wrong people. They know how things have always been done, so they anticipate where things can go wrong. They have a knack for attending to rules, procedures, and protocol. They make sure the correct information is assembled and presented to the right people.

I lost an exec. assistant job because of some major fumbles. Mind you, it was mostly miscommunication, but I'd seen myself as a certain way and when I discovered I wasn't that, it started me on my journey to self-discovery.

The talents can really tell you where you might fit, and why. One of those talents will probably jump right out at you, and you'll absolutely know "that's me". We can be parts of all temperaments - we use all of our functions after all, albeit in varying degrees - but there will be some areas that you'll have no doubts about.
NF Talents
Thus, they can make excellent mediators, helping people and companies solve conflicts through mutual cooperation. If working on a global level, they champion a cause. If working on an individual level, they focus on growth and development of the person.

The NF talents are very interesting because I think i've misunderstood them or how they work in everyday situations. For example, i always assumed unfortunately *my bad* that being idealistic meant being unrealistic, closed, or naive in how they saw the world. And that clearly isn't true. Idealists can see the world as is, but they know it can do better and improve. They don't want unrealistic solutions; rather they want to see solutions implemented which will work in the long terms. Idealists are idea thinkers with long terms visions/aspirations. They not only see what is, but what can and will be IF changes are made. This can often make them appear or seem to be unrealistic when they're not.

They tend to be gifted at unifying diverse peoples and helping individuals realize their potential. They build bridges between people through empathy and clarification of deeper issues. They use these same skills to help people work through difficulties.

I like to work with people one on one, and i think this is actually a strength of mine. I am uncomfortable with personal attention, but when i'm able to focus on a problem in a situation and derive a solution, i feel extremely accomplished. It feels great to be acknowledged only when i help someone accomplish something. So, the bit about helping others realize their potential is very true for me. I love it when i see someone strive to work hard and exceed expectations. I am so proud of them. I always feel good. I hate it when i see someone underselling themselves or their abilities. I am always excited to see people do well. It irks me when I see someone being mediocre, especially when i see it in myself. hmm
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