FireFox 4

Blind Bandit

Blind Man Being Lead to Nowhere
So as of right now I'm using Fire Fox 4 RC1. Its defitnatly a change but so fair I like it.

I have to say its weird at first not having the menu bar. But at the same time the FireFox button /menu is fine for most simple tasks and if needed the menu bar can be put back in one click. Likewise the tabs can be put back to their normal place below the address bar. But honestly on top is working ok for me right now.

I think so fair the best feature is the app tab. An app tap is something that's kept open and always on your tab bar. So for example I can click on the INFJs app tab and the page will already be loaded. I've have my web mail this as well. Granted you have to log in but it helps if you use a site a lot.

So what about everyone else are you using Fire Fox 4 and if so do you like it? What are your thoughts?
I've used it on and off, but I'm not really sold on it yet. I haven't tinkered with the new features much, but I noticed that they've taken the Opera look for the tabs. Almost all of my addons are incompatible, and the setting for fonts and size don't really work for some reason. I won't be switching to it until it's out of the beta stage.
Yeah, I usually like to wait for beta version of any software before I get it for myself.

I was thinking of making a thread like this a few days ago, I'm curious in other's experiences with it. So far it sounds interesting.
This looks alright, I may give it a go. Although, I quite like the old firefox ^^
I've used it on and off, but I'm not really sold on it yet. I haven't tinkered with the new features much, but I noticed that they've taken the Opera look for the tabs. Almost all of my addons are incompatible, and the setting for fonts and size don't really work for some reason. I won't be switching to it until it's out of the beta stage.

Hmmm what addons do you use? I don't use many as right now (ad block plus ,video download helper and I'm waiting for Memory Fox to be reposted) So fair most of the addons I've seen tend to work or should soon.

Also what problem are you having with fonts and size. I tend to make my fonts bigger and it seems to be working.

Ya I don't blame you on the beta / RC problems. I normally don't usually switch before software goes gold. But I figured I would jump in and get a head start. Mostly so I didn't hate when it came out and people where asking about it. I help a few people with their computers so that means I end up being the computer expert in the family.

Yeah, I usually like to wait for beta version of any software before I get it for myself.

I was thinking of making a thread like this a few days ago, I'm curious in other's experiences with it. So far it sounds interesting.

Its defiantly different and I'm sure many folks will simply put the old layout back up. Their are some changes that make me wanna smack the FF crew across the head. For example the home button is to the fair right side so (Address bar>Search>Home button) That gets me as I hate having to go past the search to get home.

I also miss the really bright blue back and forward buttons they stuck out which made them easier to see when your just on autopilot. The new buttons are way to bland and just don't stick out like they should.

So there are still some things I don't love about FF 4 but I'm also willing to give it time.
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Verdana 20 on latest 3.6

on 4

The letters are narrower and it bothers my eyes.

Out of the addons, dictionarytooltip, avg linkscanner, norton safe web lite, imgur uploader and chatzilla aren't working.

This sounds odd but I'm glad I'm not the only one who messing with the font. I can't tell a huge difference but I'm sure if I was using it long term like are I would notice the differnce.

Hmmm I might have to check out chatzilla
This sounds odd but I'm glad I'm not the only one who messing with the font. I can't tell a huge difference but I'm sure if I was using it long term like are I would notice the differnce.

Hmmm I might have to check out chatzilla

From her post, I gathered that firefox was messing with the font.
From her post, I gathered that firefox was messing with the font.

I Know I meant that she had changed her font size and style. I don't know many people that do that. I saw what she meant. But I'm not sure if its a bug or just web compliance standards.
personally I'm a fan of chrome.

and it semi-out, well 4.0 final is on the ftp servers

Windows (US)
This might sound crazy but the main reason I like safari over firefox is because 1 I find it more ascetically pleasing and 2 the load bar goes across the place where you type in the web addresses.
I hate that you can't click and drag the window's top bar easily, but I like the rest.

At least they fixed most of the font problems, or at least I got used to it. :P
For ff the only addon I use is firebug, great development tool. FF takes up a lot of ram, I use it for script debugging purposes only. I usually run on chrome or opera. I trust google products, I was turned off by the browser since it was relatively new and they announced it's release pretty much out of nowhere a couple years ago. But I've jumped on the band wagon, it's split use between opera/chrome atm..
At first FF4 was extremely slow for me, but it turned out to be a plugin's fault. I'm pretty happy with the speed now.
All of the browsers listed below reference the Mac OS X versions.

I haven’t switched to FF4 here or at work because I want to see how it shakes out first. Here, not a big deal if something is fluxored, but work — gotta err on the side of caution. I know I can have FF3 and FF4 running side by side, but I am too lazy to do the work necessary (yeah, I know it’s hardly anything, but I’m lazy, you know?).

Chrome would be choice for me here at home but the stability isn’t there. I mean, it’s 99.9% stable, but FF3 has been 99.99999% stable, and the difference is me doing my thing and me swearing.

Safari I like as well, but there are little things that irk me. It doesn’t remember magnifications after quit, just stupid stuff like that. It has some nice extensions though. And it too is fast - a little slower than Chrome as measured by tests, but it is six and one half dozen of the other.

Opera is there for testing only.

iCab is there because I have nostalgia for it back when it was a pre-Mac OS X app, and it has a couple of nice tricks that are good for testing.

I dunno — all of these are fast enough when you throw a 3GHz octa- (or even quad) core at them. :becky:

I haven’t switched to FF4 here or at work because I want to see how it shakes out first. Here, not a big deal if something is fluxored, but work — gotta err on the side of caution. I know I can have FF3 and FF4 running side by side, but I am too lazy to do the work necessary (yeah, I know it’s hardly anything, but I’m lazy, you know?).
I just upgraded to FF4 with essentially no issues. Had to install updated extensions (Adblock Plus, NoScript, DownloadHelper, and Cookies Manager+), but the rest was painless. It runs faster and seems much smoother. I customized the toolbar a bit and restored the menu bar, but most of the default settings seem to work well.

Chrome would be choice for me here at home but the stability isn’t there. I mean, it’s 99.9% stable, but FF3 has been 99.99999% stable, and the difference is me doing my thing and me swearing.
Chrome caused the Blue Screen of Death on my PC repeatedly (apparently a known issue related to certain NVIDIA drivers). I haven't tried it in a while, so the problem might be fixed at this point, but I'm quite happy with Firefox.
Oh wow, this is different. New technology means I have to learn stuff about it. Arrrrgh!
I switched to FF4 at home under Mac OS X 10.6.7 and all seems to be well — app and extensions both.

It does seem faster, but it isn’t night and day — that’s likely a reflection of the CPU cores’ speed already hammering rather than the app coding being poor.
