Feeling Nothing


Community Member
Has anyone actually felt a sense of bland feeling where nothing just comes up.You can't feel happy neither are you sad but just nothing.I know it's not the feeling of emptyness but i just can't feel any emotions.My tongue feels bland too but i can still taste.Maybe i do have emotions but just slightly.

Right now, i guess i am just a robot hovering around the grey sky in the winter and wilderness.Currently, i don't think i am an INFJ or any other characters that seem to sound like me but at least i do know that i was once an INFJ when i was a child.

The colourful world i once had in my grasp suddenly just turned into a pile of ashes that smouthered my back.I don't think i have a personality.It just doesn't sound right if i said i had one now.

Maybe it's because i don't get my butt out into the social life which led me to forget or lock it out.Probably even if i got out into the social life, there will just be more backstabbing and misunderstandings that crashes with that friend i made because i know this friend would be temporary.So far, in my whole age group, i have only met one introverted person in the entire school.The rest of the girls just seem to be concentrated on popularity, fashion or whatever they think is cool.

I am eating chocolates because they used to be my favourite and i heard it makes people happy or go high.One more thing,maybe i should sleep more because my sister(earthtocarrie)and childhood friend says i would laugh or smile in my sleep.Thank you for reading this whoever you are.You don't need to respond or anything because i am glad you took your time off to read this pile of blabbering idiot story.
Sounds like depression. [/obvious]
Has anyone actually felt a sense of bland feeling where nothing just comes up.You can't feel happy neither are you sad but just nothing.I know it's not the feeling of emptyness but i just can't feel any emotions.My tongue feels bland too but i can still taste.Maybe i do have emotions but just slightly.

Right now, i guess i am just a robot hovering around the grey sky in the winter and wilderness.Currently, i don't think i am an INFJ or any other characters that seem to sound like me but at least i do know that i was once an INFJ when i was a child.

The colourful world i once had in my grasp suddenly just turned into a pile of ashes that smouthered my back.I don't think i have a personality.It just doesn't sound right if i said i had one now.

Maybe it's because i don't get my butt out into the social life which led me to forget or lock it out.Probably even if i got out into the social life, there will just be more backstabbing and misunderstandings that crashes with that friend i made because i know this friend would be temporary.So far, in my whole age group, i have only met one introverted person in the entire school.The rest of the girls just seem to be concentrated on popularity, fashion or whatever they think is cool.

I am eating chocolates because they used to be my favourite and i heard it makes people happy or go high.One more thing,maybe i should sleep more because my sister(earthtocarrie)and childhood friend says i would laugh or smile in my sleep.Thank you for reading this whoever you are.You don't need to respond or anything because i am glad you took your time off to read this pile of blabbering idiot story.
It's normal, I don't know why you're feeling this way, but it's normal.
hmm i guess i should feel relieved then.
hmm i guess i should feel relieved then.
Not really, there's a reason you're feeling this way I imagine, maybe somethings happened, or maybe too much of nothings happened.
Has anyone actually felt a sense of bland feeling where nothing just comes up.You can't feel happy neither are you sad but just nothing.I know it's not the feeling of emptyness but i just can't feel any emotions.My tongue feels bland too but i can still taste.Maybe i do have emotions but just slightly.

Right now, i guess i am just a robot hovering around the grey sky in the winter and wilderness.Currently, i don't think i am an INFJ or any other characters that seem to sound like me but at least i do know that i was once an INFJ when i was a child.

The colourful world i once had in my grasp suddenly just turned into a pile of ashes that smouthered my back.I don't think i have a personality.It just doesn't sound right if i said i had one now.

Maybe it's because i don't get my butt out into the social life which led me to forget or lock it out.Probably even if i got out into the social life, there will just be more backstabbing and misunderstandings that crashes with that friend i made because i know this friend would be temporary.So far, in my whole age group, i have only met one introverted person in the entire school.The rest of the girls just seem to be concentrated on popularity, fashion or whatever they think is cool.

I am eating chocolates because they used to be my favourite and i heard it makes people happy or go high.One more thing,maybe i should sleep more because my sister(earthtocarrie)and childhood friend says i would laugh or smile in my sleep.Thank you for reading this whoever you are.You don't need to respond or anything because i am glad you took your time off to read this pile of blabbering idiot story.

Well it doesn't come across as a blabbering idiot story that's for sure.
You might be in a transitionary state right now making you feel like you have no personality. It's wonderful that you smile and even laugh as you sleep! Perhaps your true personality comes out in your sleep because there, there is no fear of being yourself.
You're in a minority except the majority doesn't see it like that. They think we are 'different' 'weird' 'odd' and even 'strange' - Their misunderstanding causes us to withdraw and hide and protect our personalities even more.
The whole thing is a balancing act. We need to stand up for ourselves, set and enforce personal boundaries, know our limitations and work on improving ourselves so that we can fit in socially, to a comfortable point, albeit maintaining our privacy.
It's trial and error for a long time but you'll learn over time what works best for you.
You do have a personality and a good one, it's just not been appreciated and you're not appreciating it right now either.
You'll get there, don't worry. What you are worrying about today won't bother you in the near future.
"What you are worrying about today won't bother you in the near future".

Thats A rather good piece of advice.!
I feel much the way you describe a great deal of the time lately (past few years since my mother died).

It's not exactly what I hoped for when I began training myself to control the violent pendulum swings of emotion I used to experience. I hoped for balance and contentment; sometimes it feels more like apathy. But I do find it preferable to the extreme states of despair and frustration that used to afflict me.

It's a state that gets old, and I'd like to get myself out of it, but it's a difficult state to extract yourself from.
sounds like depression to me. But then, who am I to talk? My emotions (happy, sad, scared, curious, angry, ALL of them) are so intense that I can't function normally without medication to mello them out, and even still some people think I'm too intense. But there was a time where I wondered if I could feel, or I'd go though periods where everything just seemed gray and ashy. turned out that I was really super depressed and like a veil that depression had fallen over everything else and blocked it out. all that to say, maybe that's what's going on for you. or it could be a defense mechanism.
You know, it is a very apt description of how I felt before I was being treated for depression. I was able to help myself a little with CBT, but it did not last, and my depression was compounded by anxiety. I am not a pill person, but my Dr finally convinced me to try one, and after a couple of tries, we found one that made a big difference for me. I still have my ups and downs, as these are normal, but now they are within normal, livable ranges, and I no longer get that total gray haze feeling. I can function, and live my life most days, which is a huge difference for me.
i know the feeling well, and enigma summed it up really good, i was never fond of pills either, but its gets you back on your feet to start moving forward again, they really help especially with depression, and it sounds like you might have some symtoms to of DPD, like what motor jax said but it could be just depression, but you should look into trying some medication, i think it would help you.
Hmm - I never knew there was a name for it, MJ: I thought it was "just me." It rarely happens to me now, but it used to happen to me a lot when I was a teen. I didn't feel "real." I felt like I was living in a movie or a dream, but I knew (mentally) I wasn't. Physically I felt detached from my body.

But it would happen to me normally, and I wouldn't be under stress (that I knew of). It happened a lot when I went to see movies. After I came out of the dark theater, I felt like I was still in the theater - or even more so, in the movie itself. I felt like I was another character in the same storyline as the movie.

Yes, I know that sounds crazy. :p

It hasn't happened to me in a long time, though. I also "knew" I was real - but I had to wait for the feeling to subside before I felt connected again. Sometimes it took days; other times it took hours. But it was always frustrating.
Actually i don't think i have depersonalization.I was actually researching a little that time and i came across this.http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/special_reports/depression/anhedonia.htm

I think the reason was because of a period of time few years back, i failed at my identity crisis as an adolescence.I always felt i belonged to another world or something and when i was ?? i finally felt i couldn't take it.Images and scences just kept filling my brain and i couldn't take it anymore.It wasn't that much when i was little.More and more just came flowing in and i realised that sometimes i actually seem to take somebody's place whom was suppose to win and stuff like that.I thought i was a puppet rather getting controlled and repeating my life here again and the different possibilties that was suppose to happen to me.I don't get much stuff in my mind as before already.Other than that, i was just thinking about my personality through here and forth.Oh well, i think you get what i mean so i shall save it.Some sounds rather ridiculous right?

Here's another one website which shows how people can get anhedonia.http://www.glossary.com/dictionary.php?q=Anhedonia
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