Fe Overload and Parenting.

Picture this, a nervous infj at the elementary school christmas concert. I hate crowds - eps when they are people I "know".
my 2 year old standing in my lap... he tells me something...can't hear over the screeching of the band...I ask him to repeat it, and so, during a lull, he says:

Mooooommmy, the poopy is sliiiiding down my leeeeeeg!!!!!

Someone plz shoot me. as everyone turns to look and starts laughing.. Did I mention I have light tan pants on? Get me outta here!
Picture this, a nervous infj at the elementary school christmas concert. I hate crowds - eps when they are people I "know".
my 2 year old standing in my lap... he tells me something...can't hear over the screeching of the band...I ask him to repeat it, and so, during a lull, he says:

Mooooommmy, the poopy is sliiiiding down my leeeeeeg!!!!!

Someone plz shoot me. as everyone turns to look and starts laughing.. Did I mention I have light tan pants on? Get me outta here!

I was lying down on the stairs laughing at this!

Oh gosh. How embarrassing! But I certainly would've have died of laughter if I were sitting next to you all in any form, BUT, I would have helped because I so understand.

"Here let me....catch that. " lol

I am always blushing, but I have so much melanin, no one can tell....unless I start sweating too then it's all over. EMBARRASSED.

Mine are constantly doing such things.

"Mommy, I farted. I'm going to say excuse me now. EXCUSE ME!"

As I turn slowly to see the rest of the grocery line looking me dead in my eyes.


They were cool this morning though. Got up, got dressed quietly and calmly. My son was lying on the floor brushing his teeth. My daughter was taking her sweet time on the toilet, which is actually good.

I think I need to add 30 more minutes to the morning routine and then everything will run more smoothly.
I was lying down on the stairs laughing at this!

Oh gosh. How embarrassing! But I certainly would've have died of laughter if I were sitting next to you all in any form, BUT, I would have helped because I so understand.

"Here let me....catch that. " lol

I am always blushing, but I have so much melanin, no one can tell....unless I start sweating too then it's all over. EMBARRASSED.

Mine are constantly doing such things.

"Mommy, I farted. I'm going to say excuse me now. EXCUSE ME!"

As I turn slowly to see the rest of the grocery line looking me dead in my eyes.


They were cool this morning though. Got up, got dressed quietly and calmly. My son was lying on the floor brushing his teeth. My daughter was taking her sweet time on the toilet, which is actually good.

I think I need to add 30 more minutes to the morning routine and then everything will run more smoothly.

Hi Again!
I am currently at Monkey Joe's, while my beloved offspring are jumping maniacally on the giant inflatable things... god love whoever invented those. Trying to ignore the little kid next to me who keeps wanting tips on how to play on the Legos.com site. (Where is his Mom?)

Talk about embarrassing things... mine like to (um... how to word this tactfully???) go bra-diving in public. They find it relaxing. I find it stressful.

ANYWAY, just a quick hi, better run, gotta make sure no one is getting bitten. Wish I could hear Slant sing Karaoke in this place, can't, too noisy....

Hi Again!
I am currently at Monkey Joe's, while my beloved offspring are jumping maniacally on the giant inflatable things... god love whoever invented those. Trying to ignore the little kid next to me who keeps wanting tips on how to play on the Legos.com site. (Where is his Mom?)

Talk about embarrassing things... mine like to (um... how to word this tactfully???) go bra-diving in public. They find it relaxing. I find it stressful.

ANYWAY, just a quick hi, better run, gotta make sure no one is getting bitten. Wish I could hear Slant sing Karaoke in this place, can't, too noisy....



I LOVE those inflatable thingies. I rented one for the kids' birthday last summer. It was lovely. I cried.

Bra-diving sounds rather painful. So do the teeth. I certainly hope that is outgrown soon, for your sake.

I picked up the mini-van rental...I'm trying to figure out how to install/work this crazy car seat!!!

Did you figure it out?? Tell me what's going, perhaps I can troubleshoot (perhaps you have figured it out already as I am late responding to this).
hahahahaaa! I love this thread!!

mine decided to fixate on hitting me in the boob this afternoon while I tried to return emails. Just tap......tap...........tap tap.......tap...
"Honey, stop that." he giggles, cocky little grin, looks at me out of the corners of his eyes........tap....

hahahahaaa! I love this thread!!

mine decided to fixate on hitting me in the boob this afternoon while I tried to return emails. Just tap......tap...........tap tap.......tap...
"Honey, stop that." he giggles, cocky little grin, looks at me out of the corners of his eyes........tap....


I'm sorry but that is funny as hell.

My oldest is the one who gives me the most grief, it's tough I know. She's a near 12 yr old extrovert who has verbal diharea at the best of times and just being around her is so exsausting. I feel guilty sometimes too because it causes her to feel like I'm rejecting her when I ask her to give me some space and quiet...

My youngest one is quiet and will occupy herself well. Oddly enough though, everyone but my mom and I, have a hard time with her and an easier time with my oldest. I guess it's due to her also having mild autism (my oldest), plus she craves constant interraction and emotional security. Talk about Draining...
My oldest is the one who gives me the most grief, it's tough I know. She's a near 12 yr old extrovert who has verbal diharea at the best of times and just being around her is so exsausting. I feel guilty sometimes too because it causes her to feel like I'm rejecting her when I ask her to give me some space and quiet...

omg! IT IS MY 8 YO- She never stops! Aand when my ears finally start to bleed, things spiral into I want peace and quiet and she thinks mommy doesn't want her. *sigh*

I wonder what would happen if we put them in a room together....
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hahahahaaa! I love this thread!!

mine decided to fixate on hitting me in the boob this afternoon while I tried to return emails. Just tap......tap...........tap tap.......tap...
"Honey, stop that." he giggles, cocky little grin, looks at me out of the corners of his eyes........tap....


I don't know why kids are in love with body parts which extend out of mommies. Your post reminds me of my blog post. I have an umbilical hernia so my belly button is an outtie, huge and disgusting. My belly was over 50 inches with them so yeah I got ripped apart pretty badly. I need like 2 surgeries to fix everything but again, no money, time, and i don't trust people with the kids.

My son yesterday is just lying on me and poking it in and out and in and out.

"gaaahhh!" I'm flailing and flinging....

and up he leaps and runs off with this impish look and laugh and it absolutely made me want to chase him but I was too sleepy.

"go away..." I mumble and fall back to sleep. My little sister is here because she's on break from U-M. I'm glad she was here yesterday because I was just so f*cking drained I really slept on and off from 12PM yesterday to 7:30 this morning.
omg! IT IS MY 8 YO- She never stops! Aand when my ears finally start to bleed, things spiral into I want peace and quiet and she thinks mommy doesn't want her. *sigh*

I wonder what would happen if we put them in a room together....

Its weird but I was like this a child. But I switched to introversion as I got older.

I'm curious for INFJ parents how do you deal with the being drained so much?

Thats one of my main concerns if I ever had kids. I don't want my kids to be jumping up and down and me dragging along trying to keep up.
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Its weird but I was like this a child. But I switched to introversion as I got older.

I'm curious for INFJ parents how do you deal with the being drained so much?

Thats one of my main concerns if I ever had kids. I don't want my kids to be jumping up and down and me dragging along trying to keep up.

You don't so much deal with it as simply survive it... and you do it because you love them and will do anything for them. And it gets better once they're over, say, 5? And most people have help, thank goodness. That is why (I believe) there has been such a taboo against children outside of marriage in the past: you NEED at least two people to handle it, no matter your MBTI type. And this is doubly true with twins, or if you've had difficult medical problems )-: ouch. Thankfully, most people have sisters, mothers, friends, good babysitters.... without whom you'd probably lose it. And you MUST set limits with them, because little kids understand and accept no limits -- personal or otherwise. This is for their sake and your own.

WellNoWonder, I am concerned about your medical well-being, good grief, it sounds like it would take you at least 2.5 years to simply recover from the birth!!! )-: Take care of yourself.
You don't so much deal with it as simply survive it... and you do it because you love them and will do anything for them. And it gets better once they're over, say, 5? And most people have help, thank goodness. That is why (I believe) there has been such a taboo against children outside of marriage in the past: you NEED at least two people to handle it, no matter your MBTI type. And this is doubly true with twins, or if you've had difficult medical problems )-: ouch. Thankfully, most people have sisters, mothers, friends, good babysitters.... without whom you'd probably lose it. And you MUST set limits with them, because little kids understand and accept no limits -- personal or otherwise. This is for their sake and your own.

WellNoWonder, I am concerned about your medical well-being, good grief, it sounds like it would take you at least 2.5 years to simply recover from the birth!!! )-: Take care of yourself.

This is all very true.

There is really no right age. I actually thought I would never have kids and in fact, I thought I was infertile. I proved myself wrong on so many levels.

And you do go into survival mode. I'm still in it. I never plan anything because it never works that way; I just go day by day. I think I am extra tired, but watching them develop so beautifully just kills any angst I have about my well-being.

I do need to take care of myself though. I am smaller than my pre-pregnancy self. I am working on too many projects at once. I go into rages and hysterias where I am crying and cursing and just being very dark period. Sometimes, I think the only reason why I am here is to raise my kids, which is just so pessimistic and gloomy of me. I feel like it's the only thing I'm semi-good at, and even as I'm getting ready to leave this morning and my son melts into tears, I just feel like I'm losing it.

I made up my mind last night (of course I didn't sleep well and it didn't help my daughter was in the bed with me rolling around and pulling the hair in the middle of my scalp) to go on a vacation, even if I have to just jump up and and catch a cab to the airport and fly away. I have 4 choices right now, Toronto, Miami, Barbados, and the Dominican Republic. And then once I'm relaxed, I think I'll be better able to handle my own personal business, like these surgeries I need, and my 9 credits and pursuit of an MPH, and other random important things that i've just sat to the side...
hahahahaaa! I love this thread!!

mine decided to fixate on hitting me in the boob this afternoon while I tried to return emails. Just tap......tap...........tap tap.......tap...
"Honey, stop that." he giggles, cocky little grin, looks at me out of the corners of his eyes........tap....


How are you doing so far today??? Has the boob-tapping stopped? Or has it been replaced with another repetitive gesture of toddler-LUUUUVVVVV..
omg! IT IS MY 8 YO- She never stops! Aand when my ears finally start to bleed, things spiral into I want peace and quiet and she thinks mommy doesn't want her. *sigh*

I wonder what would happen if we put them in a room together....

What a scary thought... :D
Its weird but I was like this a child. But I switched to introversion as I got older.

I'm curious for INFJ parents how do you deal with the being drained so much?

Thats one of my main concerns if I ever had kids. I don't want my kids to be jumping up and down and me dragging along trying to keep up.

Well, how I deal with being drained so much, is to just make sure I get that time I actually need.

This usually is done by my going over the parental checklist in my head, and it looks like this:

-Is she
worried and needs to talk,
needs psysical excersise,
feeling hormonal and can't express it (hell, I can't myself half the time),
needs to connect again,

... so yea, I go over this list, and then after that's been done and hopefully satisfied, I get that time I need by asking is they would like to watch 30 mins of TV ( I know, my bad), and if not, then they get babysitting money, while I go out for a 20 minute drive somewhere...
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