Favorite Family Guy character and quote.


Permanent Fixture
I forget
My favorite's Stewie, that guy's awesome. He has so many good quotes that it was hard to choose but here's mine:

[In car with Brian, says to police officer] We met on the Internet. He lured me into the car with promises of candy and funny stories.
Stewie Griffin
Family Guy
Family Guy is ok. I don't know any quotes offhand. Some of the stuff in the show is really hilarious, while other things are far too akward or distasteful for me to watch. Stewie is my favorite character though, very much an INTJ.
Some stuff is pretty disgusting I admit and to be honest I didn't know it uphand. I looked up some quotes b/c he's a pretty funny character and I knew I would laugh.
I like Stewie as well. A quote that comes to mind is the episode that Meg falls in love with Brian after he stands up for her and she bakes him a pie with her hair in it and after he takes a few bites she's like "how do you like the pie Brian?" and he's like "Oh Meg it's delicious!" and she's like . . ."My hair was in that pie, Brian. A part of me is inside you. Do you feel me Brian? Do you feel me inside you?" lol soo funny :D
I also remember the cool whip episode where everyone put a lot of emphasis on the h sound. x)
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I love Stewie...favourite quote: “Somewhere in this state, Jeb Bush is eating a live puppy”
Stewie is the best character, but that ain't saying much
Glen Quagmire.

[Quagmire opens a door and sees a cheerleader tied up in a toilet stall]
Quagmire: Dear diary: Jackpot!

Quagmire: Hey there Gorgeous, how old are you?
Connie: 16.
Quagmire: 18?
Connie: Mom!
Quagmire: I Like where this is goin'!

Auctioner: Our first item is a pair of panties confiscated from a prostitute.
Quagmire: Fifty bucks.
Auctioner: She had nine STDs.
Quagmire: Forty-five bucks.
Auctioner: And when we caught her she wet herself.
Quagmire: Fifty bucks.

Glen Quagmire: Hello, 911? It's Quagmire. Yeah, it's caught in the window this time.

Brain: Ugh, I can't beileve you're serving a three year sentance, it seems so harsh.
Lois: Well, the only upside is that it's given me time to think about why I ended up in here. I guess I was stealin' because I was so sick of the same old routine. I felt like I had a void in my life, like, like, there was a secret hole in me...
Quagmire: Oh God!
Lois:...and I was tryin' to fill that hole with all kinds of expensive objects, and things...
Quagmire: Oh God!!!
Lois: ...and I felt wonderful with all those things fillin' that hole.
Quagmire: Oh God!!!!!!
Lois: I did this to myself, so I'm just gonna have to lay back and let the penal system teach me a lesson.
Quagmire: That one is also sexual.

Quagmire (running through mall and accidentally into the camera room): Where am I, am I dead?
Security Guard: No, this is where we monitor all the dressing rooms in the mall so we can keep an eye out for shoplifters.
(Woman on Monitor has heart attack)
Quagmire: Oh my God! That one's having a heart attack! (Runs to womans dressing room.)
Quagmire: (Rubs womans chest and breathes in her mouth. Woman becomes conscious.)
Woman#2: That was amazing!
Woman#3: You saved her life!
Woman#4: Thank God you know CPR!
Quagmire: What the hell is CPR?

Brooke: Quagmire, will you accept this rose?
Quagmire: Really? After I drugged you and had sex with your unconscious body?
Brooke: What?
Quagmire: Yes.

(In the middle of the night, Peter wakes the whole neighborhood by yelling.)
Peter: Hey everybody! Meg just had her first period!
Joe: PETER! Shut up its three in the morning!
Cleveland: What the hell is going on out there?!
Quagmire: Damn it! People are trying to sleep!
Peter: I'm just saying! I'm proud of her. She's a woman! Yea!
Quagmire: Yes, Peter, that's very hot, and I'll deal with it in the morning, but right now, I am exhausted!

Quagmire: So, you ladies ever been penetrated?
I like Stewie as well. A quote that comes to mind is the episode that Meg falls in love with Brian after he stands up for her and she bakes him a pie with her hair in it and after he takes a few bites she's like "how do you like the pie Brian?" and he's like "Oh Meg it's delicious!" and she's like . . ."My hair was in that pie, Brian. A part of me is inside you. Do you feel me Brian? Do you feel me inside you?" lol soo funny :D
I also remember the cool whip episode where everyone put a lot of emphasis on the h sound. x)

I remember that.
I love Quagmire's giggity lol. And I remember one time after Brian did something to Pewtershmits Poodle, I think sexually violating her, he said right before a comercial break "Bow wong chika wang wang bow wong" or something like that.


Basically the whole episode is my favorite.