Family's types


So what types are your family members? How do you get along with them? Just guess the type if you don't know for sure.

Dad-INTP-He's a very strong T so we usually have conflicting over sensitive things like "feelings". But our iNtuition really brings us together and we usually think in similar patterns.

Mom-ESFJ-She's really nice, very friendly, but just a little too...bland and old-fashioned. She has absolutely no N to her, which is my strongest trait.

Brother(15)-INFP-I thought he was an ISFP untill I made him take the test. My OCD-ness gets on his nerves alot, and his lazyness and lack of motivation for serious stuff bugs me in return.

Other Brother(9)-He's young to type, but I geuss he'll deffinately be an NT one day. Probably a future ENTP.

Sister(7)-A future ESFX

:D :hug:

My Family (guesses really)

Brother ESTP
Brother ISFJ
Brother ISTP
Fiance ESFJ
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Older sister- ENFP
Bro 1- INFP?
Bro 2- ISTJ?

I get along most with my mom, bro 1, and my sister. I've never truly connected w/ my dad or my other brother (that's why I'm guessing he's ISTJ because we tend to rub each other the wrong way). My family still tends to get along well.
Bro ENTJ — Great for conversations, very knowledgeable and logical but believes his logic is free from emotion, it never is. Get’s worked up easily and has the patience of a gnat (I’m lead to believe they have short ones :D) at the end of the day he’s cool.

Sis ISFP — Awesome fun, I’m rarely serious and usually excessively active when I’m around her cause she hardly ever stops. She oozes spontaneity which I love.

Sis INFJ — A confidant I can hang with and not have the need to always talk, we just click although not so much when we were younger, her ‘correctness’ and my ‘laxness’ can cause dramas but we just ‘get’ each other, the rest of the world can seem alien to us at times.
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What do you hate about ISFPs Shai?

I have a theory...
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The utter idiocy of saying "noone cares about that" just because they personally don't care about that, even though she might be interrupting an indepth conversation between three people who "do care about that". The "I'm going to go out and get utterly trashed and scream "woooo" and say that THAT is having a good time. Saying "books are boring". Disregarding anything out of the ordinary as weird and useless.

My sister and other ISFPs (guessing their type), do this crap a lot. So the entire temperament gets painted as trash.
That is a lot of idiocy, I can't say I relate to any of that and don't most introverts like books? Anyway, my theory is you probably won't relate well to ISFPs because you don't share any primary functions, you won't be able to understand them at all and they will represent all of the weakest parts of yourself, which you would naturally dislike or feel uncomfortable with.

I think you should probably try and remember that there are healthy and unhealthy examples of every type.
Mom - ENTJ
Dad - INFJ

My dad and I are really close. I know my mom loves me and I love her, but we have serious difficulties living under the same roof.
The ISFP I know is a big fan of Milan Kundera...

as far as family goes, both my parents are S, and the five kids are Ns. Odd, uh?
Mom is an ESTJ
I'm an only child, INFJ..

Wow, lots of ESTJ mom's have INFJ kids...
I think God created it like that for the purpose of there being a balance...

INFJ and ESTJ are perfect duals...
My mom is INFJ; Mom is upbeat, intelligent, and stubborn when she needs to be. She's pretty much a near-prefect mom~ She's kind of borderline E, too. She's great with languages and humanities.
My dad is IxxJ; I'm not sure exactly what he is, but he's very compassionate while being a little closed from the world. He's really funny too; he's just an awesome person. He's intelligent and great at math and science
And my sister in ENTJ, although she switches to F sometimes. She used to be full-time ENFJ.

We get along fairly well, for the most part, especially my parents. They raised us wonderfully~
Although my sister rubs me the wrong way sometimes...
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I don't know about my parents... my mother and I were extremely close, my father and I not close at all. I was a frustrating mystery to him; I was a delightful mystery to her.

My husband is an ESFP. I'd give my liver to be an ESFP.

Not sure about my kids, yet. I'm hoping they show an interest in taking a test (and will resist the urge to nag them because I want to know their types).
dad - estj
mom - enfp
brother - enfj
sister - infp

my dad makes me go 'wtf' so many times. i don't think i'll ever, ever be truly able to understand his way of thinking, why he places importance on certain things and not on others. he freaks out about things like the dishes not being done. but we tend to both be clear, decisive and practical when it's needed, and he's probably the only other person in my family who i feel doesn't get too swayed by emotions at all.

my mother, though i love her, can irritate me sometimes with all her emotions all over the place. she gets really really emotional about little things and she's very sensitive. but she's so much easier to talk to than my dad when it comes to personal issues, and she's very loving and caring and can usually (when not clouded by her own emotions) sense when something's up.

i'm cool with both my siblings. although my brother seems to feel the need to invite his friends over randomly and that sort of ruffles my personal-space feathers. but we connect over relationship issues, etc. so it's cool. my sister and i are super close and tell each other everything. she's one of my best friends and one of the few that i trust wholeheartedly. but like my mom she can get extremely sensitive and emotional - the thing is, she won't ever say what's wrong and i literally have to sit there for an hour or so and pry it out of her before she gives up and spills.
Not sure about the rest of my family, but my mum is an ISFJ.

Interestingly, we are verrry different people, and often have great difficulty relating to each other, but have a good mother-daughter relationship. In saying that also, we are not the type to be really good friends.

So yes, we get along ok...but don't always understand each other.
Mom - ENFP - One of the reasons I've never felt pressured to be more extraverted- she always talked more than enough for both of us :P Sometimes that gets on my nerves, but she's always been aware of my need for space. She can get very emotional at times.

Dad - INTJ - One of the people I look up to the most. It took me quite a while to realize that he doesn't know everything- because he does know an awful lot, and acts as the voice of reason in out family.

Sister (17) - Probably ESFP, maybe an ENFP. My mom does say that she was just like my sister when she was a teenager *shrug* She's friends with pretty much everybody, and has developed a habit of picking up causes to champion from them. She tends to focus on emotions with her arguments ("how would you feel if this happened to you? If it feels bad, it must be wrong!").

Older Brother (20) - Really don't know. He's very low-key, and can be quite quiet, so he may be an I. I'm also thinking S and F, probably.

Younger Brother (14) - I'm sure he's an IT, but I don't know about the others. He may be an N, as well.
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(Mostly guessings - mom has done the test)
Dad - ESFP
Mom - ESFJ
Older sis - ESFJ (26)
Younger Sis - ESFP (20)

I love em all.. but sometimes I wonder if i'm adopted...
They can't understand me at all.
"Why are you sitting in your room? Go out and play!"

God i hated that sentance when i were younger >.<