Expose the Anti-Trump movement.

Waaaaa, boo hoo hoo, typical Eventhorizon, crying like a little cry baby over others saying hurty things about his precious little leader. Poor little Trumpy can't stand up to all the mean bullies. Stop crying and accept that other people have different thoughts to you.
I must really have an effect on you. I dont know if that's awesome or sad.
Most of the time people just ignore me, until I pass them.
I must really have an effect on you. I dont know if that's awesome or sad.
Most of the time people just ignore me, until I pass them.

I think it's sad that you think you're having an effect on me. Why did you make a thread if you don't want people to respond to it?

It just seems like you can't handle people criticising Trump. Why are you always crying about this? Don't you think you should grow up and stop boo hooing about it? Would you like a snot rag to blow your poor little nose and wipe your runny little cry baby eyes?
The "proof" that the liberal media provides is often disproven in short order. Just recently CNN being caught in a lie nd also providing their candidate with questions before asking them as just some examples. The same can't be said of nonleft leaning entities. I'm sure you can dig up a few instances here or there but nothing the extent of the lying left media.
I do subscribe to some conservative values but many conservatives would shun me...and actually do to include some of my relatives because of what I believe is right and wrong.
The only thing I am interested in is logic, reason, fact and truth. I pay little attention to what people want to be true.

Previously you asked why I dont just leave. I understand that I upset you. But I will not stop giving my perspective. Perhaps one day logic and reason will win out in someone's mind and I will have had a hand in that. Perhaps not. In any case remember that if I really am that much of an affront to You, I can always be blocked and that way you can retreat back into your safe space.
Or consider that maybe it's you who are not thinking of all the different sides there are to things.

Don't talk to me of hyprocracy. That is the left's domain. It's ok to be violent when we want things but it's not ok when you are trying to protect America!

Well, it seems like any amount of lying in the conservative media would be fine for you, and no amount of proof would ever be enough!

That's because you've been brainwashed by conservative media. That is factual and proven. Any thinking person can see for themselves by your many posts on this forum that you've been brainwashed. You just think that you're more logical, reasonable, and factual than others because it's part of the brainwashing that has been done to you.

If hypocrisy is the left's domain, then you must be leftist, because you criticise others for doing things that you do yourself, and that makes you a hypocrite.
Actually, no I wasn't, but think what you want. You seem to assume a lot.
So you didn't read the original post... and commented anyway about what the thread was about? I see.
Well, it seems like any amount of lying in the conservative media would be fine for you, and no amount of proof would ever be enough!

That's because you've been brainwashed by conservative media. That is factual and proven. Any thinking person can see for themselves by your many posts on this forum that you've been brainwashed. You just think that you're more logical, reasonable, and factual than others because it's part of the brainwashing that has been done to you.

If hypocrisy is the left's domain, then you must be leftist, because you criticise others for doing things that you do yourself, and that makes you a hypocrite.
This isn't a discussion. It's some odd representation of what you would like to say that has no clear relevance to anything I have said.
One day, if you wish to have an actual discussion, let me know
@Eventhorizon there was a time where you wavered, around the primaries. Do you still question at all the things Trump says or does? If I remember correctly, you may have even posted that you weren't sure if you could vote for him, again, I think it was around the primaries.
5 pages and nothing exposed.
The thread has been allowed to be taken off topic by bias entities. However the op shows one.
@Eventhorizon there was a time where you wavered, around the primaries. Do you still question at all the things Trump says or does? If I remember correctly, you may have even posted that you weren't sure if you could vote for him, again, I think it was around the primaries.
Absolutely. What does this mean to you?
This isn't a discussion. It's some odd representation of what you would like to say that has no clear relevance to anything I hava said.
One day, if you wish to have an actual discussion, let me know

I'm saying the exact things to you that you say to others every day on this forum. Even word for word. This is the kind of absolute crap you expect other people to take seriously.

You can dish it out, but you can't take it. I guess this is another case where you allow yourself to say things that you won't allow other people to say.

YOU'RE the one who needs to work on having discussions and listening to others.
There you go again with the assuming.
I assume nothing. I simply took your original post and subsequent posts and came to the only conclusion a reasonable person could.
It's not like it's not all here to go back and read through . What exactly are you suggesting I missed or misinterpreted?
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The thread has been allowed to be taken off topic by bias entities. However the op shows one.

And you're not biased??? LOL

Again, what did you expect on a forum with mostly liberal leaning members?
I'm saying the exact things to you that you say to others every day on this forum. Even word for word. This is the kind of absolute crap you expect other people to take seriously.

You can dish it out, but you can't take it. I guess this is another case where you allow yourself to say things that you won't allow other people to say.

YOU'RE the one who needs to work on having discussions and listening to others.
Step back, re-read. There's no correlation.
And you're not biased??? LOL

Again, what did you expect on a forum with mostly liberal leaning members?
I expect nothing from anyone other than to apply thinking skills to discussions.
So do you have any reservations at all now? If so, what? If not, what changed?
The particular thread is not a place for this particular discussion. There are other threads where this discussion is better held. Even the President Donald Trump thread is a good place for it.