Explain your use of Ni


Community Member
This might be weird but it's a real problem for me. The options in the cognitive functions tests always leave me confused, I get stuck in trying to make sense of what these actually are and I thought I might pick people's brains here.

I'm especially wondering whether I use Ni and it's so natural to me that I don't even recognize that I am using it or another option is that I don't use it at all (at least not as a dominant function and I'm completely mistyping myself).

The options are taken from this cognitive process test - http://www.cognitiveprocesses.com/assessment/develop_old.html

Could you please explain what exactly happens to you when you:

1. experience a premonition or foresee the unexpected

2. feel pulled to the symbolic, archetypal or mysterious

feel certain that future changes will unfold in a foreseen way

rely on a focal device or symbolic action to predict, enlighten or transform

lay out how the future will unfold based on unseen trends and telling signs

work out a complex concept or system of thinking about things in a new way

conceive of symbolic or novel ways to understand things that are universal

create transcendent experiences or solutions that transcend a problem
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This is an excellent thread. I, too, feel perplexed when I take cognitive functions tests. All the options are so VAGUE-- in EVERY category.

I'm waiting for people's insights. :)
Ok, I should be asleep but will take a stab at this. My Ni is my subconsious, they are one and the same. I am very in touch with that part of my mind, at least compared to most. I spend a lot of time there even when I'm awake. It doesn't need to be feed all that much. It shifts though all the trivial BS and always finds the crux of any situation or problem. Often, the details are flowing by unnoticed until that one important thing comes up then Bingo! It doesn't always come up immediately. Sometimes the eureka moment comes later after I sleep. I know for a fact that I am still processing when I sleep. I can even give my subconscious mind "homework" sometimes, and get the answer later on.

That's how it works, but it's really hard to explain why it works. Or why it doesn't work like that for non-Ni users. Some people crave the stimuli, even if it's not needed for understanding. It just bogs me down. I once heard Chess explained as "seeing the heart of the position". To me this means not getting sidetracked with non-essential details (which most details are). Ni allows you to see the heart of the position.
That's how it works, but it's really hard to explain why it works. Or why it doesn't work like that for non-Ni users.

That's exactly why I'm wondering about it myself. It is very hard to put into words. Sometimes I get a strong feeling that I use it. I just KNOW. I get the "a-ha!" moments and things just "come" to me. But sometimes, when reading the descriptions of Ni, I can't really relate to a lot of it. I keep on wondering, is THAT it? Or I'm just not able to recognize that it's what I do because it's always what I've done or maybe I'm just deluding myself because I'm clouded by the test results I've gotten, indicating that I should be using it. And I can't, in all honesty, call any of it "magical", like it's been portrayed. To me it's all natural, it's always been a part of me.

I thought maybe others might have some more clearer ideas or have tried to put them into words.
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According to the theory if you're INFJ then you should not even be aware of Ni usage most of the time. You just live by it :)

In my experience it usually manifests as a really strong ability to spot inconsistencies. Sometimes it gets weirder.

A random example: today my colleague (ESFJ) was giving a presentation on certain points and I just see those huge holes in it that do not integrate. So of course I raise my objections and it turns out that nobody was able to see it except me. Duh... And no - I did not come to it by reasoning, I just saw it.

A weirder example happened a few weeks ago when I was riding home on a bus. At that moment I was reading a book and listening to music on my earphones when suddenly a thought occured: watch for your head. Startled I started to look for danger and 10 secons later I did receive a blow from behind (not really serious). Some drunk guy thought that it was a funny idea to do that :) And I hadn't seen nor heard that guy at all - as I was completely immersed in reading.
Could you please explain what exactly happens to you when you:

1. experience a premonition or foresee the unexpected

I have a notebook where I try to type what the feeling or premonition was. Sometimes it happens so fast that I can't grasp it completely. All the premonitions have come true so far...

2. feel pulled to the symbolic, archetypal or mysterious

I welcome it. However, differentiating the logical and spiritual or unknown is important when using your Ni. Only you can identify which tangent you will follow regarding the archetypes and mysterious. For me, trying to ONLY use logic or ONLY use Ni has not worked. They work in conjunction so you can tell the difference between superstitious crap and symbolism/archetypes/mysterious worth looking into. Takes a little bit of time to get out of the gray area and things makes sense.

feel certain that future changes will unfold in a foreseen way

For the most part. The bigger pattern of life changes will be foreseen, but the smaller aspects to make it happen will unfold however I choose depending on my beliefs, choices and experiences.
rely on a focal device or symbolic action to predict, enlighten or transform

Yes, I mainly use people who are more attuned to such actions because I know so gifted in doing it myself.

lay out how the future will unfold based on unseen trends and telling signs

Yes, paying attention to symbolism and experiences that lead you to a better place is important to recognize. I don't follow blind routes and if I have, it usually leads me back to the beginning so I can make the right choices again. My life doesn't seem to evolve or advance if I fail to follow my path correctly or I strayed. Interesting to note that the routes I followed given by my linear conscious mind has failed to get me where I desire to go and led me to a stressed out place. Hence, the directions and feelings given by the Ni seems to lead me to better choices and decisions.
work out a complex concept or system of thinking about things in a new way

Depends on how conflicting it is to my inner belief system
conceive of symbolic or novel ways to understand things that are universal

All the time. Paying attention to the bigger pictures always helps.

create transcendent experiences or solutions that transcend a problem

Meditation and symbolic patterns and experiences int he everyday life.

At one point, i believed i had strong Ni, but i honestly don't see it. I think if it is apparent, maybe it's in those moments when i notice something and point it out, assuming that it's common sense, that everyone else notices it. The fact that i may notice something others doesn't lead me to think i'm intuitive. More often than not, it leads me to question whether what i notice is actually there, or is it all just perception. Or i assume they're not thinking about it or using reasoning.

I don't get premonitions or foresights. I do notice patterns and think of possible consequences of actions, most of which are easily forseeable given the situation and the circumstances involved. But i don't consider it Ni. I pretty much assume the other person just doesn't notice or doesn't have the knowledge or background to see it. I don't see it is a function of special sight or intuition.

I think it's too easy to label basic, unconscious use of reason as intuition because it's cool to think of having a special ability or insight others don't. Yes, there are things we may know or come to know unconsciously, but not everything should be so easily attributed to Ni.
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1. experience a premonition or foresee the unexpected
This is the weirdest element to Ni that I still don't fully understand. Often times I will just know something. I will just know that a certain response will be given in a situation, or I just know a specific action a person will take. On rare occassions it is a specific series of events. I am pretty sure it has to do with previously gathered information. It is still a "guess" scientifically speaking, but it's always accurate.

2. feel pulled to the symbolic, archetypal or mysterious
I get excited with symbolism. I feel drawn to these sorts of things. I feel my mind being pulled toward the search of hidden meanings and deeper levels of understanding.

feel certain that future changes will unfold in a foreseen way
Similar to question 1. I think in this case it is a series of generalities which appear nearly set in stone to occur. If A, then definitely B. Following a trail of emotions that coincide with events.

rely on a focal device or symbolic action to predict, enlighten or transform
This can be anything from a number to an item which feels perticularly lucky or somehow important. Not sure if focusing on it makes it integral or if it would have always been so and I simply pay more attention.

lay out how the future will unfold based on unseen trends and telling signs
I don't know if I do this exactly. By unseen trends, I do base things on surrounding emotions. Indiscreet actions that others don't pick up on allow me to observe subtle cues about the direction of things. Again it turns into a sort of "knowing" at some point. I suppose I do this, but it's not really mystical or anything.

work out a complex concept or system of thinking about things in a new way
It's not complex to me! hah, but some of the stuff I come up with makes others look at me a bit... funny.

conceive of symbolic or novel ways to understand things that are universal
I think it's pretty much necessary to use such methods when attempting to explain the unexplainable.

create transcendent experiences or solutions that transcend a problem
My solutions are always absurdly idealistic to others, and again... funny looks. I suppose I do create transcendent experiences. Since I was little I always went out of my way to give myself my own time and space for meditation and to ponder things and have self discovery and all that hoopla.
Unfortunately, no one can be told what Ni is. You have to see it for yourself

A weirder example happened a few weeks ago when I was riding home on a bus. At that moment I was reading a book and listening to music on my earphones when suddenly a thought occured: watch for your head. Startled I started to look for danger and 10 secons later I did receive a blow from behind (not really serious). Some drunk guy thought that it was a funny idea to do that :) And I hadn't seen nor heard that guy at all - as I was completely immersed in reading.

:D And that's the reason why INFJs are called "psychic".

At one point, i believed i had strong Ni, but i honestly don't see it. I think if it is apparent, maybe it's in those moments when i notice something and point it out, assuming that it's common sense, that everyone else notices it. The fact that i may notice something others doesn't lead me to think i'm intuitive. More often than not, it leads me to question whether what i notice is actually there, or is it all just perception. Or i assume they're not thinking about it or using reasoning.

I don't get premonitions or foresights. I do notice patterns and think of possible consequences of actions, most of which are easily forseeable given the situation and the circumstances involved. But i don't consider it Ni. I pretty much assume the other person just doesn't notice or doesn't have the knowledge or background to see it. I don't see it is a function of special sight or intuition.

I think it's too easy to label basic, unconscious use of reason as intuition because it's cool to think of having a special ability or insight others don't. Yes, there are things we may know or come to know unconsciously, but not everything should be so easily attributed to Ni.

I have it the same way, that's why I'm wondering about it so much. I'd still like to get to the bottom of this because it fascinates me.

Unfortunately, no one can be told what Ni is. You have to see it for yourself


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Thank you so much for your answers, they're very helpful.

Could you please explain what exactly happens to you when you:

1. experience a premonition or foresee the unexpected

I have a notebook where I try to type what the feeling or premonition was. Sometimes it happens so fast that I can't grasp it completely. All the premonitions have come true so far...
Sounds scary.
rely on a focal device or symbolic action to predict, enlighten or transform
Yes, I mainly use people who are more attuned to such actions because I know so gifted in doing it myself.

This is interesting. Hmm...using people.
lay out how the future will unfold based on unseen trends and telling signs
Yes, paying attention to symbolism and experiences that lead you to a better place is important to recognize. I don't follow blind routes and if I have, it usually leads me back to the beginning so I can make the right choices again. My life doesn't seem to evolve or advance if I fail to follow my path correctly or I strayed. Interesting to note that the routes I followed given by my linear conscious mind has failed to get me where I desire to go and led me to a stressed out place. Hence, the directions and feelings given by the Ni seems to lead me to better choices and decisions.

I can understand this. I follow my feelings as well and so far they've certainly led me to the right choices. I would like to attribute that to Ni or maybe it is just good luck. :D

1. experience a premonition or foresee the unexpected
This is the weirdest element to Ni that I still don't fully understand. Often times I will just know something. I will just know that a certain response will be given in a situation, or I just know a specific action a person will take. On rare occassions it is a specific series of events. I am pretty sure it has to do with previously gathered information. It is still a "guess" scientifically speaking, but it's always accurate.
I agree, this is strange for me to grasp as well. But I' ve had similar things happen to me as well.
2. feel pulled to the symbolic, archetypal or mysterious
I get excited with symbolism. I feel drawn to these sorts of things. I feel my mind being pulled toward the search of hidden meanings and deeper levels of understanding.

Yes, I understand. The search for more than is apparently visible.

rely on a focal device or symbolic action to predict, enlighten or transform
This can be anything from a number to an item which feels perticularly lucky or somehow important. Not sure if focusing on it makes it integral or if it would have always been so and I simply pay more attention.

I don't have anything like this, so that's the reason why I'm having some difficulties to understanding this. But I guess different people use different things, or these might not even be things, maybe ideas.
lay out how the future will unfold based on unseen trends and telling signs
I don't know if I do this exactly. By unseen trends, I do base things on surrounding emotions. Indiscreet actions that others don't pick up on allow me to observe subtle cues about the direction of things. Again it turns into a sort of "knowing" at some point. I suppose I do this, but it's not really mystical or anything.
Thank you for this. I hadn't thought about it that way.
My Ni use tends to be subconscious as well, but I'll try to explain the best I can:

Could you please explain what exactly happens to you when you:

1. experience a premonition or foresee the unexpected
I get "feelings" about things more than actual premonitions. It's more like a sense that something should be different, that things aren't quite right.

2. feel pulled to the symbolic, archetypal or mysterious
All the time! I like the symbolic, and I notice it a lot -- in fact, I'm kind of good at dream analysis because of it ;) When I write, I take heavy symbolic and archetypal influences.

3. feel certain that future changes will unfold in a foreseen way
I understand that things affect each other in what can be seen as a pretty expected way; I don't always feel "certain" in the sense that I am actively passionate about it, but I have a certain calmness in the way I see the future because I can understand how things affect each other, at least to a degree.

4. rely on a focal device or symbolic action to predict, enlighten or transform
Not quite sure how that works with me. Never really thought about it...

5. lay out how the future will unfold based on unseen trends and telling signs
I could try to lay it out, but it'd be difficult. There are usually a ton of factors, little details, strange connections...I usually just give my opinion and leave it at that.

6. work out a complex concept or system of thinking about things in a new way
Yep. That's basically how I think.

7. conceive of symbolic or novel ways to understand things that are universal
I suppose. I mean, usually I just make the universal something understandable, something tangible, so that it's conceivable.

8. create transcendent experiences or solutions that transcend a problem
I'm not even quite sure what that means. If it means that do I apply the answers to problems to a greater problem or understanding, or if I think problems are not self-standing but instead see the connections between the greater theory or idea, then yeah.
woeps :shocked: I don't have any of this

I don't get premonitions or foresights and I don't think I see patterns or possible consequences of actions like you discribe it. I think I totaly misinterpreted the word intuition. But I do believe I have something else. I don't know in words or in my mind that something is going to happen, but sometimes I can feel what is happening right now. When I walk in a room I can feel the energy. When I go in a concentration camp I get really sick (but maybe it is just the idea of being there and not the admosphere itself). When I give shiatsumassage I can sometimes feel what the person is feeling, I ask what the problem is and sometimes I feel it in my own body, or I can feel the energy in the body and that gives me an idea of what is going wrong. But I'm at the beginning of that so I don't know weither I'm right in this.

and symbols, I liked them before but not so any more. I find them to strict, or they make me feel a certain way, I don't know...

But I don't think that anything like this is Ni ... is it?

I don't get premonitions or foresights. I do notice patterns and think of possible consequences of actions, most of which are easily forseeable given the situation and the circumstances involved. But i don't consider it Ni. I pretty much assume the other person just doesn't notice or doesn't have the knowledge or background to see it. I don't see it is a function of special sight or intuition.

I think noticing patterns and such IS Ni. I'm trying to understand what that means but I don't have a clue. It is not something everyone does, that is for sure :becky:
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Great idea for a post! :D

Could you please explain what exactly happens to you when you:

1. experience a premonition or foresee the unexpected
You know, I just spent the last five minutes trying to formulate a response to this question and I still can't explain. It's just a feeling and it's different for every situation. For example, on Friday, I was getting really upset with a friend for not being there for me; hearing from him would really give me the boost I needed to pull through on this important milestone. Especially since I was there for him when he was going through the same experience not a few months ago. But I hadn't heard from him in months, so I was trying to tell myself not to expect anything (even though it upset me, since we were close once upon a time).

Then, just as I'm about to pull out of my driveway to start my five-hour journey, I get this feeling that I forgot something. I don't exactly know what it was, but I wanted to do a quick run around the house to make sure I got everything that I needed. As soon as I walk back into the door, I hear the phone ringing and its him, calling to wish me luck.

I didn't know what to expect, I didn't even think it was anything important... it wasn't until after I followed through on my impulse that it fell together.

For me, I guess my Ni manifests itself as a weird string of coincidences that I don't really realize are happening until the moment after they happen. And they're always triggered by "just a feeling."

2. feel pulled to the symbolic, archetypal or mysterious

Just suddenly really curious or interested. A feeling.

3. feel certain that future changes will unfold in a foreseen way

You said it yourself, when you said "feel certain." I just do. Most of the time, though, I make the mistake of not paying attention to it.

4. rely on a focal device or symbolic action to predict, enlighten or transform

Er... I've never done this, I don't think.

5. lay out how the future will unfold based on unseen trends and telling signs

Er... I've never done this either. Ni isn't anything premeditated like that. It doesn't clearly "lay out" anything. It's just basically a whole bunch of subconscious information that is gift-wrapped and whipped at you across the room, without you ever really knowing what, when, where or how it hit you. All you get out of that experience is a "feeling."

6. work out a complex concept or system of thinking about things in a new way

Again, Ni works behind the scenes. If this is what I do, it just happens that way. I don't think about it.

7. conceive of symbolic or novel ways to understand things that are universal

See above answer.

8. create transcendent experiences or solutions that transcend a problem
I don't think I've ever done this, but if I have and didn't realize it, see above answer.
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I don't know in words or in my mind that something is going to happen, but sometimes I can feel what is happening right now. When I walk in a room I can feel the energy.

Yes, this is usually what i feel or experience. I don't want to use the words sensing because it suggests a form of psychic phenomenon.

Yes, i'm very sensitive to the emotional climate in a room, how people relate or feel about each other. I used to react very strongly to it, and then i've just recently learning to ignore it or let it go.
Yes, this is usually what i feel or experience. I don't want to use the words sensing because it suggests a form of psychic phenomenon.

Yes, i'm very sensitive to the emotional climate in a room, how people relate or feel about each other. I used to react very strongly to it, and then i've just recently learning to ignore it or let it go.

Yes, i'm very sensitive to the emotional climate in a room, how people relate or feel about each other. I used to react very strongly to it, and then i've just recently learning to ignore it or let it go.

That's empathy and it is Fe in its pure form. I think Ni sort of amplifies it. And yeah, I do relate to it.
Yes, i'm very sensitive to the emotional climate in a room, how people relate or feel about each other. I used to react very strongly to it, and then i've just recently learning to ignore it or let it go.

I'm going to emphasize this too. The energy of a room, a person, any atmosphere -- I think that's something INFJs are often really in-tune with.