EQ/Emotional IQ test

Subscale IQ score = 131
Subscale percentile = 98

Good test. Covers a wide range of circumstances and abilities.
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I took this test almost a year ago, and ended up with a below-average score (93 if I remember correctly). That confused me until I figured out what was up with the scoring system. I tried it again, giving all the same answers, except selecting the most extreme options on every scale question, rather than the varying and often moderate options I had chosen the first time. This made my answers nonsensical for some groups of questions, but it raised my score to 153 out of a possible 155.

That's to say that more decisive people, or those who see things more in black and white, probably have an advantage on this test. The scoring favors those who tend to disagree or agree to the maximum or minimum, rather than doubting their answers and therefore selecting the "slightly agree" (and like) options.
OH DAMN THAT EXPLAINS IT. Because I decided to go wild on the effective and inneffective questions, instead of beeing all ambiverted and choosing 'in the middle' answers, and look how that went.
My self-esteem and heart went BOOM with this test. It was so bad and I mean I'm all emotion.. Urgh
Hey you are right, I thought it was more well made then that.

Just got 148 without even trying.
Well that totally discourgaed me from taking it. They should try to remake it then. Hmm...
If it's so broken, I ain't going to bother. Far too long for that... :wink:
OH DAMN THAT EXPLAINS IT. Because I decided to go wild on the effective and inneffective questions, instead of beeing all ambiverted and choosing 'in the middle' answers, and look how that went.
My self-esteem and heart went BOOM with this test. It was so bad and I mean I'm all emotion.. Urgh

LOL Don't worry about it.

I got
Subscale IQ score = 93
Subscale percentile = 34

Wow. I think I just fail at life. :P