ENFP trying to find INFJ’s... WHERE ARE YOU?!

empathy leads to a lot of work. and i always strife for perfection. no matter what it is applied to. when i meet someone, they always try to hide. be more social than they really are. then when i get to know them properly it always becomes apparant that they have problems that i believe i can help with, it becomes my number 1 mission. and usually these problems take time to resolve. and by then i become too attached to it. kind of like the gambling dilemma. i know it's happening. im fully aware of it. and i can make the right choice to take as little harm from it as possible. but. then my brain gets fried all of a sudden and i do and say things that i seriously regret a while later. then at 30 years old i figure out that i have adhd and it's that, that's been brewing and evolving. my head is a "different" place than most. and i want to explain that to people, but for that to happen, i need them to fully understand thaat which i am trying to explain. and thats where the little bit of time comes from. i mean 100% devoted attention.

that precise enough for you? :)

No, that's all pretty vague. They are your personal markers anyway, this isn't something you are proving to me or anything.
Also nothing is ever perfect and you aren't going to fix people. You might help incidentally with certain areas and be helpful as a support person, but change happens within the other person and has very little to do with you. Your job is to support them, nothing else. If they don't want support from you, so be it.
No, that's all pretty vague. They are your personal markers anyway, this isn't something you are proving to me or anything.
Also nothing is ever perfect and you aren't going to fix people. You might help incidentally with certain areas and be helpful as a support person, but change happens within the other person and has very little to do with you. Your job is to support them, nothing else. If they don't want support from you, so be it.

Yes. I know all this. along the years of my life i have managed to develop some sense. and this is all old news for me. I have, however only had a bit under a year to understand my head in some way. And how exactly does that long ass essay not explain my initial reply to your original question? I think it does a pretty good job at that.
Yes. I know all this. along the years of my life i have managed to develop some sense. and this is all old news for me. I have, however only had a bit under a year to understand my head in some way. And how exactly does that long ass essay not explain my initial reply to your original question? I think it does a pretty good job at that.

Oh ok, you know everything already
I've wondered the same thing about where I might find ENFPs.

I don't think I've ever (knowingly) been friends with an ENFP. Since hearing about the compatibility though, I've wondered where I might run into someone with this type.

I've gone to a philosophy and psychology meetup groups because I'd heard it's a good place to meet other NFs, but, nearly everyone there was an NT. I get along great with NTs, so it was all good. Anyway, I do wonder what it would be like to be friends with an ENFP.

Hmmm, I’m into animal behavior, conservation, psychology, and human cognition. I can usually be found at events that are advocating for a cause I care about (us enfps are known as the advocates) , and are big into public outreach. Seminars, information booths at school, public educator at a zoo/aquarium/ human health agency/conservation talk would all be good options. We are out A LOT, usually the ones dancing on top of something at a party or bar, just for fun.

As far as what it would be like... it really is an excellent match. My INFJ friends bring me a lot of grounding and help anchor me sometimes when my Ne carries me away to 5,698 possibilities at once. Conversely, I bring them out of their heads and get them out, as well as bring up a bunch of new points they haven’t thought of in their deep yet narrow analysis.
I've wondered the same thing about where I might find ENFPs.

I don't think I've ever (knowingly) been friends with an ENFP. Since hearing about the compatibility though, I've wondered where I might run into someone with this type.

I've gone to a philosophy and psychology meetup groups because I'd heard it's a good place to meet other NFs, but, nearly everyone there was an NT. I get along great with NTs, so it was all good. Anyway, I do wonder what it would be like to be friends with an ENFP.

A question has been bugging me... how do you all know what a person's personality type is upon meeting them just once? We all have trouble typing ourselves and we've known ourselves forever (I'd hope, LOL). I don't think it is possible to accurately assess someone's MBTI with one 30 minute or less casual meeting. You can get a sense of their priorities of course, but I have yet to find that little price is right flip card that reveals the truth.
but you were not asking for specifics....

I don't know why you are trying to verbally trap me or some shit but you need to stop

that precise enough for you? :)

I said no at that point because I felt it required you to think about the specifics
Which you then seemed to indicate you were all fully aware of everything I had to offer so I attempted to leave you alone.
You aren't interested in having a reasonable discussion and you aren't interested in me helping you.
You just want to be right.