My little sister, 17 years old, is an ENFP, and we are very close. A co-worker who I was close with was also a female ENFP; She is 50 years old. I chatted a few ENFP's on INTJ forum as well. And of course, there's a certain 12 year old female ENFP from Singapore that random-added me on MSN and coaxed me into playing Uno and Virtual Bowling with her.
My perspective may be different because I am an INTJ, but this is how I would characterize ENFP's: EXTREMELY easy going, VERY difficult to offend, happy, cheerful, positive, full of ideas, unconventional. I would have a lot of difficulty offending an ENFP unless I tried to, or was extremely and obviously being hurtful.
I think that ENFP's like my depth, and my being unconventional. When an ENFP does something that doesn't fall within the bounds of social acceptability, it barely registers with me because I'm very unconventional as well. They can be very silly, and can say/do shockers if they think that you will be OK with it. They like that I am very OK with it.
INTJ's (like INFJ's) are also seemingly infinitely interesting. I find that ENFP's generally have a lot more depth than is immediately apparent. The ones I've known are pretty intelligent. They like that we have depth.
ENFP's also seem to be OK with me going a bit quiet on them. They WILL pull you out of your shell, and enjoy the process of doing so.
Another thing, I tend to go along with ENFP's. Not always, obviously, but if they have an idea or they want to do something, I have a tendency to go along with it. Their enthusiasm and positivity sucks me in.
Hope it helps. I am available for further questions, of course.
Thanks, pierce. She's not really in to MBTI at all. She says she hates to be labelled in confined into any one single type.
I wonder if she'll notice that she may have to pull me out of my shell. Do ENFPs have antennae for this type of stuff or is it only if they understand MBTI?
You can actually be a bit more forward with ENFP's. They don't mind it all too much.
Thats true. When i first went to lunch with my current boyfriend at the time (he's an ENFP), he thought I was BORING!! until I stole his fries then he fell head over heels for me. We still going strong, but they like the unusual. They are a lot more energetic, straight forward and excited by the tings that put them on the spot. But they are very curious about INFJs because we always seem mysterious and ENFP swear they can figure anyone out...haha but they don't.
yep I am dating a quiet INXX cant figure out the last 2. Think a J, but the T or F is hard to tell, and the fact I cant figure her out intrigues me, i usually can figure people out within 15 minutes or at most a few hours, Im still trying to figure the new girl out
why not just send her the MBTI test?
Interesting that you are confused about the F or T. Most people can't figure out the J or P. if she seems to know what you are feeling most of the time then maybe she is a Feeler.
Same problem here. Once everyone gets to know me I am lot more fun.But it looks like I can't always be serious. I tend to be overly serious with people until I'm comfortable with them. Once that's the case.... you'll never escape my tendrils of irritation... they're unstoppable!!!
I mentioned it, but I wouldn't ask her to take it yet, sort of embarrassed by it, hmmm she likes to make decisions, actually theres a description on a new thread I set up! so we don't take this one over, its called class this person for me