Do you think of yourself as "special"? | INFJ Forum

Do you think of yourself as "special"?


Sep 5, 2009
Do you think of yourself as "special"? Why or why not?
Yes, I'm special.

Like those deformed smarties that no-one wants to eat, and so end up being thrown out with the packet.
I can has speshul?
Ya I'm special. I don't care much to be, that's just the way it is. There's no way to say it without sounding conceited without something getting lost in the translation of sugar coating, but most people are just dumb fucks. It's not as simple as that, but that's the gist of it. I'm not the smartest or the greatest or most talented, and I certainly have my shortcomings, but overall I'm not a dumb fuck. Here's the thing: there is such a thing as blissful ignorance. Some stupid ppl are happy, so maybe that would be better. Doesn't matter tho, I am what I am.
Everyone is special in their own little "special" way ^^
Yeah I'm sure if you look hard enough, you'll find something good in anyone.
Do you think of yourself as "special"? Why or why not?

Yeah. Not uniquely special, but special nonetheless. Anytime I am the least bit outgoing, people are struck by my differentness. (Or maybe I just have selective hearing.)

"Kaze, you're not like other people." (Meant nicely, I think.)
"You're not weird, just different."
"Oh my God. *laughs* No one says that."
"...and for you, I'm not even going to bother guessing."

(While in my home state.)
"You're not from around here, are you?"
"Really? You don't sound like you're from Birmingham?" (But I can't place you, now that you ask.)
...and so on. Again, this is quite common.
Yeah. Not uniquely special, but special nonetheless. Anytime I am the least bit outgoing, people are struck by my differentness. (Or maybe I just have selective hearing.)

"Kaze, you're not like other people." (Meant nicely, I think.)
"You're not weird, just different."
"Oh my God. *laughs* No one says that."
"...and for you, I'm not even going to bother guessing."

(While in my home state.)
"You're not from around here, are you?"
"Really? You don't sound like you're from Birmingham?" (But I can't place you, now that you ask.)
...and so on. Again, this is quite common.
I get this quite often as well. And people I meet in my state are almost always surprised when I tell them that I'm from VA.
If by special you mean different, unique, odd, unusual, not ur average joe, etc.... then yes, I am quite special. :nod:
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Yes, but more in a short bus kind of way than in a precious gem kind of way.
Not that special compared to some people. :p When I tried becoming 'special', I ended up being more normal than what I'm aiming. I guess it's a kind of insecurity.... Stand nearer to a light source, and your shadow gets bigger. Your shortcomings turned out to be more obvious, more striking, more......flashy. And then you feel that you aren't special at all.
Special? No not really. Thats not to say there aren't some standout qualities about me, but I wouldn't go as far as to say special. Different might work better.
Special? No not really. Thats not to say there aren't some standout qualities about me, but I wouldn't go as far as to say special. Different might work better.
You're special.
The realistically optimistic side of me thinks that we all have some distinguishable, unique traits that make us "special".

The realistically cynical side of me wants to give a wake up slap to the head to anyone who considers themselves special.

The scientific side of me has pointed out that we're all genetically unique individuals, and special in that sense.

There's another part in there talking about personal values and how they relate to seeing something or someone as special, but we don't pay much attention to it.


I don't think I'm special in a general sense. I might be special to some people.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and special is a relative term. Everyone is biologically unique.