Do You Realize How Special You Are?


Outta Here.
I have been thinking about this a lot lately. And my thinking has been along these lines. So here goes. You are a survivor. You are just one in a very long chain of people who have come before you. That thinking has made me realize how lucky I am to be alive today. And how easy I have it. I wonder how many people could survive if everything collapses? I can only imagine what our ancestors must have endured over the years. Survival of the fittest may be tested again. What do you guys think?
that's interesting!

i've always pondered on the notion of occupying a certain area just by virtue of existing in the body because no other is having that very same experience at that moment in time or place in space. i guess that also goes for individual perceptions as well...nobody experiences the world like anyone else as their experience of the world is unique to them by the same reasons as above.
If matter can never be created or destroyed does that mean the matter that makes up my body has existed and will exist for all time?
Well, sometimes my thinking is a bit more pessimistic and becomes: what did I do to be here? But I admire your enthusiasm nevertheless :D
I have been thinking about this a lot lately. And my thinking has been along these lines. So here goes. You are a survivor. You are just one in a very long chain of people who have come before you. That thinking has made me realize how lucky I am to be alive today. And how easy I have it. I wonder how many people could survive if everything collapses? I can only imagine what our ancestors must have endured over the years. Survival of the fittest may be tested again. What do you guys think?

I have felt and thought along the same lines for years now...

Read Earth Abides. I only read it once but that book has stayed with me for a long time.
I've had thoughts like these. Wondering at my own mere existence. The things that make me who I am. Whether it's God choosing my existence or chaos, it's still trippy.
I have sometimes wondered about this as well. I take what has happened before as a sort of constant that is set in stone; however, the time was as dynamic as it is today. I could not personally imagine time as a dynamic thing from the beginning of the human race to the present day. To trace one's lineage from its origin (to oneself) would be very interesting to watch in a super speeded up movie or video though. Chance does play an important part in it, but so do other factors. Things just turned out right I suppose.
i wonder what would happen if we were put in a disaster and had to use survival skills for life and how many people would struggle. i just accept that peopl have become dependant on society but wonder if id be bette roff in the past where vital skills would be second nature
If matter can never be created or destroyed does that mean the matter that makes up my body has existed and will exist for all time?
Its the law of conservation of matter AND energy. You are slightly radioactive so (an incredibly small amount of) matter that existed in you a moment a ago no longer exists. However, the energy stuffs that make you up always have and always will exist.
I do think about these sorts of things.
I see how singular an event my existence is, how lucky I am to be alive. Like how I was created when one in particular of the billions of my dad's sperm found its way to one of the hundreds of my mother's eggs, how they actually met in the first place, how my grandparents on both sides met, how the generation before them happened to meet and more and more.
I wonder where I was before I was born...much more than where I end up after death. Like is there a certain store of soul-matter from which I was fashioned or what ? What gives the baby consciousness and an identity ? And then, what made me born into this body, to this family, in this town, in this time ? How am I not a potato farmer's son or a medieval princess or something ? Bah, too many questions.
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because the physical world is perceived through our five senses, i've always wondered what the 'world' would appear beyond these senses pertaining to our corporeal reality.

do we see ourselves as separate becuase we view that we are this physical form, our material body? that the external world is separate from us, that we are separate from other such bodies because we perceive them to be with our five senses?

there are countless processes going on now in my body, yet many of them i'm not aware of despite their essential role in keeping me or this body of mine alive. how is it that i feel that i am this physical body when i am not the conscious intelligence that is manifesting its existence in every moment? or...when i did not even 'choose' to be born?

another thing is striking to observe my own breathing because although i can become conscious of the act of it and even control how, and to a much lesser extent when, i happens quite automatically regardless.
If everything collapses, I'm getting as far away from big cities as possible. I'll find an Amish-like group to join.
You're welcome to join mine, Dragon. I'll annex some land from the local savages and live a peaceful and safely fortified life. :D
Damn straight I'm special. As are all of you. :m085:
You're welcome to join mine, Dragon. I'll annex some land from the local savages and live a peaceful and safely fortified life. :D

Awesome. It will be like cowboys and indians for real + amish monotony.

Back to thread though- I really don't think that I'm special.