Do you follow your bliss?


life is good
Do you follow your bliss in life, at least the majority of the time?
Are you living the life of your dreams?
Why and/or why not?
I want to follow my dream and I do my best to get there :)
However I come across obstacles and tests everyday which make it hard for me. I climb and climb on very big tree stem with hopes of reaching the first branch, because I know that when I do, I'll reach the top and FLY!!! However, the distance to the first branch is immensely far and difficult.
i do what i can.
but god, money would make living a dream so much easier. for example - just money to travel. you know.
sad, but true.
Nah having money is not what its all cracked up to be. Well I suppose I just have to stop working in order to enjoy some of it hehhehe.

Perhaps I need to prioratize my dreams a lil better hehehe
I try to follow my passions and not allow external factors get in my way.

The thing that holds me back most of the time is fear, fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of vulnerability. But I'm aware of these things and I try to acknowledge them for what they are than continue regardless.
Oddly enough, I am living my dream, for the most part.

Growing up, all I really wanted - and I wanted it intensely - was a loving, stable family. A loving husband, healthy children who were confident and secure. A comfortable house, with trees and gardens, some good dogs, and the freedom to be myself. A couple of loyal friends.

And that's what I've got. I can still find fault with it, and the "where" of the house/gardens needs some tweaking, and I can't say it is always bliss... but I can just as easily remind myself that everything I wished for most passionately I have created in my life and honor that fact.
That's a great question. I think overtime my definition of my "bliss" has changed.

I am struggling now between the choice of fulfilling my professional/personal ambitions, and discarding all of that for a life of real freedom.

In my experience, my ambition can sometimes act as a chain on what I think would really make me happy.

But at the same time, I know the grass is always greener.

As i get older I find that I'm always learning more about myself -- my motivations, my needs, my desires -- which in turn leads to deeper questions and a better relationship with myself.

I guess, on balance, I would say "yes", with the caveat that I constantly wonder whether there is a better "bliss" that can be followed....

Although, as I noted in the thread on what you can control in life -- there are days when I really feel as if life is firmly in the driver's seat and has placed me in various positions with little or no free will on my part -- that inertia is what is guiding me. So, in that sense, bliss is just sitting back and enjoying the crazy ride that is this earthly existence....
I'm not sure I've found my bliss, but when I find something that fills the holes I hold onto it and squeeze every last ounce out of it.
I'm trying to find my bliss...unfortunately, my true bliss would require complete disconnection from the larger society in favor of personal spiritual and emotional fulfillment; I would love to just travel, up and go, without needing a reason or a place or a plan.
But I am following a lesser version of that. I'm going to team with some friends to become an artist, so that they can hopefully help me not starve and we can all make our dreams reality.
No bliss but rather miss.

1. If I don't get into UCLA, then I don't get to USA.
2. I lose the year I skipped in middle school.
3. Don't get an education
4. Cannot be an actress either, unless in Los Angeles.
5. I can't find the love of my life if I'm not in America
i do what i can.
but god, money would make living a dream so much easier. for example - just money to travel. you know.
sad, but true.


That's a great question. I think overtime my definition of my "bliss" has changed.

I am struggling now between the choice of fulfilling my professional/personal ambitions, and discarding all of that for a life of real freedom.

So, in that sense, bliss is just sitting back and enjoying the crazy ride that is this earthly existence....

My definition has too. And I have a feeling it will continue to.

I understand what you mean by the struggle. On one hand, I think I would like to establish myself in a career, create a stable foundation, a secure paycheck, pension, and grow professionally. But do I have to compromise my freedom in order to do that? Then again would I truly feel satisfied if I realized at the age of forty, that I have little to say for my life but a series of strung-along experiences.. I'm really not sure..

I'm trying to find my bliss...unfortunately, my true bliss would require complete disconnection from the larger society in favor of personal spiritual and emotional fulfillment; I would love to just travel, up and go, without needing a reason or a place or a plan.
But I am following a lesser version of that. I'm going to team with some friends to become an artist, so that they can hopefully help me not starve and we can all make our dreams reality.

Yeah... I wish I could be part of a retreat centre or something, and sit atop a mountain and meditate for hours at a time, or think, or just be.. yeah, just be. Not too far removed from a village/town, but in the quiet of nature, peacefulness, and that purity.

What kind of art are you involved in?
Do you follow your bliss in life, at least the majority of the time?
Are you living the life of your dreams?
Why and/or why not?

O, definitely. You've got to follow that Bliss wherever the bliss may lead you. You've got to follow that Bliss wherever you may go. It's paramout to folow your true Heart. Are you a Joseph Campbell fan perchance? Dreams are our leaders. Angels they are. Sometimes, they are Angels in the skies and sometimes Angels in disguise. :smile:
Yeah... I wish I could be part of a retreat centre or something, and sit atop a mountain and meditate for hours at a time, or think, or just be.. yeah, just be. Not too far removed from a village/town, but in the quiet of nature, peacefulness, and that purity.

What kind of art are you involved in?

I do a lot of comic art, mostly. One day I want to get a few comics published :D But I do dapple in a lot of different types of art; I'm trying to work on realism right now, especially, although you wouldn't be able to tell by the stuff I put on the internet.
I do a lot of comic art, mostly. One day I want to get a few comics published :D But I do dapple in a lot of different types of art; I'm trying to work on realism right now, especially, although you wouldn't be able to tell by the stuff I put on the internet.

Very cool! I've often thought it must be so cool to be an artist - like having something of your own. Though I know it can be tough financially.

What do you mean by realism - like this kind - Or is there a digital type of realism? :D
Who says happiness or bliss is something you strive to achieve or diligently pursue? What if joy was our default mode (haha) when we came into the world, but it was clouded up with distractions and we forgot it was always right there within our frame of mind?
You could choose to be happy in any situation, be resilient while exercising and developing your talents to contribute to others. That's just my philosophy. I kind of stole it from a book I read called, Awareness by Anthony DeMello.
Do you follow your bliss in life, at least the majority of the time?

I try to follow where the universe takes me.

Are you living the life of your dreams?

Right now I have pretty much everything I could have ever wanted.

Why and/or why not?

Time is a scarce resource. It's best to use it wisely doing the things you want to do while you can.
Interestingly, it has always been trying to find what my 'bliss' is...what shall I do with my life? What shall I do next....I am very future orientated..although I have learned to live in the now.....I've enjoyed 'periods' where i was right on track..but it seems to elude me most of the time.....anyone else feel like that?