Do you ever forget you're injured?


Chaz's Lovey Bunny
Lately I've been forgetting that I have a bad wrist, and putting my full body's weight on it while I take a seat. Holy damn does that hurt! It's not an injury like I just did it a few days ago, its a chronic thing so it's pretty easy to forget about.

So when have you guys forgotten you had an injury and ended up whacking it against something, putting weight on it, or generally acting like it wasn't there only to SUDDENLY remember when you feel excruciating pain?
You're such a dope.:P

Sometimes I forget how much I hate smiling and smirk at some cute girl, afterwards I feel a bit sick inside.

Same sort of thing?
Yea i have been like that lately with the renovations happening at home. I forgot i damaged foot but i just ended up walking everywhere. You would think i would have learnt after i bumped my foot a couple times but ehh.... <.< Also i hope your wrist heals well i have recovered~
Sometimes I forget how much I hate smiling and smirk at some cute girl, afterwards I feel a bit sick inside.

Same sort of thing?
No, but this makes me want to smack the crap out of you.
Hmm such an odd question...

I can't say that I forget when I'm hurt, but sometimes when my muscles get strained for one reason or a next, I'll forget and end up making matters worse. It happens a lot when I help friends and family members move.
Hmm such an odd question...

I can't say that I forget when I'm hurt, but sometimes when my muscles get strained for one reason or a next, I'll forget and end up making matters worse. It happens a lot when I help friends and family members move.
Yeah, my dad got a hernia from moving a drying up a flight of stairs. Fortunately he rarely forgot about favouring it.

It must be something to do with being very deep in Ni and having nearly no Si. I forget most everything and just "do", especially when I'm too busy with my own thoughts to think about the world around me.
You... want me to smile?
What I want is for you to stop disliking it for the sake of wanting to say things that make me want to smack the crap out of you.
a couple of weeks ago i knocked my knee against a table edge and didn't even notice until a dark bruise appeared the next day.
a couple of weeks ago i knocked my knee against a table edge and didn't even notice until a dark bruise appeared the next day.
Yeah, I get mysterious bruises like that. Kinda like you did notice but you didn't think about it when you bumped something, but then later you can't remember the incident anymore.

And Mohican, just that Melkor not wanting to smile plus other things makes me want to smack him. I know that he knows that I find it irritating, which is why he's saying it XD.
I know... But... Ugh.

When someone nice is nearby, it's so hard to smile.

I just go into flight or fight mode and just try to avoid being seen.

Oh, sorry, I'm off topic.

Uhm, I think it depends.

I always seem to have scratches and cuts on my arms, so I'd be naturally more defensive of that area, and careful with any contact.

However a fresh wound in an unusual place one could easily forget.
Yes, there was one incident where I forgot that I just had surgery on my knee but I went to school anyway. It was bleeding all over the place.
I ended up falling asleep during class because my body was exhausted.
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Uhm o_o
I had knee surgery last summer and being the genius I am I decided to mow the law while hobbling around and using the lawn-mower as a support. I ended up running over a bee's nest and forgot momentarily that I had just had knee surgery and couldn't run. I collapsed and then half crawled my way to the house.

If it had happened to anyone else, I'd probably have thought it was the funniest thing in the world.
I broke my wrist almost 6 years ago, never healed quite right. Whenever I try to lift something real heavy I get a sharp pain in my wrist almost like it will crack again.

problem is, normally It doesn't bother me at all, so it's very easy to forget about. Similar situation with my knee.
I've had torn stitches/reopened wounds partly because I forget/ignore them.
I broke my wrist almost 6 years ago, never healed quite right. Whenever I try to lift something real heavy I get a sharp pain in my wrist almost like it will crack again.

problem is, normally It doesn't bother me at all, so it's very easy to forget about. Similar situation with my knee.
Yeah, same with my wrist. I never broke it but it usually doesn't bother me so it's easy to forget about.
busted my big left toe going on a few years ago. had a physical therapist look at it and he suggested i probably tore some ligaments. but if i put too much weight on it or bend it, i get really sharp pains for a moment or two. yes i often forget about this though this has been going on for a few years.

It must be something to do with being very deep in Ni and having nearly no Si. I forget most everything and just "do", especially when I'm too busy with my own thoughts to think about the world around me.

tyeah i'd agree this is probably the culprit for me2. but the best is when i bend it in my sleep and wake up in agony, gotta love that.