Do you constantly think about what will happen to you when you die?


I am not sure if this is I personally think about a lot of if its something INFJ's think about too.

Basically, whenever I think about what will happen when we die, where will we go; I start to feel fear, sadness and even at times I think what is the point of living.
After that I probably have a moment to just be alone and eventually snap out of it and realize that being around others socializing, and having someone to love is very important and necessary.

I am not sure if this relates to this, but recently my friend told me that I tend to be very analytical, I tend to probe at things too much to the point that it irritates people.
I am thinking this is a way as to basically get the best of our time and not waste time. I have been told numerous times to chill out or relax but when I really think about it, what is there to relax for? I mean we only got so much time.

Anyone feel this way?
I've thought about death significantly. The fact of the matter is there is no point of life that we can know because we don't know what happens when we die, but my guess is that we cease to exist, which I am fine with. However, don't get depressed now. Just because there is not a point 'of' life does not mean that there is no point 'in' life. Yes, we only have so much time, but taking time to relax is important as well. You do not have to be working 24/7 even though some people think you need to. Being a work-o-holic doesn't necessarily lead to a happy and fulfilled life; that is a social myth.

I think that the threat of death is what leads us to realize the importance of socializing with others and finding love. If you are having a real hard time with this, go spend time in nature, and then think about everything as you observe what is around you. That should help.
Mmm. Existential angst. I am quite familiar with it.

I'm a bit of a Existential Nihilist in that I think there is no point at all to existence. It just is, and for a lot of people that isn't good enough. But it's good enough for me.

You are correct. We only have so much time to experience this world. Whether or not there is an afterlife is irrelevant. Whatever comes after this existence is not the same as this world and this time. People seem to forget about that. I think it is perfectly natural to feel pressured to make the most of the time you have.

Which is why I refuse to do anything I do not enjoy for extended periods of time. I will not have a job where I wake up every morning and dread working. I will not be with someone who makes me frustrated or unhappy. If I have to do something that could cause me harm, I will make sure it is brief and provides someone some kind of benefit. I don't have a whole lot of time to waste on things that make me unhappy/unhealthy.
Whether or not there is an afterlife is irrelevant. Whatever comes after this existence is not the same as this world and this time. People seem to forget about that. I think it is perfectly natural to feel pressured to make the most of the time you have.

Which is why I refuse to do anything I do not enjoy for extended periods of time. I will not have a job where I wake up every morning and dread working. I will not be with someone who makes me frustrated or unhappy. If I have to do something that could cause me harm, I will make sure it is brief and provides someone some kind of benefit. I don't have a whole lot of time to waste on things that make me unhappy/unhealthy.

Inwardly I feel like I'm in mourning because the world is so bizarre and strange to me now.

And Heliwyr, that was an excellent post, very energizing.
Also, another thing is I always want to figure out everything, so this causes me to getting way ahead of myself, being over analytical and it drives people away.
Mmm. Existential angst. I am quite familiar with it.

I'm a bit of a Existential Nihilist in that I think there is no point at all to existence. It just is, and for a lot of people that isn't good enough. But it's good enough for me.

You are correct. We only have so much time to experience this world. Whether or not there is an afterlife is irrelevant. Whatever comes after this existence is not the same as this world and this time. People seem to forget about that. I think it is perfectly natural to feel pressured to make the most of the time you have.

Which is why I refuse to do anything I do not enjoy for extended periods of time. I will not have a job where I wake up every morning and dread working. I will not be with someone who makes me frustrated or unhappy. If I have to do something that could cause me harm, I will make sure it is brief and provides someone some kind of benefit. I don't have a whole lot of time to waste on things that make me unhappy/unhealthy.

definitely the way I choose to live as well. All my friends can vouch for that:D
No. I see death as one of the great blessings of life. It will happen, and beyond that is unknowable, and you know what - I love that. I don't have to worry about it at all, because there's nothing I can do that will change it. The circumstances might be slightly affected by my life choices - such as what country I'm in when it happens, or perhaps if I took up a dangerous sport, the manner in which it occurred, but the event itself - totally dictated by life itself, by God if you will. I'm so thankful for it. It's a certainty in a world of uncertainty.

As for the pondering of what might come after death, well, cool, maybe there is something, maybe not. Maybe a glorious world of happy and lovely spirits, maybe just nothing - but what does it matter. I have now. Now is everything there is. I can't know what will happen outside of now apart from death - you see - it's a blessing to know that. Whatever happens in this life, it's only for now. It's temporary. It's ...
Yes, the now. It's good for INFJ's to be reminded of that from time to time I think. To stay in the present and live now. The work we do now, physically and mentally will impact our future. Thinking, worrying, brooding on or contemplating the future too much won't accomplish much.
The key to life I think is to seek the joy and look for the beauty in it.
Apparently we're being kept in the dark about certain things and no matter how much we think or question we're not going to know until the time is right. In the meantime we wait and do other things and make it a goal to not become bitter.
It's like being a parent. When the children are fighting and squabbling you just sit back and wait for them to calm down and then help them out, give them information and guidance. I think of our creator like that, watching us with his arms folded and tapping his foot.
yes i think about death and what may happen to me....
but for me, it's related to my religion.. i'm a Catholic Christian
so.... I don't fear death. because i believe that when I die, God is going to take away all my fears and problems....and I'll live in peace .... and although this is not related to my religion.. i believe that life is a living hell (just for me though.. i know it's NOT FOR ALMOST ALL OF THE PEOPLE)..... for me, death is my escape... it's either i'm just really emo OR WANT TO DIE RIGHT NOW......or i'm crazy...but...I AM A BIT AFRAID OF IT.... AS ALWAYS.. I'M AFRAID OF WHAT I DON'T KNOW....I'M AFRAID OF MY FUTURE..BECAUSE I ALWAYS OVER THINK THINGS AND I PLAN A LOT AND EVERYTHING....I PLAN HOW MUCH EFFORT DOES IT TAKE TO DO THIS AND THAT......

I don't constantly think about it but i think when i die, i'll be walking in darkness and i won't be able to see where i am going.If there is no heaven, then probably i won't even exist.I can't think,i can't smell, i can't breath, i can't yell,i can't talk,i can't feel sad,i can't feel happy.I can't do anything since i don't exist.If there is heaven, i guess as what normally others think, i'll be surrounded with white light that makes me feel whole.
i agree with the Elf...

... i don't fear death, and i won't fight it once it gets here... i actually kinda look forward to it, since i won't be in such daily bodily pain anymore...

... its nothing we can stop, inevitable... so, either looking at it with fear or anticipation? i choose the latter...
As near as I can tell, nothing will happen to me. We have people studying brains who are working out formulas for how thoughts are created and whatnot, so why would I even have thoughts if the power button is clicked off on my brain and those formulas stop working? I don't have any reason to consider an afterlife other than "Hey, I'm alive now, wouldn't it be cool if I stayed alive after my body died?" I also think it would be cool if I could jump out my window and fly, but I don't expect it to work and I don't spend much time thinking about it. If I spend any time on either it's just for the sake of imagining things, which is good for the brain if taken the right way.

Anyway, that's where I am in regards to death. I'll probably be dead, other people won't (edit: At least I hope so quite a bit), so hopefully I can live on a bit through them. As for a point to life, that question suggests that there's something above and outside life to give it a point, which is a pretty big assumption. Sometimes it's possible to ask the wrong question.
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I thought about death even at a very very young age. Always contemplated what would happen after death. The idea of losing all consciousness is disturbing to me. I've been reading eastern philosophical teachings and some philosophies suggest that the soul is not immortal. The soul continues to exist only for a time after death, and eventually it too will "die". I imagine that if that theory is true, our souls are merely parts of something bigger, the nexus of all creation, or God as some would understand it; and eventually our soul will become wholly absorbed into this entity. I don't think we will remain immortal in the sense that we will continue to exists as an individual being as we understand ourselves in our current state. You will not be Sally or Tony, no 'I' after you die, but you continue to exist as a fragment of something larger.
Death is the ultimate equalizer, and a final judgment of its own. While some fear does exist surrounding the transition, I know that there are worse things than death. Life is too short to be in fear of death; learn what lessons can be learned, and seize goodness for yourself and others.
The thought of ceasing to exist sounds terrifying when you think about it, but that's the best part. You won't be around to think about it once it happens! Why fear the inevitable? Why live a life in fear of death? There isn't a thing we can do about it.

When I'm dying, I'll relax, take my final breath, and breath it out. On the exhale my conscious will cease to exist and I will become one in everything.
I'm more inclined to think about what will happen to others once I'm gone.
Yes I do. I am always trying to reason what life after death is like. It is an endless, ever-changing search for me.
I assume it is the same as before I was born, conquering most of the known world with an army of Horse Archers... uhhh I mean peaceful non-existence.