Difference between INTP and ISTP


Yes, I know difference in description, but I find that can be hard to part these two types. I wonder if one my friend (female) is ISTP or INTP. It's just simple couriosity. For I I am sure, for T also, for P almost sure. Second letter is bothering me. So, she is inteligent (both practicaly and in theory if she needs it), not too much open, she can't be easily made nervous (one of the calmest person I know), doesn't gossip too much (especially considering the fact that she is woman:), can appear somewhat cold and distant.
Stupid question. ISTP, I 've read description once more, definetly more mechanics than thinker...
May I ask now, do you two get along well?

I wonder about the INFJ+ISTP dynamics.
Well, that's interesting question. I like her, but I have thing for practical T types in general:) We are not friends in "we have to hear each other every day and talk or goosip:) on phone" way, but we always have nice talks when we meet. I want to say that i am not too much in "girly" way of being friends, neither she is, but we do have need to be friends. We coopearate in some business and I have to say it was very good cooperation. One of the better I know.
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After all INFJ and ISTP share same functions, just in very different order. I have feeling that we built our friendship and cooperation on Ti base.
Interesting, thanks a lot. I wonder, because I have a feeling that ENFPs do get along fairly better with ESTJs, than INFJs do, however not so well with ISTPs. So in a group of such 4 types, the INFJ could probably find a way to communicate well with the ISTP and the ENFP - with the ESTJ.
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I'm an INTP engineer and my brother is an ISTP physicist. We're equally inept, socially. It's just that he's quicker to pick up a tool than I am.
Yes, I know difference in description, but I find that can be hard to part these two types. I wonder if one my friend (female) is ISTP or INTP. It's just simple couriosity. For I I am sure, for T also, for P almost sure. Second letter is bothering me. So, she is inteligent (both practicaly and in theory if she needs it), not too much open, she can't be easily made nervous (one of the calmest person I know), doesn't gossip too much (especially considering the fact that she is woman:), can appear somewhat cold and distant.

INTPs are conceptual thinkers. ISTPs are tangible thinkers. ISTPs love to know how a machine works. They are hands-on. INTPs love to know how a theory works. We are hands-off.

Seems cliche, but if you have a cool new gadget, ISTPs will be drawn to it. They are only interested in something if they can use it. If you have a new theory, they'll be nice, but really aren't interested.

One easy test though, is to see how they view things. INTPs and ISTPs have different views about what information is relevant. INTPs see patterns. ISTPs see facts.

You can show them a graph and a table on the same sheet of paper, and ask them what is it telling you. The INTPs will look at the trend or correlation on the graph. The ISTPs will look at the numbers in the table. If you take it away, and ask them what was the meaning of the data, the INTPs will remember something about the relationship between the two variables. The ISTPs will remember some of the exact numbers. Neither of them will remember both.
Interesting, thanks a lot. I wonder, because I have a feeling that ENFPs do get along fairly better with ESTJs, than INFJs do, however not so well with ISTPs. So in a group of such 4 types, the INFJ could probably find a way to communicate well with the ISTP and the ENFP - with the ESTJ.

Interesting theory. I know few ESTJs, one of them is very close relative and one is good friend. They are both very imortant to me. However, it's different kind of relationship than with ISTP. With ISTP (if my friend is that:) I can be more relax. Hard to explain, I think that ISTPs are more laid back in general wich could be refreshing for sometimes anxiuos INFJ like me.
ISTP's go to prison, INTP's go to the mental ward.

No, that does not help, my friend is not at any institution from these two...:)..although, definetly far away from mental ward...

Be patient.

j/k hehe.
I live in a house hold consisting of both;

INTP - Open minded, experimental, relaxed, caring, hard thinker.

ISTP- Close minded, experimental (within limits, although prefers to play safe), relaxed, somewhat caring, thinks.

I generally get along with both, however when I try to start talking about other dimensions and theories to my ISTP brothers,
their brain's shut off and think I am an idiot. If its not proven then its not real.
This has always frustrated me.

Most ISTP's I have meet prefer to read books about facts and watch action flicks based on true events (preferably based on wars)
INTP's on the other hand, that I have meet, like to read novels and books on theories and watch Thiller/Crime and Sci-fi films.
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ISTPs are the most practical of all types while INTPs are the most impractical and theoretical.
It shouldn't be too hard to figure this one out.