Describe an intrapersonal Ni/Fe fight (or other pair)


Community Member
Do your top two functions duel? I'm interested to read how this plays out. Do Ti and Se take sides?

Assuming I'm INFP for a moment (haha, historically there have been more of these moments than not), my Ne and Si hate each other's guts! Like, they want to claw each other's eyes out. My inferior Te and dominant Fi aren't actually enemies: they just don't care for the same modus operandi. But Ne is the positive function within me that says, "I have a great idea, yes I can, I will, that reminds me" or "that really worked", and Si is the one self-censoring function that says, "are you kidding me? You want to do WHAT?" or "Don't say that! That sounds stupid". This pattern can also show itself when they switch places for which gets greater mileage on a cognitive functions test. [Surely an ISJ would have a different take on this pair.]

When my Si teams up with Fi, they become harsh value judgments in search of a playground. I become a nihilist of the worst kind, because I can't even admit to all of the immobility and worthlessness that I have come to believe, and only then can I not access Te (which isn't actually that weak for me).

I'd like a little more Ni/Se dynamic in my life, or at least a sense of what that drama would entail. Cheers.
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My Ni has a very very strong clamp on my Se, and almost never lets it out. The second Se tries to take an impulse lead on things, my Ni will pounce on it, formulate all the possible future scenarios, explain why or why not on everything, and Se will fall to the wayside. The only time Se can take command is when I am drunk, or my Ni for some wierd reason is ok with allowing impulse in a few things.

That is really the only pair that fights, that fits the classic model. My Ni and Si will argue now and again (both of which are very high functions with me). They work synergisticly quite well, but do butt heads now and then, because one wants hard evicence using the past, and one wants to predict the future. Ever the idealist that Ni is, Si will try and make it shut it's trap if it does so, but as Ni is stronger, it fights back, but it takes alot of effort. As such when these two argue, they get horribly conflicted. In addition, they are simultaneously trying to filter themselves through Fe (or Te), and only one can fit at a time.
My Ni and Fe seem to work well together. If I liken it to a computer program, the Ni is running in the background checking everything and making sure everything makes perfect sense. The objective of the program is to project Fe, So the Ni is going to be there no matter what but the purpose and the ME in the whole pie is a projection of Fe mostly until I hit some information that Fe cant understand my Ni will break it down and feed back the truth in an easier to understand format so my Fe can act accordingly. I think thats the way it works in my head. Although lately my Fe has been sort of quieting down and I have become more logical and goal oriented and much better at figuring things out that don't involve just people, but involve physical processes. As I am going into my 30s and I have literally mastered my emotions, I think I am moving into Ti territory or something because I want to make things and create and produce wealth and art and accomplishments..
Se comes to the rescue when Ni and Fe go on overdrive. when it happens it's almost like, "hey, i'm breathing and i have a body, the sky is not falling down, and i can do cartwheels on the ground if i like or run over there...ohh look at these objects all around me, it's almost as if i've never looked at them before"
No, it is my dang fe and ti that won't stop trying to massacre eachother.

I feel like a ragdoll amonst them. I wish they'd shut up. Cartoons and music are like the only things that are working at this point.

Lol, Indigo, I don't think I use my Se, unless I'm in a debate.
Inside of me it is more like Fe and Ti battle it out constantly with Ni as the moderating voice that tries to extract the core issues from the big picture.

When younger i characterized this struggle by naming my two internal characters. One character was the dreamer, impulsive, idealistic, insightful, but too vulnerable. The second character was strong, focused, analytical, confident, and ready to take on the challenge. I wrestle between the two when reacting to every life situation. It never has resolved, but at best reaches an equilibrium. It is partly why I never reach a point of complete certitude. The internal debate that views things from at least two perspectives consistently prevents me readily assuming much of anything, although one or the other might present a position externally. I could just as easily go back and present a different perspective.
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Inside of me it is more like Fe and Ti battle it out constantly with Ni as the moderating voice that tries to extract the core issues from the big picture.

When younger i characterized this struggle by naming my two internal characters. One character was the dreamer, impulsive, idealistic, insightful, but too vulnerable. The second character was strong, focused, analytical, confident, and ready to take on the challenge. I wrestle between the two when reacting to every life situation. It never has resolved, but at best reaches an equilibrium. It is partly why I never reach a point of complete certitude. The internal debate that views things from at least two perspectives consistently prevents me readily assuming much of anything, although one or the other might present a position externally. I could just as easily go back and present a different perspective.

I have never named mine, but this sounds a lot like what I am experiencing. I don't really reach conclucions on many things, but not because I'm not trying.
I have little conflict between my Ni, Se, Fe, and Ti anymore, but that's probably because I'm older. Even my Ne and Fi get along with the others pretty well.

Right now, my biggest conflict is between Fe and Te. These two fight like cats and dogs.

My next biggest conflict would be my Si (when it dares to poke its head out) getting stomped by the rest of them.
Thanks for the insights, everyone. Most of your Fe's seem pretty integrated.