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Corrupt a wish

You receive a Nokia 3310 with a beautiful crack right down the middle of the HD Display and the appearance of a spiderweb on the screen from the many slivers of cracked glass, making it a completely unreadable HD Display.

I wish I could afford a 4 year college.

You get a full ride scholar ship to the college of your choice(short of the ivy league schools) for the degree program of your choice only to find in the last few weeks before gradutation that they aren't accredited

I wish we'd return to the old reputation system that was around when I joined the forum.
You get a full ride scholar ship to the college of your choice(short of the ivy league schools) for the degree program of your choice only to find in the last few weeks before gradutation that they aren't accredited

I wish we'd return to the old reputation system that was around when I joined the forum.

You get your old rep system, but the rep points get reset every 7 years.

I wish I drove an Acura.
Granted, you drive the Acura straight into a giant pot hole

I wish I was as smart as Einstein
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Granted you are as smart as Einstein and figure out that nothing is real and that nothing matters, including how smart you are.

I wish I knew the question to the answer of 42.
Granted, now your mind explodes into a hard to count number of subatomic particles. The answer is just too mind-blowing for your simple mind to comprehend.

I wish I could blow minds, just by thinking about it, witch won't work when I don't want it to work and does not backfire.
You get your power to blow up minds when you want to. Unfortunately your brain begins to deteriorate, and it reduces its ability to desire anything at all. :smile:

I wish I wore a tank-top to church.
Granted. The church is St. Peter's Basilica where the Pope sees you and falls in love. He then disbands Christianity and asks you to marry him.

I wish I could give myself a blowjob.
Granted, you are now a dog that licks his balls all day and the family that adopted you isnt thrilled. They decide to put you down.

I wish that wishes were horses.
Granted, you are now a dog that licks his balls all day and the family that adopted you isnt thrilled. They decide to put you down.

I wish that wishes were horses.

Granted but the horses are conservative american evangelical horses.
Granted, you get nothing!

I wish I got something instead.
Granted, you get a boot in the ass.

I wish that if my wishes get corrupted, the corrupter gets it worse.
Granted, you get a boot in the ass.

I wish that if my wishes get corrupted, the corrupter gets it worse.

Granted but all your wishes are corrupted into having more money the necessary but only in small bills.

I wish I wish I were a fish.
granted, you're this:


I wish I could dance
Granted, but you ant stop dancing and eventually dance off a cliff.

I wish I knew what its all about.
Granted, you look up "it" in the dictionary and find out, but feel strangely unsatisfied.

Wish for a camel
Granted, you now have a dead camel in your living room.

I wish that sand grains were turned into sugar
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Moon increases by 1mm in diameter. This is disappointingly imperceptible to you and everyone.

And you get cooties.

I wish I could turn people into toads.
You turn people into toads, but they grow teeth and bite your shoulder off.

I wish I could live on Mars and breathe there comfortably.
Granted you live and breathe on mars comfortably but with aliens who put you into a cage and poke you with sticks, like you are some kind of zoo exhibit.

I wish I get a call back tomorrow