Cognitive functions - do not understand


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The INFJ's cognitive functions are: Ni Fe Ti Se.
INFJs' shadow type, the ESTP's cognitive functions are Se Ti Fe Ni.

I have just now started to get my head around Ni and Fe.

But the others still mystify me and I have no idea what people are talking about when they say something about Fi or Si or any of the others.

Is there a way anyone has figured out a way to understand what examples of these look like? If you've got any advice, please speak in INFJ.

There is a lot debate as to whether the shadow type is the inverse (INFJ - ESTP via Ni, Fe, Ti, Se - Se, Ti, Fe, Ni) or if the shadow type is the opposite (INFJ - ENFP via Ni, Fe, Ti, Se - Ne, Fi, Te, Si) functions.

However, it is a really good idea to learn what all of the functions entail because regardless of type, everyone uses all of them (in different orders of preference).

At its most simple, Ni is subconscious pattern recognition that seeks the one answer.

At its most simple, Fe is philosophical reasoning that feels how things should be in the world.
The INFJ's cognitive functions are: Ni Fe Ti Se.
INFJs' shadow type, the ESTP's cognitive functions are Se Ti Fe Ni.

I have just now started to get my head around Ni and Fe.

But the others still mystify me and I have no idea what people are talking about when they say something about Fi or Si or any of the others.

Is there a way anyone has figured out a way to understand what examples of these look like? If you've got any advice, please speak in INFJ.

Thanks. sensing&pg=PA20

That has some descriptions of each function.
Actually, I read this article and that's what prompted me asking this question. Thanks for this article. VERY interesting stuff.

You're welcome. :)
I do find it interesting, the relationship between Se and Ni as portrayed in the article.
The cognitive functions can be a bit confusing but it is important to understand them as we all use all of them as a person and in our growth like Von Hase said, the ultimate goal is t develop our functions as much as possible and become more balanced as a person. I really like the links provided as they are very descriptive, my suggestion is to keep on researching, after that you can reason and share your own theories and views.