Check Ups & Self Care for Types | Page 3 | INFJ Forum
Warnings & Check Ups










In these charts, I related more to 1 @hithere:sob:
One of the biggest lessons I'm learning lately is how to set boundaries for myself between work and personal time, now that I'm working from home. It's often difficult to separate the two. It's easy to overwork because it's always there. Just like the song, there's always something there to remind you, so you feel perpetual guilt stepping away. So, learning to set aside time to get out of work mode has been really important for my mental health :D. Definitely. Time to do art, walk, read, or go outside helps. Highly recommend it for good self-care!
For me as an INTJ, immersion in nature and associated physical activity (hiking, swimming, surfing, skiing) is important to schedule regularly. Without it, it's easy to see the world as a collection of repulsive human activity, and become extremely cynical about the world.

Avoiding nostalgia is also important as an INTJ. I haven't reflected on it sufficiently to explain, but nostalgia is extremely toxic to me. It kills all creativity and hope on trying to make things better. Too much nostalgia could easily cultivate a sense of despair and malice in myself, directed either at myself or others.
Just a brief reminder:
This thread is an exception to the usual threads of the forum: it is not intended for further discussing, but instead more of a collection of sources.
In order to keep things brief and decluttered, please, please feel free to quote and take interesting topics as discussions into another thread. Very appreciated..
I've been doing a lot of meditation lately, and by meditation I mean sitting down, closing my eyes, and being silent. I breathe deeply, which I love doing in this state. It's effective when nothing in particular is flashing through my mind.
Since we have talked about some of these topics:

1. You are the sum and sponge of the people you spend the most time with.
2. Action is the antidote.
3. Every relationship is an investment.
4. Fear is the price of imagination.
5. Do not fight the last war.
6. Soft, slow power can be more effective.
7. "Wise people advise from experience. Wiser people, from experience, do not advise."
8. Buy the ticket, take the ride.
9. "You do not rise to the levels of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems."
10. Trust, but verify.
11. Find someone to be your INFJ.
12. We create the reality we think we deserve, so be careful.
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