Can we PLEASE talk about Racism? | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Can we PLEASE talk about Racism?

Please don’t think that all white people are blind to what is happening and are not trying to make things better for us all.
I’m about as white as you get…I grew up in an 80% hispanic city…so I was the minority there.
Racism sucks no matter who is doing what to whom.
People I think (despite this stupid college chant on the news the other night) are becoming less racist at least in certain areas.
I cannot speak for those in the south…up in the Pacific Northwest no one seems to give a flying fuck what anyone looks like.

I didn't mean to group a whole race. That is why I used the word 'majority' of whites. I judge individuals and not groups. I have no problems with whites just ignorant people who just turn out having white skin.
I didn't mean to group a whole race. That is why I used the word 'majority' of whites. I judge individuals and not groups. I have no problems with whites just ignorant people who just turn out having white skin.

There seems to be a lot of misinformation going on especially on the news.
It’s hard for people who are comfortable with their lives to look at things or deal with things that they are ignorant of.
That’s what one of the purposes of this thread was…to try to bring more real information forward.
Thanks for contributing!
I am not racist towards black men, but I certainly have every right to be.

Uh, no you don't.

It's incomprehensible to me as to why you would even say that. It's very revealing of your mentality about prejudice towards others.
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Sorry dont agree. Yes there are still pockets of backwoods America that are racist but its few and far between. What I despise are the people getting what they want these days by claiming racism. In ferguson, what we know is what everyone knows and from that information we conclude the officer was justified in shooting the suspect. When you shoot someone its not with intent to slow down and 3ven if it was most people are not sharp shooter's. A person is dead for attacking a police officer. The DOJ run by a person who would have liked nothing better than to prove racism. Instead we get a different verdict because nothing like that happened.
Ill tell you what, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton etc have the exact opposite effect than what they claim they want. So exactly, can we stop talking about how racist America is because its just a very small percentage. Yep that small percentage needs to change to an even smaller number but you will never be able to wipe it out completely
Uh, no you don't.

It's incomprehensible to me as to why you would even say that. It's very revealing of your mentality about prejudice towards others.

WOW! Do you have any idea what rape does to a person? It is not just physical, it wounds a person's soul. Your comment is not worth defending myself against. Good day.
Thats just awful. You have every right to be bitter however you are right about how two wrongs don't make a right. How did you cope with what happen to you?

I appreciate your kind words. Honestly, after reading another person's comments, I don't wish to elaborate any longer. I hope you understand.
Yep, I'm racist. :eek:hwell:
You are.

I hope you deeply contemplate the implications of your conclusions and your thought processes from your emotional reactions to this incident. If you give up on your ethical integrity, then YOU LOSE. You lost to your aggressors, and they did more to you than just violate your physical boundaries. They will continue to violate your reasoning daily.
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Are people racist against individual human beings, or are they racist against people who fulfill very specific stereotypes and tend to group people together like that?
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In my opinion, racism is a particular manifestation of class conflict. Slavery wasn't introduced into America because of ideology regarding skin color or ethnic origins, but due to economic reasons that were then retroactively justified through particular ideologies, i.e. "We were rescuing savages from their barbarism and civilizing them, so they owe us their labor in compensation for the effort we expended in doing so."

Slavery is a legal or economic system under which people are treated as property. While laws and systems vary, as property, slaves may be bought and sold. Slaves can be held from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. Historically, slavery was institutionally recognized by most societies; in more recent times, slavery has been outlawed in all countries, but it continues through the practices of debt bondage, serfdom, domestic servants kept in captivity, certain adoptions in which children are forced to work as slaves, child soldiers, and forced marriage. Slavery is officially illegal in all countries, but there are still an estimated 20 million to 36 million slaves worldwide. Mauritania was the last jurisdiction to officially outlaw slavery (in 1981/2007), but about 10% to 20% of its population is estimated to live in slavery.

Slavery has existed before written history and has existed in many cultures. Most slaves today are debt slaves, largely in South Asia, who are under debt bondage imposed by loan sharks, sometimes even for generations. Human trafficking is primarily used for forcing women and children into sex industries.

I am convinced that those societies (as the Indians) which live without government enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under the European governments. Among the former, public opinion is in the place of law, & restrains morals as powerfully as laws ever did anywhere. Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves & sheep. I do not exaggerate. This is a true picture of Europe. Cherish therefore the spirit of our people, and keep alive their attention. Do not be too severe upon their errors, but reclaim them by enlightening them. If once they become inattentive to the public affairs, you & I, & Congress & Assemblies, judges & governors shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions; and experience declares that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the governments of Europe, and to the general prey of the rich on the poor.

—Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington - January 16, 1787

Ethnic minorities are more likely to be targeted because they are equally likely to be poor and hence less likely to be able to defend themselves legally or financially. How do you think a black man like Bill Cosby hasn't been incarcerated by the mere appearance of impropriety like so many other black men in America?

Predators, when given the opportunity, will target the weak, elderly, young, frail, and/or injured from a herd because it is easier and more energy efficient to do so. If a predator gives chase to a healthy adult (gazelle for instance) that can outrun it, then it wastes time and energy for both the predator and the prey, so the theory goes that particular behaviors that initially seem costly or self-destructive are really communicative and are beneficial for both involved by saving resources.

Stotting (also pronking or pronging) is a behavior of quadrupeds, particularly gazelles, in which they spring into the air, lifting all four feet off the ground simultaneously. Usually, the legs are held in a relatively stiff position and the back may be arched with the head pointing downward. Many explanations of stotting have been proposed; there is evidence that at least in some cases it is an honest signal to predators that the stotting animal is not worth pursuing.

Social status symbols accomplish similar feats in human societies in order to attract potential mates, but also to indicate to potential adversaries that they have the resources available to compete. Being poor in America isn't a crime, but it does mean that you are significantly more likely to engage in criminal activities. Those that have the resources tend to make the rules to benefit themselves and those that don't tend to break the rules to benefit themselves.

I made an observation to [MENTION=5511]o_q[/MENTION] recently on the legal status of cannabis in America that fell along similar lines:

My only concern is health concerns for smoking rather than ingestion, which would be a more viable option if made legal. Cannabis is so easily and abundantly grown that it is essentially a nonviable business endeavor without artificially limiting and regulating the supply so as to inflate the price and keep it viable. It's illegality has so far profited the prison-industrial complex making the US the leading nation of incarcerations in the world and profited drug enforcers who have used it to racially profile the poor to seize all their property under highly controversial asset forfeiture proceedings that legalize theft of property against those who can no longer afford the cost of litigation or, even more ridiculously, where the cost of litigation is more expensive than the cost of the property seized and is therefore a lose-lose situation either way and is just given up to the state without proper justification.
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I appreciate your kind words. Honestly, after reading another person's comments, I don't wish to elaborate any longer. I hope you understand.

I understand where you're coming from and the hate/resentment you probably felt and still feel. I've never been through rape so I cannot truly understand your pain. I have been assaulted a few times though. But if I placed myself in your situation, I'm sure it was incredibly difficult and dehumanizing for you. I am truly sorry you went through that. I hope you've found a great support system and are working through it.

I do understand hate though. I was held at knife point when I was 15 by a classmate of mine who was a dark-skinned Dominican girl. After it happened, I felt A LOT of rage and hatred toward her. I even displaced that anger and generalized it to all Dominicans. After I grieved it though, I realized that I was displacing my hate against people who didn't deserve it. It wasn't *THEM* that did that to me. It was *HER*. She chose to pick up the knife, she choose to act out of hate and jealousy. So I also understand pain. It can really lead you to displace anger and sadness toward people who look similar to the culprit. It is human. We do generalize our feelings, displace them, and stereotype other people who look similar to those who have victimized us. Is it right? No.

Hate is never the answer toward hate. No matter how easy it is to revert to hatred... it's not worth it. Why is it not worth it? Because you're giving your abuser the right to take away your freedom. You're letting them have THEIR hate exist through your veins. You are better than that. Their hate is not yours. People like us, have all the power to choose what we do with that pain. We have the power to turn it into something that fosters love, empowerment, and resilience. You have the power to do the same and I hope you are on the path to learning that.
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I appreciate your kind words. Honestly, after reading another person's comments, I don't wish to elaborate any longer. I hope you understand.

As a female I completely understand. Please know that this certain person is just probably closed minded about the matter. To her it is white or black. Thank you for sharing your story. I take that to heart.
Racism is treating someone differently in ANY WAY because of their ethnic origin. Let that sink in and think about what that really means.
Racism is very much prevalent. But i find that tolerance towards racism is much higher than discrimination - at least in major urban areas. I am in NYC which is a melting pot of diversity and i always see people react negatively more towards discrimination than racism. The discrimination is usually based on attitude, personality, behaviors and physical characteristics - not necessarily skin color. I have heard chinese women in the laundries i go to not like certain ethnicities because of how they behave; such as being obnoxiously loud and rude. I have seen 'white' person not accept a ride from an "arabic" looking cabbie, seen many of my gay friends get bullied or whispered shitty comments while walking down the street in nyc, orthodox jewish women crossing the street so she don't walk past a group of "hispanic" boys, that kind of thing. The interesting thing is most of NY is very much tolerant but you always get those ignorant ones who can't just get along. I know this type of discrimination is very much different than what is experienced in the midwest or even certain parts of the south. States that had active historical precedences on slavery and jim crow laws probably have much harder time getting rid of racism in general because their state legislature, courts and all other systems were initially set up by slave owners/supporters.
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Then we have things like NY with its stop and frisk…who gets stopped? The white guy…no.

yea, stop and frisk is very interesting out here. police have a lot of power here; discrimination is very rampant. however; it is a no brainer that how you dress, how you carry yourself and your overall demeanor plays a big part as well. you have those cops that are straight up racist and those who specifically profile a "hood" type of behavior. the aspect of one's apperance can be controlled if an individual lives in a "hood" areas and does not wish to be profiled or categorized into a "type" which the police looks for. the "hood" behavior and clothing attires attract a lot of heat even if the person is just minding his business and going to work or school. my bf's family lives in a "hood" area and i never allow him to frequent those areas unless he is dressed clean and decent and not falling into the steretypes that cops look out for. it's kinda sad that i have to be worried but cops literally are just hanging around to pick someone up. it's like if you hang out in "hood" areas in nyc you can't be surprised if you get picked up for just looking at a cop the wrong way.
yea, stop and frisk is very interesting out here. police have a lot of power here; discrimination is very rampant. however; it is a no brainer that how you dress, how you carry yourself and your overall demeanor plays a big part as well. you have those cops that are straight up racist and those who specifically profile a "hood" type of behavior. the aspect of one's apperance can be controlled if an individual lives in a "hood" areas and does not wish to be profiled or categorized into a "type" which the police looks for. the "hood" behavior and clothing attires attract a lot of heat even if the person is just minding his business and going to work or school. my bf's family lives in a "hood" area and i never allow him to frequent those areas unless he is dressed clean and decent and not falling into the steretypes that cops look out for. it's kinda sad that i have to be worried but cops literally are just hanging around to pick someone up. it's like if you hang out in "hood" areas in nyc you can't be surprised if you get picked up for just looking at a cop the wrong way.
Then they are really targeting those that are probably truly impoverished or have a metal disability and are not smart of well of enough to change the way they look or behave?
Then they are really targeting those that are probably truly impoverished or have a metal disability and are not smart of well of enough to change the way they look or behave?

Not really. There is a very distinct hatred among the cops and those that live in the hood areas or project buildings. They antagnize each other on many levels. At times people that live in the hood dress and behave the way they desire to as a "rebellion" or a way to give the finger to authority. It's also a way of bonding with the "hood" - this is a cultural behavior that exists in the hood. Like you will not be accepted into the hood if you are not anti-cop. Then you also have those who have victim mentalities and blame everything on the cops and minor altercations with cops are made out to be bigger than what they are and looking to just sue and make quick money. The tension is really between the young males and male/female cops. So in a sense; hood culture which is not necessarily poverty because i know people who live in the projects making 50k plus but their parents got into housing building back in the day and pay only 500 for rent controlled 3 bedrooms - thats a steal in manhattan. Project and hood areas in nyc is not like the hood areas in other states. You actually have working professionals, families with small children, elderly and everything else in between residing in the same area. I think it is a myth that people who are in the projects are poor or can't help themselves - if that is the case than they are doing better than me because they somehow seems to be able to afford the latest jordans, iphone 6 and playstations. I've seen some decked out apartments in the hood areas. lol - the real issue is that people in the hood lose brownie points if they answer or snitch on illegal activities and this creates huge issues. In ny its mostly drugs that run and feed the hoods.
Okay…bit off topic but also not.

We ain't ethnic, exotic or eclectic
The only 'E' we use is electric
An Asian background that's what's reflected
But this militant vibe ain't what you expected

With your liberal minds, you patronize our culture
Scanning the surface like vultures
With your tourist mentality, we're still the natives
You multicultural but we're anti-racist
We ain't ethnic, exotic or eclectic
The only 'e' we use is electric
