Byzantium Test | INFJ Forum

Byzantium Test


Retired Staff
Aug 23, 2011

I'm not sure what it means by "normal." I just thought how they crafted the questions was interesting.

EDIT: Also, I had only completed the first section when I posted this. I didn't realize there was more.
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I'm an autonomous survivor with hidden strength?
autonomous striver
I'm an autonomous survivor with hidden strength?

autonomous striver

Yeah, I don't know. The test has more parts, but some of them seem a little BS-y, and I also needed a webcam for one part (which I don't have). Seemed interesting at first. *shrug* Also, I got the same result, hah.
apparently i am one of the One Percent (after completing all the tests and having to watch advertising for a minute or two before i could get my final results)
í'm not sure what that one percent is but i am in there
i dunno
did anyone else feel like that was a totally illogical test?
Yeah, I don't know. The test has more parts, but some of them seem a little BS-y, and I also needed a webcam for one part (which I don't have). Seemed interesting at first. *shrug* Also, I got the same result, hah.

actually there was nothing about a webcam in that section, although it stated that you needed one, there was no reference to it in the testing. i did that section and didn't need one. it was just a weird sort of weirdness, that test.
You are a principled independent with a dark side.

Your responses indicate a desire to escape from your troubles, and a fear that this action will destroy what you’ve already achieved.

These conflicting emotions sometimes cause you to be abnormally irritable and impatient when your needs are not met. Your concentration is also impacted, often leaving you feeling groggy or agitated.

The ensuing anxiety usually leaves you feeling vulnerable. As a result, you become less affectionate with people you care about. You occasionally become caustic and even needlessly cruel.

This stems from your own insecurity and fear of failure. Leveraging your ability to remain strong in the face of adversity — an ability you’ve proved to possess in the past — is the key to your emotional satisfaction.

You have a strong opinion of your own abilities, which is deserved. You are sharp and intellectually discerning when the need arises. In times of great stress, you have the will power to make difficult decisions.


o_O That's kinda creepy.
something about an enduring survivor with some sort of strength or power. It was actually quite accurate.
Enduring Fighter, Masked Passions

Your responses indicate that you have a normal desire to share yourself with others. However, this need is not being adequately fulfilled at present.
As a result, you unconsciously attempt to treat this emptiness with momentary interests and temporary passions. If left unaddressed, this imbalance leads to impulsive behavior and unnecessary risks.
Past betrayals have left you generally suspicious of others’ behavior, particularly regarding romantic relationships. You fear you may be exploited if you open yourself too fully. Consequently, you often seek some proof of a new friend’s or lover’s sincerity before you decide to trust them.
Further complicating your relationships is the anxiety you have about your unfulfilled personal and professional goals. You fear that you’ve made decisions that weren’t in your own best interest, or failed to take advantage of opportunities when they presented themselves.
The desire to overcome these challenges sometimes lead you to seem pushy or even arrogant. Because this competitive urge is not always apparent to others, they are often surprised by it.
However, the passion that underlies your desire for success is unique. This makes you unlike others. You cannot simply accept what life has to offer; you aspire for more.

It was interesting, though I doubt it's validity. It seemed part of some advertising campaign.

Either that, or I'm going to be contacted by a secret agency to carry out assignments that may require violence and duplicity. Basically, I'll be a secret agent. I really hope the latter is true.
Principled independent with a dark side.

Your responses indicate a desire to escape from your troubles, and a fear that this action will destroy what you’ve already achieved.

These conflicting emotions sometimes cause you to be abnormally irritable and impatient when your needs are not met. Your concentration is also impacted, often leaving you feeling groggy or agitated.

The ensuing anxiety usually leaves you feeling vulnerable. As a result, you become less affectionate with people you care about. You occasionally become caustic and even needlessly cruel.

This stems from your own insecurity and fear of failure. Leveraging your ability to remain strong in the face of adversity — an ability you’ve proved to possess in the past — is the key to your emotional satisfaction.

You have a strong opinion of your own abilities, which is deserved. You are sharp and intellectually discerning when the need arises. In times of great stress, you have the will power to make difficult decisions.
I didn't like the flattery. Seemed like it is for some series?

I think that no matter what you you do will end up in the 1%. I just made it in the top 2% and I'm sure when I get my final result it will be a congrats I'm super special and more so than most anyone else. I can be part of their special team, I should watch their show on Cinemax Tuesdays 9-8 central.

LOL I was right. I'm ranked in the top 1% of the population even though the last "cognitive" test I drew a picture of an actual drawing I drew in kindergarden and not what they told me to draw...I have the skill set to be considered an operative! lolololol all that matters is that I'm part of the 1% though. Welcome! I am part of the watchers and the elite to protect the world's influences. Yep! I direct the globe's fate; I am a god they say! lolololol
Autonomous Striver with Hidden Strength

Your responses indicate a desire to overcome a persistent feeling of emptiness or dissatisfaction. You believe life should have more to offer, and fear you have somehow not achieved everything you deserve.
Your desire for legitimate respect and success has led to increasing anxiety. Consequently, you no longer exhibit some of the friendliness and openness for which you were once known.
Similarly, you fear being overly influenced by others. You are often fiercely independent, which sometimes leads to being resistant to the opinions of friends and relatives — even to the point of denying what you fear may actually be true.
This behavior stems from your wish to be regarded as an authority. It leads you to react strongly when you suspect you might be wrong. At times you feel that too much is being asked of you, and that you are not properly recognized for your efforts. This situation — be it fueled by others’ jealousy or negligence — adds to the stress in your life.
Luckily, your determination is unyielding. Unlike others facing similar adversity, you forge ahead despite the challenges. Through strength of will or simple endurance, you are unique in your ability to withstand the troubles of a complicated life.


part 2: Your score suggests an unusually well-realized ability to make decisions under pressure. (haha, yeah right.)
top 5% in faking emotional responses
logic puzzle correct on second try...should've known
last test: followed. that was creepy.
final score: 1%. of course, that's a jacked up percentage.
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it weren't a test, but it was fun times.

i figured the lady in the logic puzzle was saying something something backwards, but i couldn't be assed to figure it out lololol
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Principled independent with a dark side.

Your responses indicate a desire to escape from your troubles, and a fear that this action will destroy what you’ve already achieved.

These conflicting emotions sometimes cause you to be abnormally irritable and impatient when your needs are not met. Your concentration is also impacted, often leaving you feeling groggy or agitated.

The ensuing anxiety usually leaves you feeling vulnerable. As a result, you become less affectionate with people you care about. You occasionally become caustic and even needlessly cruel.

This stems from your own insecurity and fear of failure. Leveraging your ability to remain strong in the face of adversity — an ability you’ve proved to possess in the past — is the key to your emotional satisfaction.

You have a strong opinion of your own abilities, which is deserved. You are sharp and intellectually discerning when the need arises. In times of great stress, you have the will power to make difficult decisions.

That's just from the first test.
Lol - I'm interested in seeing the TV series, now. It's called "The Hunted."

I ended up going through the whole thing and now I'm part of the top 1% as a "Communications Specialist." I'm a secret spy! :p
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I quit when it said I had to use the webcam.