Buddhist Quote


On Holiday
"Dialogue starts from the courageous willingness to know and be known by others. It is the painstaking and persistent effort to remove all obstacles that obscure our common humanity. " This quote was highlighted as the quote of the day on SGI's President Daisaku Ikeda's web site.

I thought that I would post it here to see what peoples thoughts are about this quote.

I am off to my class. I have class all day so I will be back later to respond to any comments.
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It is the painstaking and persistent effort to remove all obstacles that obscure our common humanity.... Here this thing is telling different thing in very stylish manner, i think.

It means we should remove our limiting beliefs which is stopping us from going ahead. What do you think?
"Dialogue starts from the courageous willingness to know and be known by others. It is the painstaking and persistent effort to remove all obstacles that obscure our common humanity. " This quote was highlighted as the quote of the day on SGI's President Daisaku Ikeda's web site.

I believe it means one must have the courage and the willingness to trust someone without much reason. It is the first person with the bravery to offer ones own love and faith to another. Without these people communication and understanding would be hard pressed to find it's way into our lives on a regular basis.

Allow me to give you a few Buddhist quotes myself, though these ideas were not new to me I have never been able to word it so clearly as such below.

Quotes from the Vajra Praj
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I think it means that there are other obstacles. Arrogance, fear, the tendency to objectify others in order to discount their value. The tendency of others to confine views and beliefs into an either right or wrong, black or white category.

This is how I view it.

So Federer, I think that you were right?

Does anyone have any thoughts.

Now I really must tear myself away before I am late for my class, lol.
What I interpret from this is that:

1) "Dialogue" in this instance is a more intimate connection between two people, not just a pair of moving mouths faced at each other.

2) "obstacles" are all problems we face in our lives. We believe these problems to be so unique to us that we are blind to see that others are facing the same problem.

3) "painstaking and persistent effort", we spend so much time on these obstacles in life that they start to consume us. We become a "slave" to these obstacles; always attempting to remove them no matter the toll on our minds and bodies.

4) "common humanity" is what I'm unsure of, there's too many possibilities.
Federer...This is not something with a right or wrong answer. It is more on how you take it. There are infinite ways of understanding anything. How do you define limiting?
Federer...This is not something with a right or wrong answer. It is more on how you take it. There are infinite ways of understanding anything. How do you define limiting?

For belief thing, if you have something belief for success that has limit, then you can't achieve it. You need some height in order to get thing. Here success may be anything, depends on person what he wants.

For karma, everyone has its own limit. NO one can be perfect on this earth, this is also kind of limit.
I am doing this to start a dialogue. I am not the teacher in terms of giving check marks if you are right or wrong. I would rather have a discussion to investigate all of the shades of gray there are. I think you are on the right track. I am interested to find out more of what you are thinking. What do you define as "limiting?"
Yes, it is real tough question to answer for me. Well, it is okay. I will try to answer your question.

I think, Limiting words means it will stop you to go ahead. For example, take this if you want some money. You know very well, that money is not good or bad. Money is just mindset. You will have take some beliefs and will take some action how you thought about it. Just think that you are thinking, it is slight hidden belief, you can't have it. This will stop you from getting you, yes, it is limiting you. It will put break on your thinking ability,

You will not think for more opportunities. If you remove it, then see, feel, how many opportunities you can take and you can make.

This is "limiting thing".

Last, i was not asking about right or wrong, just making sure that i answered was it related to your post or was off the track. :D
What I interpret from this is that:

1) "Dialogue" in this instance is a more intimate connection between two people, not just a pair of moving mouths faced at each other.
I think that it means really listening to each other. Not letting preexisting beliefs completely stop you from thinking fully about what is being said.
2) "obstacles" are all problems we face in our lives. We believe these problems to be so unique to us that we are blind to see that others are facing the same problem.
Obstacles can also be our not being able to really take in what someone is saying because of the labels we place on them.

3) "painstaking and persistent effort", we spend so much time on these obstacles in life that they start to consume us. We become a "slave" to these obstacles; always attempting to remove them no matter the toll on our minds and bodies.
I see this as meaning that you have to be diligent in not letting negativity in clouding my judgement. I have to constantly remind myself about not getting angry, or really trying to understand other people every day. It is more like being a gardener who has to constantly pick theweeds or else the flowers will die.

4) "common humanity" is what I'm unsure of, there's too many possibilities.
Every person has humanity. Every person has a buddha nature even people who commit vile acts of evil. Hitler did have a buddha nature. He was a human. He did have humanity. He was completely overshadowed by his fundamental lust for power and completely acted in the most vile and monsterous fashion. We all have a Buddha Nature it is undeniable.
"Dialogue starts from the courageous willingness to know and be known by others. It is the painstaking and persistent effort to remove all obstacles that obscure our common humanity. " This quote was highlighted as the quote of the day on SGI's President Daisaku Ikeda's web site.

I thought that I would post it here to see what peoples thoughts are about this quote.

I am off to my class. I have class all day so I will be back later to respond to any comments.

The first part is wisdom itself. The second line is a mis-mosh of words and meaning. It doesn't really resonate! It's kind of weird how one line can seem so profound, and the next so obsure. I am feeling the dichotomy.
The first part is wisdom itself. The second line is a mis-mosh of words and meaning. It doesn't really resonate! It's kind of weird how one line can seem so profound, and the next so obsure. I am feeling the dichotomy.

I am thinking about what you are saying. I want to point out that President Ikeda is Japanese and therefore his quotes are translated. I am interested to find out what you mean by a mish-mosh of words. What do you understand it to mean? I respect your posts tremendously. I am really curious and this questioning is coming with the utmost respect for you and your opinions.

The classroom was locked so I jumped on a computer. I can hear people going in so with that...Later gators!
It is true! That is exactly right!