best and worst job for each type


What do you think are some of the best and worst jobs/careers for each type?
It's really difficult to reduce it to type, because some will enjoy professions which are not appropriate for their type. But as an INFP, jobs focusing on interpersonal or social interaction as a primary aspect of work is a bit difficult. Not sure if this applies to other INFPs. I'm more effective communicating as a writer than through verbal communication.
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I think once a certain type matures, they are capable of handling any occupation. The human mind can achieve anything if the individuals proposes him or herself to do it.

But to answer the question, some types may have a preference towards certain careers.

INFP's are said to excel in writing, social science and the arts. Personally I am not very artistic in terms of drawing or creating music, but I been told I have excellent writing skills. I could see myself as an author or perhaps a song composer. I am also very interested in psychology, in fact at some point in my life I really wanted to major in psychology.

Now I find myself wanting to be a chemist. I certainly have the curiosity associated with INFP's to major in a Science, I always want to find the meaning behind everything. I love the theory, but in general I struggle with mathematics so it is sort of a 50/50 for me.

It is said that in general INFP's struggle with careers such as business, and I can sort of relate. Logic has also always been one of the subjects I struggled with, and I believe a lot of INFP's might also.
The worst job for an INFP would be euthanizing animals.
I drove past an animal shelter and saw a man running in a large fenced in yard just playing with the dogs. I thought: That must be the best job.
INFJ - Destroyer of worlds
INTJ - Robot makers
ENTJ - Army General
ENFJ - Mother
ENTP - Comedian
ENFP - Child
INTP - Loner
INFP - Someone in a winnie the pooh outfit

ISFJ - Sex object
ISTJ - Boring high school math teacher
ESTJ - Someone that makes himself look stupid.
ESFJ - A (terrible) mother
ISFP - A drug addict
ISTP - A loner
ESFP - Whore
ESTP - Garbage man

Oh, this is what they'd be good at.
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Worst jobs for an ENTP;

1) Accountant
2) Chiropractor
3) Dental hygienist
4) Mechanic
5) Nursing aides, orderlies, attendants
What do you think of the lists on this site?

Possible Career Paths for the INFJ:
  • Clergy / Religious Work
  • Teachers
  • Medical Doctors / Dentists
  • Alternative Health Care Practitioners, i.e. Chiropractor, Reflexologist
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Counselors and Social Workers
  • Musicians and Artists
  • Photographers
  • Child Care / Early Childhood Development
Well for me as an INFJ I am attracted to everything EXCEPT teaching and clergy, teaching is my idea of an absolute nightmare job, (with the possible exception of montessori pre-school) I would have LOVED to be a psychologist or doctor, I love alternative medicine, anything arty and I'd make a good counsellor.

I have worked in childcare and I did like many aspects of it but the noise was hard to cope with and I much prefer working with one child at a time instead of a big group.
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Possible Career Paths for the INFJ:
  • Clergy / Religious Work
  • Teachers
  • Medical Doctors / Dentists
  • Alternative Health Care Practitioners, i.e. Chiropractor, Reflexologist
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Counselors and Social Workers
  • Musicians and Artists
  • Photographers
  • Child Care / Early Childhood Development
Well for me as an INFJ I am attracted to everything EXCEPT teaching and clergy, teaching is my idea of an absolute nightmare job, (with the possible exception of montessori pre-school) I would have LOVED to be a psychologist or doctor, I love alternative medicine, anything arty and I'd make a good counsellor.

I have worked in childcare and I did like many aspects of it but the noise was hard to cope with and I much prefer working with one child at a time instead of a big group.
everyone but teaching and child care, and maybe psychiatry sound good to me.
Best Job: Freelance Bubble Blower
Worst Job: Task Manager
Best Job: Freelance Bubble Blower
Worst Job: Task Manager


Pretty much sums up ENFP's.
Best Jobs for ENTP's.

  • Actor
  • Artist
  • Consultant
  • Computer Programmer
  • Comedian
  • Computer Analyst
  • Designer
  • Engineer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Inventor
  • Journalist
  • Lawyer/Attorney
  • Musician
  • Marketer
  • Psychologist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Politician
  • Photographer
  • Systems Analyst
  • Sales Representative
  • Scientist
  • Writer

While I'm at it, best jobs for INFJ's.

  • Actor
  • Artist
  • Alternative Medicine
  • Clergy
  • Consultant
  • Church Worker
  • Chiropractor
  • Child Development
  • Child Care Worker
  • Doctor
  • Dentist
  • Designer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Educational Consultant
  • Human Resources
  • Librarian
  • Musician
  • Marketer
  • Missionary
  • Psychologist/Counselor
  • Photographer
  • Psychiatrist
  • Systems Analyst
  • Social Worker
  • Trainer
  • Teacher/Professor
  • Writer
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Sometimes it just comes down to preferences, though. Someone can tell you a job would be "good" or "bad" for you, but if you enjoy it and have the talent in it, it's not "bad" or "good" anymore. Me, I can't stand math, but I could see myself as a chemist because I loved college level chemistry, and theories. But I know I'd have to at least get past college level entry math to get to chem. So, no chem for me! Lol!
From personal experience, the Army is a poor fit for an INTP. What can I say ... I was trying very hard to be an a different personality type at that point in my life. The mandatory deferral to authority figures, irrespective of qualifications or respect earned, cut across my NT grain. The rote adherance to rules and regulations, whether they made sense or not, cut against my P grain. There was no real creative outlet to try new things or improvise. Everything was "by the book." I was able to improvise with some military tactics that worked fairly well ... but I'd invariably run into some stodgy colonel or general who ordered me to cease and do things "by the book." Finally, my introversion did not meld well with the image of the flamboyant officer leading the charge. I did forge a lot of close one-to-one relationships with my soldiers however. I was a very approachable leader and took their concerns to heart as much as I could. Eventually however, trying to pose as a type that I was not took its toll and I self destructed. It became ugly with lots of drinking, womanizing, and clashing with those in authority. I basically took every opportunity I could to act out and go against what the military represented.

My second career is a much better INTP fit ... software engineering. A lot of solitary work caters to my introversion very well. The knowledge gathering and heavy thinking appeal to my NT and Ti. I can also apply creative solutions that appeal a lot to my P and N. It's not a perfect fit ... the extraverts still dominate and the SJs still run the show a lot ... but it works well for me.
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