Being Sensitive.


Community Member
Under normal circumstances, I don't have problems with emotional control. Most days I'm one of the most cool headed people imaginable.

Lately things have been a you say...tense. I spent a significant quantity of time out and about. I went to a couple of large parties and spent time with an awful lot of people and slowly I felt my ability to control my own emotions dwindle until I fell apart a few days ago. This hadn't happened in years and by way of comparison, I mostly just sat and played video-games, cried a little, and ate a lot of second-hand chocolate strawberries my boyfriend brought me from work (He works for Godiva. Pro-tip, a lover who works for a major chocolatier gets a ton of 'junk' chocolate which they can't sell. Their standards are insanely high for what can be sold. A blemish is enough to put a piece on the 'send home with employees' pile)

Anyway, the last few days I've found myself terribly touchy. I'm prone to take things personally which under normal circumstances I would just brush off entirely. Since I spend most of my time with my lover and he's never been precisely careful with his words (not that I think he should have to be) then he's the one I've had issue with where this hyper-sensitivity is concerned.

I did spend an entire two days completely alone and that seemed to recharge my batteries a bit but I still feel terribly sensitive and I'm curious as to whether anyone else experiences this phenomena and how exactly you deal with it.

I'm picking up on every little piece of body language and every gesture, tone of voice, and emotion as though he's talking directly to me and describing his internal feelings. It's very irritating. I don't want or need to know this much. It's an information overload.
Under normal circumstances, I don't have problems with emotional control. Most days I'm one of the most cool headed people imaginable.

Lately things have been a you say...tense. I spent a significant quantity of time out and about. I went to a couple of large parties and spent time with an awful lot of people and slowly I felt my ability to control my own emotions dwindle until I fell apart a few days ago. This hadn't happened in years and by way of comparison, I mostly just sat and played video-games, cried a little, and ate a lot of second-hand chocolate strawberries my boyfriend brought me from work (He works for Godiva. Pro-tip, a lover who works for a major chocolatier gets a ton of 'junk' chocolate which they can't sell. Their standards are insanely high for what can be sold. A blemish is enough to put a piece on the 'send home with employees' pile)

Anyway, the last few days I've found myself terribly touchy. I'm prone to take things personally which under normal circumstances I would just brush off entirely. Since I spend most of my time with my lover and he's never been precisely careful with his words (not that I think he should have to be) then he's the one I've had issue with where this hyper-sensitivity is concerned.

I did spend an entire two days completely alone and that seemed to recharge my batteries a bit but I still feel terribly sensitive and I'm curious as to whether anyone else experiences this phenomena and how exactly you deal with it.

I'm picking up on every little piece of body language and every gesture, tone of voice, and emotion as though he's talking directly to me and describing his internal feelings. It's very irritating. I don't want or need to know this much. It's an information overload.

You may want to start casually and calmly discussing some of the things that are bothering you a bit with your lover. That may help some.
Nerve pills don't. Really, they're a waste. It's not your nerves that are the problem.
I had this problem to after going to a couple of parties with friends a few days in a row. I got really depressed. I think the biggest lesson is to know yourself and don't over do it.

Just say you need a few days off. :m159: go for solo walks and think about all the things that are awesome about your life.
Too much extroversion is supposed to be difficult for introverts, and causes the kind of symptons you express. I found an book called "In the Grip" to be insightful about personality types and how it is difficult to function in your inferior aspect (Se). I get annoyed when I have had "too much. I will either let you know you are irritating me or ignore you completely when I am in such a mood. My family understands when I give the "leave me the F alone" signals, Leave ME the F ALONE!
I found an book called "In the Grip" to be insightful about personality types and how it is difficult to function in your inferior aspect (Se).

Who's the author?
I would seek out solitude for at least a few hours. Wake up early and watcht the sunrise. Listen to nothing for a while.