As bad as candy cigarettes.


Passing through
As "newsworthy" as it is, it could've gone in mature topics. But it made more sense here.

All I can say is....really. Really?! Are you serious?

Aye Carumba! Marge Simpson poses for Playboy cover
By DON BABWIN, Associated Press Writer Don Babwin, Associated Press Writer Fri Oct 9, 11:53 pm ET

Candy cigarettes, yum!
I kinda wanna boy that play thats pretty :mhula:
:m133: what??? WHY??? this is stupidity! I can hardly wrap my head around the sheer stupidity.

the sad part is, this will probably sell exactly as well, if not better, as they're expecting. :puke:
I just can't understand why no one can see the foolishness of this. If you're going to do this, then why protect children from any pornography at all? Why not let them buy booze and cigarettes? Why protect them from anything?
Meh. I can't stand buying pornographic magazines. I prefer hardcore pornography, and the only magazines that sell those, also put black stickers over genitals ???WTF??? and then seal it in plastic. When you try to remove the sticker, you rip off half the page. So it's no use buying their magazines.

Easier just to buy a hardcore pornographic movie, and read a hotlyps story.

Playboy is pathetic, the only good one is Hustler, and then, only for the articles.

I just can't understand why no one can see the foolishness of this. If you're going to do this, then why protect children from any pornography at all? Why not let them buy booze and cigarettes? Why protect them from anything?

I can't understand the stupidity of "Protect the Children." Fuck the children. I didn't wait 18 years to become a legal adult, just to have my choices removed in order to protect the fucking children.

Want to protect children? Stop schoolyard bullying.
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Meh. I can't stand buying pornographic magazines. I prefer hardcore pornography, and the only magazines that sell those, also put black stickers over genitals ???WTF??? and then seal it in plastic. When you try to remove the sticker, you rip off half the page. So it's no use buying their magazines.

Easier just to buy a hardcore pornographic movie, and read a hotlyps story.

Very experienced, you are.

On topic: did they draw a naked version of her, or just suggestive posures?
Last time I checked the Simpsons isn't really a children's show.
What's worse about the Protect the children campaign, is that at 15 I couldn't buy Playboy or Hustler, so I had to go online. Therefore I was exposed to the worst porn ever. "Mature" women to me at 15, meant women who had physically matured, to the point where they're very attractive 25 - 30 year old women. Not GRANDMAS! Have you any idea what seeing a naked 60 year old woman fucking a mid twenties guy does to a developing boys psyche.

It's also too easy to find a donkey show online.

I'd not have had to go online had magazines been available.
I like the way our society is set up. I don't want to have to have porn waved in my face. I'm glad fifteen year olds don't have access to pornographic magazines, beer, and can't legally have sex.
It doesn't need to be waved in our faces... We just need access to it legally, so we don't have to find it ILLEGALLY.
I think if the majority of people thought that, the laws would be changed. In a system like that, the minorities suffer. It's always one opinion against the other. Neither is more right, it's just who has the power and who doesn't. That's all it is.
Are candy cigarettes really that bad? I loved them as a kid and I don't smoke now.
yeah, sugar, nowadays high fructose corn syrup....

pretty bad.
and then somehow you'll get lung cancer, despite all logic.
I just can't understand why no one can see the foolishness of this. If you're going to do this, then why protect children from any pornography at all? Why not let them buy booze and cigarettes? Why protect them from anything?

You have to be 18 to buy a Playboy, and they are sold wrapped in plastic. There isn't much chance that children are ever going to see it.

And frankly, the reason Playboy is losing business is because you can get hard core pornography online for free; so why would the 20 something crowd even be interested in an ancient soft core magazine?

By the way, I wasn't allowed to watch the Simpsons when I was a kid, but I was given unsupervised access to a high speed internet connection. My family was pretty clueless.
It is a bit sad to watch them scrambling for relevance.