This is simple teleology taken to its logical conclusion. The penis was designed to go into the vagina. Any deviation from the grand design is not natural, and thus is abnormal, abhorrent, and sinful.
Anything that would dissociate the sex act from the procreative act is morally reprehensible. First you have a man masturbating to deliver a sample, which is very undignified and sinful since the hand is not a reproductive organ. Then you have the sample being injected into the woman by a doctor or the woman herself, which is very undignified and sinful since that is what the father's penis was designed to do.
If a woman cannot get pregnant without the help of artificial insemination, then clearly she has failed her job as a woman. Women were designed to have babies and if they can't accomplish that task through normal means, then they are failures and should be ashamed.
(Any takers?)
Anything that would dissociate the sex act from the procreative act is morally reprehensible. First you have a man masturbating to deliver a sample, which is very undignified and sinful since the hand is not a reproductive organ. Then you have the sample being injected into the woman by a doctor or the woman herself, which is very undignified and sinful since that is what the father's penis was designed to do.
If a woman cannot get pregnant without the help of artificial insemination, then clearly she has failed her job as a woman. Women were designed to have babies and if they can't accomplish that task through normal means, then they are failures and should be ashamed.
(Any takers?)