Are you attracted to older or younger people?


Community Member
Just curious if it is just me or an INFJ thing but when looking for a partner I tend to hit it off with ladies about seven years my senior. Maybe they have mellowed a bit more and I don't have to keep up with all the activity.
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A couple of years younger than me.
Both. I like the ladies up to mid 30's and down to about 17... I like younger than that, but I don't let myself indulge.
It's always been people who were younger.
I'd prefer to date girls my age. but with this personality type its kind of hard to find someone genuine. I tend to attract married women 5-10yrs older then I am. I really don't like those situations but there is something about me that screams to older married women.
Exactly! It's not that I restrict myself to older women just it seems that I attract them and the genuine interest they have attracts me.

So, this is common to the INFJ's?
Hah! not conciously at all. I have no idea why I prefer it actually.
I have always been attracted to men younger than I, but only by a couple of years. My husband is 4 years younger; I don't think I've ever dated anyone more than one year older. The average would probably be 3-5 years younger.

I've never been attracted to anyone significantly older than me and in fact was always kind of grossed out if a (significantly) older man hit on me.

ETA: Heh... and it's not because I want to be a father figure.
Is that because you want to be a father figure?
Oh, BlackKnight, I didn't know you we're into that kinda of thing.

Kinky or disgusting? I suppose it depends on who you're asking. :noidea:

But seriously yeah I've felt like a father or a big brother to most people I've been interested in, cause I've always wanted to protect them, sort of like how a dog would protect it's owner.
I have always been attracted to men younger than I, but only by a couple of years. My husband is 4 years younger; I don't think I've ever dated anyone more than one year older. The average would probably be 3-5 years younger.

hey, that's like me. :) cougar-in-training, hahaha.

except my average would be like 2-4 years younger, and the oldest i've dated was a year and a half older.

i get mistaken for a 17 year old a lot. -_-
The younger the better, am-i-right? Haha, just kidding. I can't relate on a deep level to people around five years younger or older and I've kind of made that my rule as far as dating goes. I like people right around my age.
The younger the better, am-i-right?

... ahem. that's understandable though, people right around your age. the weirdest thing about me is that the younger people i have been interested in are always extremely mature for their age.

i'm not sure what that means for me... :mcry:
I'm not too fussed as a similar level of maturity is more important but a big age gap in either direction would create a hurdle in my mind that I don’t think I would overcome.
My husband is four years younger than me too. And in the years leading up to my husband almost every person I dated was younger even if it was just by a few months. Not planned, just happened.
INFJ women are cradle robbers!!!