Are We Devolving?


Outta Here.
I have been spending a lot of time thinking about life and it seems like we are devolving. Where are our modern day equivalents of the great minds of the past? I just feel like on the whole in America that everyone is not as smart as they could be. Education is failing us and so are the citizens. Who are we supposed to learn from?
Technology to me just keeps us from actually having to talk to or understand each other any more. Direct human interaction is less today than it has ever been. We have all this technology and what are we really doing with it? Are we actually doing whats in the best interest of the whole anymore? I find people today to be much more rude to you than they think they are. In their mind they are ok. But in public they are a very rude. What do you guys think? Maybe I just live in a town full of assholes?
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First of all, no such thing as "devolution" exists, because that'd suggest evolution has a goal for us, which it doesn't. Our cultural evolution has simply taken a path that can be perceived as negative. Now, I agree that the corporatist consumer culture that rewards selfishness and greed is a horrible thing for us as a species and I fear it will be the end of us.

On the other hand, when was this before where things were better? Sure, the culture used to be less individualistic and greed-driven, but it also used to be a lot more close minded, prejudiced and unenlightened.
perhaps we must experience the storm before we can truly appreciate the calm stillness after.
Efromm, have you read Time Machine by H. G. Wells?

Not, "watched the movie" but, read the book...
really? i think there are a lot of inventions now..:m153: like those robots whatever.. or like the soon to be released nokia aeon the one that can charge itself..
(technology-wise, i think we're evolving)

but the way people interact and socialize with each other, that's A DIFFERENT STORY..people now are like.. i don't know what they my school though, before i didn't know what sex meant when i was kinder.. i thought:m130: kissing was like really really really a bad thing to do.. like FOR ADULTS ONLY THING and i was afraid to hear that word or wtvr..

NOW, IN MY SCHOOL, those kinder girls are like...whoa!!!!! they know what sex means :m049:and all....and those grade 1 girls think that make-up:m164: is an investment...what!?!?!?

AND..... PEOPLE NOW ARE MUCH:m067: RUDE than people before..
i think we're :m077:devolving.. ahahahahaha

First off, people are about as educated compared to avalible knowledge as we've allways have.

The modern day Di Vinci's are all in univeristiys and other science labs doing their work out of the public eye. People like that would be more known if the media didn't focus on all the stupid shit that it does.

Our social system is rapidly failing. You are right, people are alot less comfortable around each other as they use to be (thank the church!) and it's sad to me to see social animals like us being drivin apart because of ideas and beliefs.

I wouldn't call it devolving, just a failing social system...
No shai I have not read that book I should go look for it asap.

I guess I grew up in a different time and place. I may have chose the wrong word its how I personally look at the situation. I will be watching the people I run into on vacation in DC. I am gonna test how nice Americans are these days. Gonna do a little observation. I feel like most people would throw you under the bus to save themselves. I feel like most people could care less about you. Their daily behavior behind the wheel is getting worse and worse. The way kids act today towards adults. I had respect I was taught too. People I feel do not respect the life they are given. We may seem like we are more tolerant but if society crumbles a little bit those courtesies will vanish. Its all a show. Look at how Dems and Republicans go at each other. Is that really good for society? Are we really trying to be better toward each other? I don't believe so. Communities rarely come together anymore. People are as judgmental as always it's just easier to find people who agree with you now. I question science also only because I am ignorant of what they are doing right now. I also understand that a lot of what they do is secret. I guess I am looking for someone like the dalai lama.

My post was only a thought right or wrong it was a question that was swirling in my head. Maybe I should have not asked it in the first place. What do I know? I am only human...
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Eloi said:
In the year AD 802,701 humanity has evolved into two separate species: the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi are the spoiled, attractive group, living a banal life of ease on the surface of the earth, while the Morlocks live underground, tending machinery and providing food, clothing and infrastructure for the Eloi. Each class evolved and degenerated from humans of different social classes, a theme that reflects Wells' sociopolitical opinions.

Perhaps coincidentally, the word 'Eloi' is the Aramaic for "my God", found in Mark 15:34 (see also Elohim).

They are described as a separate species from modern humans, being slight of build, frail, four feet high, shoulder-length curly hair, no facial hair, chins that ran to a point, large eyes, small ears and small mouths with bright red thin lips. They are of sub-human intelligence, though apparently intelligent enough to speak, and they have a primitive language which is described as "a very sweet and liquid tongue".

The main difference from their earlier ruler-worker state is that while the Morlocks continue to support the world's infrastructure and serve the Eloi, the Eloi have undergone significant physical and mental deterioration. Having solved all problems that required strength, intelligence, or virtue, they have slowly become dissolute, frail animals. While one initially has the impression that the Eloi people live a life of play and toilless abundance, it is revealed that the Morlocks are attending to the Eloi's needs for the same reason a farmer tends cattle: because the Eloi compose most, if not all, of the Morlocks' diet and no longer have any function besides being eaten by the Morlocks.

A censored portion of the book, later published as a separate short story, reveals that a visit by the Time Traveller to the even farther future results in him encountering rabbit-like hopping herbivores, apparently the degenerate descendants of the Eloi. They are described as being plantigrade (with longer hind legs) and tailless, being covered with straight greyish hair that "thickened about the head into a Skye terrier's mane", having human-like hands (described as fore feet) and having a roundish head with a projecting forehead and forward-looking eyes that were obscured by lank hair.
that's the bit i wanted to show you
First off, people are about as educated compared to avalible knowledge as we've allways have.

The modern day Di Vinci's are all in univeristiys and other science labs doing their work out of the public eye. People like that would be more known if the media didn't focus on all the stupid shit that it does.

Our social system is rapidly failing. You are right, people are alot less comfortable around each other as they use to be (thank the church!) and it's sad to me to see social animals like us being drivin apart because of ideas and beliefs.

I wouldn't call it devolving, just a failing social system...

Ya, I prefer to see it as a bubble.

Stock markets have bubbles, economies have bubbles, humanity progression has bubbles.

We all know we are not going the right direction, but all we can do is to anticipate and see the bubble bursts someday.
I'm glad you created this topic, I have felt very strongly that we are "decomposing" as a culture. Satisfied and content with the mediocre and willing to accept and go with the flow of what we know is wrong, unjust, or just plain immoral. Not because people like me are on a high horse but because degradation isn't cool because three out of five people in the room say so. At some point there has to be a voice of reason, and I am always willing to be that despite any bad feedback.
Quick! Force the geniuses to procreate!

let me tell you a little story about what happened to me in DC. After a long day at being a tourist we head back on the metro to our station. Angies dad gave us a parking card. When I went to use the card it does not work. It says no value. So I try to ask the attendant for help. All I get is attitude form the man. He tells me I have to go into the station to put money on the card.So Angie volunteers to go put money on the card. Angie comes back and we try the card again. And again it says no value. She just put ten bucks on it. I ask the attendant again. They just tell me the same thing sorry. Go to the train station.

So I back the truck up and I go into the train station. Only problem is I only have a fifty. The guy in the train station has no change. Where I come from people have money and they will give ya change. I offered to trade him a fifty for a twenty. I just wanted to get out of there. He told me that he could not help me.A this point I realize that the stranger who helped Angie actually helped himself to her ten bucks. I checked the machine. Now to me I seem like a reasonable guy. I don't think I appeared that way to him. Anyway he tells me to go to a convince store that is blocks away.

So I turn to a man wearing a business suit. And I make him the same offer. He looks at me like I am crazy and walks away. I ask another and another and another and another and another and another until finally I asked the right man.
He pulled out a twenty in the midst of a pile of crumbled up ones. And asks me if I am for real. I say yes I am give me your twenty and I will give you my fifty. So we swap. And then his partner tries to lay claim to half. I tell him if he would have pulled out a twenty I would have given it to him. All I needed was some help I was not asking the right person I guess. I got the feeling that if I was laying there in the street bleeding people would be too worried about themselves before they would help me. I fill the card and we leave.

And after talking to the tow truck company dispatch the next night it all made sense, the truck I was driving in was towed. Parked in the wrong spot. That's another story lol. It's how they make their dough. He told me that I was the first person to admit that I was wrong in fifteen years of him answering the phone. He believed that I was not from DC. He told me that he was from Texas and that after a year of living in DC he quit being a nice guy. He said after you live there for a year you learn to just say Fuck Em.
I don't want to be that way. It's why I never want to live in the city. It sucks the nice out of you. It's too bad because I met a lot of nice people there, that will hopefully not become jaded.
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let me tell you a little story about what happened to me in DC. After a long day at being a tourist we head back on the metro to our station. Angies dad gave us a parking card. When I went to use the card it does not work. It says no value. So I try to ask the attendant for help. All I get is attitude form the man. He tells me I have to go into the station to put money on the card.So Angie volunteers to go put money on the card. Angie comes back and we try the card again. And again it says no value. She just put ten bucks on it. I ask the attendant again. They just tell me the same thing sorry. Go to the train station.

So I back the truck up and I go into the train station. Only problem is I only have a fifty. The guy in the train station has no change. Where I come from people have money and they will give ya change. I offered to trade him a fifty for a twenty. I just wanted to get out of there. He told me that he could not help me.A this point I realize that the stranger who helped Angie actually helped himself to her ten bucks. I checked the machine. Now to me I seem like a reasonable guy. I don't think I appeared that way to him. Anyway he tells me to go to a convince store that is blocks away.

So I turn to a man wearing a business suit. And I make him the same offer. He looks at me like I am crazy and walks away. I ask another and another and another and another and another and another until finally I asked the right man.
He pulled out a twenty in the midst of a pile of crumbled up ones. And asks me if I am for real. I say yes I am give me your twenty and I will give you my fifty. So we swap. And then his partner tries to lay claim to half. I tell him if he would have pulled out a twenty I would have given it to him. All I needed was some help I was not asking the right person I guess. I got the feeling that if I was laying there in the street bleeding people would be too worried about themselves before they would help me. I fill the card and we leave.

And after talking to the tow truck company dispatch the next night it all made sense, the truck I was driving in was towed. Parked in the wrong spot. That's another story lol. It's how they make their dough. He told me that I was the first person to admit that I was wrong in fifteen years of him answering the phone. He believed that I was not from DC. He told me that he was from Texas and that after a year of living in DC he quit being a nice guy. He said after you live there for a year you learn to just say Fuck Em.
I don't want to be that way. It's why I never want to live in the city. It sucks the nice out of you. It's too bad because I met a lot of nice people there, that will hopefully not become jaded.

That's one of the best descriptions of the people and their attitudes in DC that I've ever read. I live here, so I know. I'm sorry, though, that you had to deal with all of that, but it is good to know that you also met nice people.
I don't want to use racial descriptions. But I have too because it makes a distinction. The only people in DC who treated me right where the African Americans, and the guys at the VFW Hall. Everyone else had a problem. I met three very nice girls that were originally from Africa and they moved to DC. Talked to them for an hour. Great girls. I don't know what stick was jammed up white people's ass but it seemed to go real deep. Just because I wear a goatee people judged me as unworthy. I wonder if I bought a suit and tie and shaved if I would have gotten a better break.

We are not what we appear to be and I find that the better people look the more I don't want to associate with them. I prefer people who are comfortable in their skin.

And I know I should not judge and I am trying not too. But I just can't shake my memory of people walking faster to get away from me. I am sure DC is a fun place to be I just was not meeting the right folks. Well I met the right ones when I needed too the rest of the time I was ignored. And looked at like I was a freak..
Well this is an old thread. But I feel that today we are definately devolving. World is total shite. Worst shape it's been in , in a long time. It's too bad cause the world we live in is pretty cool. People may want to chill out a bit. Take a look around. Get to know where they are really at.
Really dark but can't disagree, I don't see the current civilization making it through the century.
