Are Men in Danger? | INFJ Forum

Are Men in Danger?


Permanent Fixture
Aug 19, 2011
"get off the video games five hours a day, get yourself together, get a challenging job and get married." it's time for men to man up."

hell no! Especially, the getting married part.
The comments underneath the article pretty much cover it:

"Great article bashing us guys. Now lets write about all those ladies who are all holding out for Mr. Rich Handsome to come into their lives and give them everything they want. A lot of women go to college simply to elevate their social status so they can meet the right guy."

"Men are shamed for their success. Ever heard about the "glass ceiling?". Well, now it seems there is a "glass ceiling" in college enrollment... But it's women that have placed the "glass ceiling" there. Will society call it that? Nope. Women will be congratulated and will never be shamed or blamed for their sacrifice and success. Men, on the other hand are lambasted for having "too many male CEOs" as if somehow these men didn't EARN their success. The company they built from an idea in their head to a multi-million dollar enterprise is somehow tantamount to some sort of sexist conspiracy aimed at women. Amazing. Modern society is truly amazing."

"Do you want to know how to help men? STOP giving women so many advantages in society. Give parents "equal" custody of their children instead of giving women custody by default. Stop giving women "women only" scholarships and other incentives for "women only.". Tell the feminist training camps (women's studies programs) to STOP teaching society that male power is a negative thing. (Feminists have been railing against "The "patriarchy" for decades.) ...and also to stop writing and assigning books about ways to "fix" masculinity. (feminist "scholars" are always cooking up new ways to stomp the masculinity out of men / boys / society.). And stop giving women easier entry and PT tests for the military / police / and firefighting squads... And all of the other things we do, as a society to push women ahead of men. Whatever happened to "equal opportunity.". Can we FINALLY just let the chips fall where they may... And if men come out on top.... NOT try to blame them for it?"

Actually the comments are just epic... it just goes on and on!
What? The amount of time one can allow themselves to go clubbing and bang people and spend all day playing videogames isn't indicative of one's success?
The society needs to drop gender based expectations. There is no single way to be a "man", and I simply resent the "man up" saying. No, marriage, work and God aren't the pinnacle of everyone's life.
The comments underneath the article pretty much cover it:

"Great article bashing us guys. Now lets write about all those ladies who are all holding out for Mr. Rich Handsome to come into their lives and give them everything they want. A lot of women go to college simply to elevate their social status so they can meet the right guy."

"Men are shamed for their success. Ever heard about the "glass ceiling?". Well, now it seems there is a "glass ceiling" in college enrollment... But it's women that have placed the "glass ceiling" there. Will society call it that? Nope. Women will be congratulated and will never be shamed or blamed for their sacrifice and success. Men, on the other hand are lambasted for having "too many male CEOs" as if somehow these men didn't EARN their success. The company they built from an idea in their head to a multi-million dollar enterprise is somehow tantamount to some sort of sexist conspiracy aimed at women. Amazing. Modern society is truly amazing."

"Do you want to know how to help men? STOP giving women so many advantages in society. Give parents "equal" custody of their children instead of giving women custody by default. Stop giving women "women only" scholarships and other incentives for "women only.". Tell the feminist training camps (women's studies programs) to STOP teaching society that male power is a negative thing. (Feminists have been railing against "The "patriarchy" for decades.) ...and also to stop writing and assigning books about ways to "fix" masculinity. (feminist "scholars" are always cooking up new ways to stomp the masculinity out of men / boys / society.). And stop giving women easier entry and PT tests for the military / police / and firefighting squads... And all of the other things we do, as a society to push women ahead of men. Whatever happened to "equal opportunity.". Can we FINALLY just let the chips fall where they may... And if men come out on top.... NOT try to blame them for it?"

Actually the comments are just epic... it just goes on and on!

As a man I'm tired of being on the defensive. Women want men to be men but only in their way. Fuck that. I'm sick of being called names and told to the way to live. And how all men are rapists. I can't be a man because a man is a bad thing.... I'm not less than human like many feminists seem to think. Being masculine in some form doesn't make me less than a human being.
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I totally agree with the article. As a mature male I need to identify women as opponents and beat them in races. Beating people in imaginary races is nothing like playing videogames! =D
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Well, if you're a straight guy. I would think it beneficial for you to lay around all day while the wife brings home the dough and makes it too (kitchen joke).

But in all reality, men are in danger if you only look at GPA and shit like that. It really doesn't mean men are not as intelligent as women. A lot of the time, we just don't see the point in mundane assignments in school so we just don't do them, causing a decrease in GPA.

And aren't there more women than men on the planet? Wouldn't it make sense for there to be more women than men in the workplace too?
This artical talks about how women are outperforming men, and the male response seems to be to play video games. Well, yeah its more complicated than that but now I have your attention. :D Tell me what you think about this artical.

Economically there are a lot of disincentives for men to perform to their maximum potential (see affirimative action, child custody laws, etc.).

I was recently discussing with a buddy INFJ that she felt that women have a dual problem; they ask on the one hand to be independent etc, whilst in the other they still expect their men to support/protect them biologically. This is just confusing and bizarre to men because it isn't something we think about and it leads to very erratic female behaviour. The average male doesn't really want to deal with erratic and unstable people, it's dangerous for their own well being.

Added to this the proliferation of free sexual material then the need for males to seek out interaction with females even if the desire to do so is virtually nil. Where those hurdles are met then the women is usual fighting off the twin demons of their own sexuality. This is not pleasant.

Since the major driver of economic activity for males is to get women, then no, there is less and less requirement for it and less and less need to acheive and when acheivement is accomplish it is penalised thus providing significant signals that simply put it is a waste of time.

There is another lost facet; the male role model. No longer is the male role model with strong individual characteristics allowed in our society; it is seen as a sexist construct that is written out of film and media in favour of 'males are dumb, females are smarter' friends-esque stereo types. The Eisenhowers, Churchills have been eliminated as representative of a patriarchy which pardon my bluntness was little more than success through individual endeavour. This characters are individual focused and thus disdained in favour of socialites.

Therefore there is an additional problem: any achievement for a male based only for a male is disdained by society in general.

To answer your question:

Are men in danger - No
Are men boycotting the game - Possibly.

On a personal note - I solve these issues through some simple rules:

Never date/get properly with any women who does not risk the same assets and opportunities as I do - something which is virtually impossible and this fits nicely with reasonable caps in relationships, no you cannot move into my house unless you buy half of it from me.

Straight out refuse to be involved with individuals who promote social convenience over personal integrity, no you are doing this for your friends or for an arbitrary social convenience not for what you have worked out to be right and decent.

Disregard females who approach me with child in arm, no I will not fund your poor use of birth control or your desire to shag someone who is physically fit and then find a decent dad, go elsewhere.

Simply stand by my standards regardless of adversity.

Some people hate me for it, but more yet find me strangely compelling.

You should note the consequences:

Yes I sit at the laptop 5 hours a day playing games, no I have no interest in changing that behaviour because it is better than the alternatives.
Yes I hold down a very very well paid and highly skilled job and have a masters degree in engineering.

The proof, as they say is in the pudding.

The society needs to drop gender based expectations. There is no single way to be a "man", and I simply resent the "man up" saying. No, marriage, work and God aren't the pinnacle of everyone's life.

Individuals need to drop gender expectations towards one another. Government needs to eliminate gender bias.
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Disregard females who approach me with child in arm, no I will not fund your poor use of birth control or your desire to shag someone who is physically fit and then find a decent dad, go elsewhere.

LMAO... okay I'm laughing, but only because somehow I've managed to avoid that trap... after turning 30 the frequency of those encounters has been increasing at an alarming rate.
Men are fine... physically. I mean, the women had their sexual revolution, and changed radically, for every action there is an opposite but equal reaction. Mens revolution happened too. The old rules of chivalry, being a "man", taking care of your woman and family simply are relics from a past era. Women wanted some semblance of equality, now they got it, unfortunately now that you all got it, many of you dont want it anymore... sucks, but thats the way things go.

Marriage, manning up, monogamy, family, chivalry, these were all things women loved about men in the 1950s, in response to those traits women gave up their sexual rights and the rights to their body to their relationship and to their husband, they took that back... thats fine. So men took back their hearts it seems. Long term monogamous relationships just dont add up for men anymore, for what they put it, they simply do not get enough out of anymore. This is simply the changing of our culture, women need to accept that their independence comes with a double edge and it cuts both ways.

The only thing that bugs me about how men are treated these days is how its reflected on children, little boys. Read the book "The war on boys" by Susan Hoff Sommers(sp?) she has awesome data on how feminist anti male rhetoric is basically destroying young males with adderall and other drugs to curtail their male-ness. Very sad.
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This is just one generation's fear over the next. I wonder how previous generations viewed the author's generation, which I'm guessing is baby boomer.

Baby boomers ... sex, drugs, rock and roll. Have things really changed that much? Nope. :rolleyes: If anything, I believe it is far better for achievements to be accomplished according to individuality and not the societal norm.

Might I also remind the author about mothers who are neglecting their children b/c they are on Facebook all day. (Men just aren't home to witness what they are doing.) I'm sure he didn't think about that one!
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In the 60's, people worried about computers (such that they were, punch cards and all) taking over the world. In the 80's, Japan was the greatest threat to the US economy. Now, I'm supposed to worry about the decline and "devolution" of the male species. Really, this is so ridiculous. Sensationalism sells and keeps people from being bored. But, at least in the circles in which I circulate, men are very much alive, well, and making an impact.

Education is a false metric. To me, education seemed to be a feminine (i.e., as exemplified by traditional role models) environment. The idea of sitting in class for hours and then studying for hours and behaving oneself was the opposite of what I really wanted to do (hunt, fish and drink beer). School is designed for "good little girls," if I may be provocative and inflammatory. Even bad little girls have problems with it. My field of engineering, a traditionally male bastion, was built on this model of sitting still and behaving according to rigid social norms. It didn't really matter, though, because school didn't make me an engineer. Practice and experience did.
I'd be surprised if you have asked, or more to the point even if you did that they would give you the full response after pondering the issue and gathering the required data.
Why is this?

edited: Oh, all right, never mind, you don't have to tell me. Just rest assured that "My Men" as I call them, are the most important things in my life, bar none.

And about the video games: Truly, if that is the most enjoyable choice of activity you have available to you, I would like to respectfully suggest that there might be a problem.

However, this thread is not on that topic and you don't have to talk it up if you don't want to.

But it seems obvious to me that one reason men play lots of video games today, and they didn't 30 years ago, has nothing whatsoever to do with the decline of men and how women are causing it, and much more to do with the fact that there were no video games 30 years ago (unless you count Pong, etc.) and they can be really addictive. That's all I was trying to say. Internet porn can be too, and that also was not available 30 years ago. So.... well, you can draw your own conclusions.
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I am too afraid to read the article
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[/CODE]You can suggest this. But you are wrong.

I have many other choices available to me. This is my preferred choice.

Well, this probably sounds like it is getting too personal. Which is not the point. But, since no one else is volunteering, looks like you are the currently designated spokesman for all men everywhere who spend a lot of time playing video games instead of doing other things

So... if what you said is true? If you like playing video games 5 hours a day, and have other choices and choose not to do them? That indicates you think video games are not addictive, you just like them.

Well sure you do, lots of people of both genders do. This couple in Korea just let their newborn starve to death because the "chose" to spend time caring for a virtual newborn.

But if they LIKE doing that.

Why complain?

And people are complaining, so it seems to me maybe it isn't all that great and causes lots of people problems. Also, it doesn't seem like it is the result of increased rights for women, but the result of the availability of new, fun technology. Also, the education system is too girly, I agree with that.
But if they LIKE doing that.

Why complain?

And people are complaining, so it seems to me maybe it isn't all that great and causes lots of people problems. Also, it doesn't seem like it is the result of increased rights for women, but the result of the availability of new, fun technology. Also, the education system is too girly, I agree with that.

I did not raise the topic. But when you address me directly it would be - rude? ambivelent? - anyway, something of me not to respond to your query. Unless you were intending to be rhetorical and thus condescending. You can chose whatever as you wish. Attempting to label other individuals with extremist examples as 'proof' will not get you anywhere.

I am aware of these examples, raising them to attempt to validate your position is not bringing anything new to the table.

Therefore, I call rhetoric and condescending bullshit.


It is correct to attempt to change a system and the inherent flaws which affect everyone and skew the playing field. It isn't correct to prohibit others from doing what they most enjoy unless it impacts others. Managing externalities are important.

However, you are attempting to divulge that I have not provided the reasons the thread exists when I gave them, succinctly, discretely, accurately and concisely. I calls them as I sees them.

I recommend you stick to the topic rather than shouting from a soap box that other peoples opinions as 'bad' because they disagree with you.

Fortunately you just proved my point regarding societies inability to deal with male role models which are individual focused rather than giving way to societal nicety and bullshit pseudo-group think*.

*note: thinking may or may not be involved.