any non-spiritual INFJ ?


I feel weird not being spiritual when I see that many of you believe in magic and mysticism... :m083:

I just wanted to know if there where others like me...
I'm agnostic(I don't believe we can prove that god exists or not), non-spiritual, I don't believe in the human spirit and I don't believe in the mystic concept of "energy".

I do feel extreme emotions, euphoria and so on, but I just view emotions as a result of the brain and nothing else.

PS omg, I love these little monkeys animations :m043:
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I feel weird not being spiritual when I see that many of you believe in magic and mysticism... :m083:

I just wanted to know if there where others like me...
I'm agnostic, non-spiritual, I don't believe in the human spirit and I don't believe in the mystic concept of "energy".

I do feel extreme emotions, euphoria and so on, but I just view emotions as a result of the brain and nothing else.

PS omg, I love these little monkeys animations :m043:
I am pretty much as you are, and I am not even superstitious. It really urks me too that Ni gets described as being mystical too, its just the brain thinking in unconscious mode instead of completely conscious.
I'm an INFJ, I'm no mystic.
I'm an INFJ, I'm no mystic.
But isn't religion a huge part of your life, that is also the focus of the topic. (he is not saying anything is false btw, just spiritual)
i am atheist and don't really believe in magical things but i definitely have a sort of witchlike spirituality of personal power, growth and intuition that i connect to when i'm feeling the pressure or sometimes for direction in my life.
But isn't religion a huge part of your life, that is also the focus of the topic. (he is not saying anything is false btw, just spiritual)

Your absolutely correct my God is my life however, I like to distinguish religion and spirituality do to the modern context of which spirituality is conceived as, or even just as the OP described it as.

New Age and modern spirituality are generally viewed as magical and mystical(auras, human energy, ect.... ). Spirituality in the definition of matters of the spirit and spirit in the Christian sense, that I'm all on board fore.

I'm not one to say that divination and things similar don't exist, but I won't be one to try or succeed in them.
Btw, I agree that Ni shouldn't be associated automatically with mysticism.
I've been wondering where that impression started. If anything I'd figure if there was a stereotype to give it, it would be jumping to conclusions without evidence. Hah, and annoying the crap out of S's XD. <3
i am atheist and don't really believe in magical things but i definitely have a sort of witchlike spirituality of personal power, growth and intuition that i connect to when i'm feeling the pressure or sometimes for direction in my life.

Many times, I have felt extreme emotions where I would feel like I understood life completely, having euphoria so intense that it almost felt like I was orgasming. On those times, I felt a strong feeling of knowing where I'm heading, foreseeing my future very positively.

I don't identify these as spiritual, I only see those as emotions.

Is it somewhat similar to what you feel or is it completely different?
(It's just a question, there's no judgement there)
Many times, I have felt extreme emotions where I would feel like I understood life completely, having euphoria so intense that it almost felt like I was orgasming. On those times, I felt a strong feeling of knowing where I'm heading, foreseeing my future very positively.

I don't identify these as spiritual, I only see those as emotions.

Is it somewhat similar to what you feel or is it completely different?
(It's just a question, there's no judgement there)
Wow, sexy. I've had epiphany moments, but not ones as strong as that. Feelings of wellbeing were very strong though, and I too saw them as just emotions.
I am agnostic, I do not disbelieve. I think that we are hard wired to have experiences that are not reality based. Denying these are detrimental to our human development.

I do not care for the monkeys.
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Many times, I have felt extreme emotions where I would feel like I understood life completely, having euphoria so intense that it almost felt like I was orgasming. On those times, I felt a strong feeling of knowing where I'm heading, foreseeing my future very positively.

I don't identify these as spiritual, I only see those as emotions.

Is it somewhat similar to what you feel or is it completely different?
(It's just a question, there's no judgement there)

um. well it's not peak experience. i suppose it's partly emotional but that's not really what i meant. i guess it's just kind of the way i deal with and utilise my intuition, because it can be unsettling in its accuracy at times, and yet doesn't really make any logical sense to me. like sometimes i might not see someone for months or even years and then i think of them one night and then run into them on the street the next day. and things like that. the way i choose my directions in life sometimes feels like it has the same similar bizarre qualities to me. it doesn't make sense to me why those things happen so i connect to them in a spiritual sort of way i guess.
I'm atheist/secular humanist, and not spiritual at all. I really enjoy thinking about impossible and magical things though.
I'm an agnostic.

I don't really believe in spirituality, though I admit to having studied astrology and tarot cards... just to see if they worked.

They didn't, but they had many interesting symbols and archetypes that seemed like they could be useful for describing the nature of people. In fact, I ended up recalling that Jung had studied those things when coming up with his typology.
The great work

The subject of the mind, as opposed to the brain, deals with abstract concepts.

Perhaps some of these concepts will be fleshed out in time by neuroscience. Some things are difficult to quantify though.

Does this mean these ideas and processes shouldn't be explored?

There is a tug and pull between intuition and rationalism. Different systems promise ways to cut that cord.

Newton was a scientist and occultist who gave a name to a mysterious magical force: gravity. The occult has always allowed people room to manouvre intellectually in what was often an oppressively religious climate. Unlike conventional wisdom (whether religious or scientific) the occult leaves the door open to new possibilities.

MBTI has its origins in occult knowledge. Carl Jung plumbed the depths of the human mind with analytical psychology. Esoteric knowledge has formed an undercurrent of thought which has occaisionally sprung forth through the ideas of philosophers, scientists and mystics.

For an example of how old some of these personality theories are see:

Even without a supernatural interpretation, esoteric knowledge can provide a method/system by which someone can gain greater self knowledge.

In a way everyone on this forum is an occultist seeking greater insight into themselves and each other.

The occult dimension to human activity is a fascinating one but one which is often missinterpreted, sensationalised or ignored.

For example those following a literal interpretation of religious texts are depriving themselves of the opportunity to delve into a tantalising world of symbolism, metaphor and veiled meaning.
I feel weird not being spiritual when I see that many of you believe in magic and mysticism... :m083:

I just wanted to know if there where others like me...
I'm agnostic(I don't believe we can prove that god exists or not), non-spiritual, I don't believe in the human spirit and I don't believe in the mystic concept of "energy".

I do feel extreme emotions, euphoria and so on, but I just view emotions as a result of the brain and nothing else.

PS omg, I love these little monkeys animations :m043:

I suppose I don't really consider myself spiritual either. I do not believe that there is actual magic occurring in the air. I am not religious, I am not agnostic, I am not an atheist. The idea of a higher power simply does not make sense to me so I don't even bother even thinking about it.

I like the idea of the spiritual and mystical, although I do not believe in it in the tangible sense. I believe the powers of the mind are at strong, and that religion, spirituality, mysticism, etc, all exist within it.

As for "energy," how one defines it makes it either believable or not believable. For example, I think of the "energy" of someone close who has died as simply the memory of the person, and sometimes actions resulting by those memores (carrying on a tradition, let's say). I consider this remembrance, and mood carried by these memories as "energy."
OK I seriously want to own that furry piece of fur in OP's avatar.

I find it strange when I see non spiritual INFJs XD. Not that theres anything wrong with that, but we tend to be very spiritually inclined.

I also believe we cannot prove God exists through Man's methods, but I don't think that should stop him from existing, or me believing in him. I mean whats the worse that can happen, I lose a few sundays a year? I am a nicer person? If I die and nothing happens, thats that. Hurrever, if I die and I go to heaven. Well lets just say, I get dibs on the nice house.

In all seriousness, I'm a very pascals wager kind of guy. I sincerely believe God died for me, and while I've personally never witnessed God first hand, my intuition is off the charts that he exists.
I feel weird not being spiritual when I see that many of you believe in magic and mysticism...

It's certainly not something you should feel weird about, leviathans. I refer to myself as pantheistic and follow a particular spiritual path, but I am atheistic (the word "atheist" is a loaded gun that I like to avoid when possible). Like invisible said, spirituality isn't so much an intense emotional experience for me as it is a kind of logical intuition that directs me and connects me to everything else.

Point being, I know what it's like to not believe in something when others don't (or tell you that you should). Obviously, I have a drive to be spiritual, and that's probably alien to you, but it doesn't mean we're really that different or that you're somehow less of a person for not having that drive. I sometimes wish I didn't, but then I realize that it's effective and beneficial for me. It's clearly neither for you, and that's okay. :)
I do not know, and I care, but not that much. Reiki is very interesting. But I do not believe in magic.

Just FYI, this sub-forum did not originally come into existence in order to meet the collaborative needs of the community here, and its existence should not reflect on the beliefs of the members of this forum. This sub-forum was created by and for a former administrator in their own interest. If you look at the threads, all except for three are particularly dated.

My point is that you should not feel weird for not being spiritual; I think that puts you closer to how most people are here.