ANOTHER perfect way to quit your job...

Haha, that was epic. She even understood no one would bother if it wasn't in picture form either :P.

Girl gets props from me. Hey-Yeah!
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That must have taken a long time to do. Awesome!
That must have taken a long time to do. Awesome!

I say it probably took her at least half the morning. And what an awesome Monday morning that must've been!
Poor girl. She worked so hard, and put up with so much, thinking she'd get to be a broker... when all that time, he wasn't going to help her at all, but was just keeping her around thinking she was something nice to look at.


She made the right choice in quitting, though.
This way is better than the other way.
Grabbing a beer and jumping out of a plane still wins. Seriously, this is a pussies way out.
Grabbing a beer and jumping out of a plane still wins. Seriously, this is a pussies way out.

Perhaps she'll get together with the plane-jumper dude and they will have two epic plane-jumping with whiteboard children.
Furthermore, I suspect she's got quite the queue of job offers already (hopefully with more qualitative persons)
It's a hoax.

Aww. That's disappointing. Still, fiction mirrors real life, right? I suppose a similar variation of it could come true someday. Hmm. :m083:

Also, I've tried my best to refrain from writing this, but I have failed: Why the hell does the acronym switch from HOPA to HPOA?

I guess it's nit-picking, but it bothers me in an obsessive-compulsive sort of way. *twitch*
It was implied it sounded like hopa and she had to scramble the letters to hpoa to make the phrase make sense... People fucking up acronym pronunciation is all.
Aww, that IS sad... it's like watching one of those movie theater commercials where people are cutting loose and tooling around on their office chairs having fun and dancing in the street and other seemingly awesome things... only to have a coca-cola logo plastered over it at the end, as if life is meaningless without soda.

*sniffle* ... but now that I think about it, she did seem awfully familiar