It must be ISTP week on INFJf
Ohhh you just gave me a great idea.
aghhhh, another ISTP thread... time to run awayyyy, lol.
well, I am going to consider this question while I am working today. Good thread topic!
I don't know if any of my past friends where ISTP.
If I HAVE had ISTP friends and they had strengths, I guarantee that some form of them have influenced me.
Oh cool, another post on here Wow, it is amazing how similar what you wrote is to my experience. Almost to a T. Well, the part about talking a lot is different with me and my ISTP though. I think he influences me with all of the same good qualities you listed, Crabby, and I have the same complaints. And I completely identify with this:
"I actually like how ISTPs praise so rarely- it makes it more special when they do. And I ADORE their ultra honesty- so appreciated. I love how ISTPs save their sensitive/caring/sweet side for important people- I think that is honorable, and it makes you feel even more wonderful when you earn the ability to be one of those trusted, important people. And, I find it ADORABLE when ISTPs start listing off data and facts about something. I can't really focus on what they are saying because I am trying not to laugh because it is so cute!" Well, I completely identify with it, except, being close to him makes the lack of positive feedback overwhelming sometimes. That's a difference between being friends and being in a relationship I guess.
Yeah, not knowing what he's thinking or feeling about you is exactly it... he probably doesn't know what he's feeling, or even whether he's feeling anything, either... if he's like my bf. Just kinda knows he really likes talking to you and doesn't analyze it much. It's pretty cool you understand all the qualities in him...
I'm not sure about the monotone voice... I'd describe it more as a consistently adamant, debating kind of voice... he talks very fast paced (slightly anxious I think) and sometimes is hard to understand because of it. He's very outgoing in groups and talks the same way with others as with me.
As far as the overwhelming feelings, yes, he had an uncontrolled crying outburst once, though not really inappropriate... I think I'll refrain from explaining too much private stuff here on the odd chance he ever decides to read this. He says he's learned to control his emotions more as he gets older and that he doesn't feel negative emotions (aagh- a little too much control methinks). I wouldn't say he did anything inappropriate as far as anger or love. Things were passionate at the beginning of our relationship, but not over the top. If you're hoping your buddy shows some feelings for you... I wish you the best !