An Afterlife


Right the First Time!
Do you believe in an afterlife? and how does your dis/belief affect the way you live right now?

Are you holding off for the main course?

Or is this the big event and you're savouring every bite?
I tend (hesitantly) to believe there may be some continuation or probably rebirth of our consciousness after our bodies die, but I haven't decided on a scenario that makes sense to me yet. It's a work in progress.

It doesn't significantly impact how I live my life. I don't dread death, but I feel compelled to utilize what I feel are the better, more noble aspects of my character in this life while at the same time relinquishing my hold on things (feelings, ideas, possessions, acts) that sometimes seem petty when I imagine the scope of what consciousness might be beyond this life. I'm not always successful at this, but the impulse is always there.

I don't believe in Heaven or Hell as they have been explained to me, and I'm skeptical of some explanations of reincarnation that incorporate an intact consciousness.
Too close to be a religious thread and I dun wanna enter thoose. BUT ok ...

I'm not sure if god(s) exists or not. Prolly, maybe, who really _knows_. Only thing i really belive in is reincarnation, souls, evolution and "karma" or w/e you want to call it. I think christians call it "the golden rule".

So after death, the soul is getting "checked" you will be rebourn if it's not "clean" and you will redo this hell.
I'm uncomfortable with religious debate myself (and had to bow out of my few attempts when I first joined this forum) but since everybody dies (regardless of religion or lack thereof) I don't feel that any discussion of an afterlife necessarily requires religion to be addressed :)
I basically believe that this life is all we have, after we die it goes back to what it was like before we were born, just nothingness, nonexistence. So we have to cherish every moment we have, because it is the only chance we will ever get. Every minute is precious and I should not take away or harm the lives of others because I can realise how precious, fragile and fleeting their time on earth is. No second chances, this is it, the grand event, so enjoy it while it lasts and let others enjoy theirs too.
What about the weird happenings surrounding ghosts and the paranormal? There were some weird happenings going on where i used to live when i was younger.

So I do beleive something happens after someone dies, something maybe like and impression of ernergies. Hard to explain, but i belive it lol
I firmly believe in an afterlife. I believe that people reincarnate many many times (not nesscerrarly in this world) to further learn and gather information. I have no idea what the ultimate greater goal of the universe is for doing this, but I am ok with not knowing what that is. I know at least a bit of what is going on in our world so that is good enough for me for now. It would imposible to know it all.

In all honesty, from what I have seen, thought, and felt throughout my life so far. It would be impossible for me to not believe in an afterlife. It just seems so illogical for there not to be one.

What about the weird happenings surrounding ghosts and the paranormal? There were some weird happenings going on where i used to live when i was younger.

People say that seeing is believing. Though, it dosen't always have to be :)
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In all honesty, from what I have seen, thought, and felt throughout my life so far. It would be impossible for me to not believe in an afterlife. It just seems so illogical for there not to be one.

How so? It seems the opposite to me.
How so? It seems the opposite to me.

Everyone has there own experiences. I have seen and felt powerful forces in my life that have proven for me personally in the afterlife and much of what relates to it.
I haven't seen anything other than the very natural, sucks to be me.. :m080:
I haven't seen anything other than the very natural, sucks to be me.. :m080:

I have always believed in it as far back as I can remember. It just naturally makes sense to me. That like has drawn a lot of that to me.
I believe in the Buddhist concept of rebirth; a little different from reincarnation, "The consciousness arising in the new person is neither identical to, nor different from, the old consciousness, but forms part of a causal continuum or stream with it."

I can't bring myself to believe we only get one life because some people are live happier, healthier, easier lives. Why am I lucky and prosperous when there are people suffering in third world countries? By absurd chance? They may never get a chance to be rewarded for their hard work?

How do my beliefs effect me in this life? I try to be ethical and cultivate good karma... At intervals- prone to relapse but heck aren't we all.

Sometimes I like to believe my empathy is rooted in some sort of store I have been in their shoes before many lives ago. I'd like to think we all get a chance at experiencing all of it otherwise that's not fair. :P The more we learn, the quicker the intuitive understanding in the next life. Always anticipating novelty...that's me!
Oh good, another australian. I was worried there were too many new zealanders coming in.

I think that the Nac Mac Feegles might be right. Other worlds, Other adventures.
I can't bring myself to believe we only get one life because some people are live happier, healthier, easier lives. Why am I lucky and prosperous when there are people suffering in third world countries? By absurd chance?

In my opinion some people are born into favourable environments, others aren't. There's no "why" to it, that's life.

They may never get a chance to be rewarded for their hard work?

Yes, and that's sad but something being sad doesn't make it any less true to me.
I firmly believe in an afterlife. I believe that people reincarnate many many times (not nesscerrarly in this world) to further learn and gather information. I have no idea what the ultimate greater goal of the universe is for doing this, but I am ok with not knowing what that is. I know at least a bit of what is going on in our world so that is good enough for me for now. It would imposible to know it all.

In all honesty, from what I have seen, thought, and felt throughout my life so far. It would be impossible for me to not believe in an afterlife. It just seems so illogical for there not to be one.

Totally. This can't be the best there is.

Even if it's great.
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I believe that life continues after our bodies have died.
We are like machines which have been blown alive.
None of us asked life, it's a gift, and I think we should
enjoy it in every second.
If the life doesn't continue in this world, I think it does
in some form.
Maybe our energy/soul/consciousness returns to where it came from
or it'll find a new home from somewhere in the universe.
I believe there is a place after this, and I don't like to label it as the "afterlife" because I think this life is a small side note in a never ending story. Same as Zen, I don't believe in the typical "heaven" or "hell"... The result of that is actually quite wonderful, I feel myself to be a better person than when I was religious. And actually, I hold myself more accountable because I don't rely on anyone to tell me what I should believe, what is "correct", or "logical". It's a wonderful freedom. :)
Yea i agree that our energy has to go somewhere...the question is where? or what?

Law of Conservation of Energy says matter is never created or destroyed, but just changes our matter and energy (energy is just another form of matter) must simply change shape...?

I think of all living things as giving off a vibration that is relative to their energies...when we pass away, the vibration must change and our consciousness must shift accordingly in some fashion...

i like theories of reincarnation but I am open minded about what that means exactly.

i don't believe in heaven and hell other than the reality we make for ourselves on Earth, at every moment.
I'm more concerned with making my own heaven right here. I want to leave this world in better shape than I entered it.

*goes back to eating Doritos and reading web comics*